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===Light & Vision===
===Light & Vision===

- Light Level
'''Light Level'''
- Brilliance
* Brilliance
- So bright you must squint to see.
** So bright you must squint to see.
- -2 to attack, defense, and saving throws.
** -2 to attack, defense, and saving throws.
- Search checks take twice as long, or suffer -1 if conducted at the normal rate.
** Search checks take twice as long, or increase difficulty a level (1 die size) if conducted at the normal rate.
- Bright Light
* Bright Light
- Comparable to daylight.
** Comparable to daylight.
- Dim Light
* Dim Light
- Shadowy and indistinct.  Too dark to read, make out most fine detail or color, and often to identify individuals from more than close proximity.
** Shadowy and indistinct.  Too dark to read, make out most fine detail / color, and identify unfamiliar individuals.
- -2 to ranged attacks or saves against ranged effects.
** -2 to ranged attacks or saves against ranged effects.
- Darkness
** Search checks take twice as long, or increase difficulty a level (1 die size) if conducted at the normal rate
- Full darkness.
*** Some things may be impossible to perceive, e.g. you might notice writing but be unable to read it.
- Obscuration
* Darkness
- Light
** Full darkness.
- Thin mist / rain / snow / smoke, sparse vegetation or a light crowd.  Only with Hide in Shadows can one remain hidden.
** Blinded (-4 to attack, defense, and saving throws).
- -2 to ranged attacks or saves against ranged effects.
- Search checks take twice as long, or suffer -1 if conducted at the normal rate.
- Heavy
* Light
- Thick mist or smoke, driving snow or rain, dense vegetation, or a heavy crowd.  Adequate for anyone to hide in.   
** Thin mist / rain / snow / smoke, sparse vegetation or a light crowd.  Can remain concealed only with Hide in Shadows.
- Individuals are Blinded (perhaps able to see things held within a foot or two).
** -2 to ranged attacks or saves against ranged effects.
- Sources of Illumination
** Search as Dim Light.
- Candle
* Heavy
- Burns for 3 Turns.  5' Bright Light, 10' Dim Light.
** Thick mist or smoke, driving snow or rain, dense vegetation, or a heavy crowd.  Adequate for anyone to hide in.   
- Thicker, heavier, longer-lasting candles can be purchased.
** Blinded (-4 to attack, defense, and saving throws).  Might be able to see things within a foot or two.
- Torch
- Burns for 6 Turns.  20' Bright Light, 20' Dim Light.
'''Sources of Illumination'''
- Lantern
* Candle
- Burns 1 pint of oil every 4 hours (24 Turns).  20' Bright Light, 20' Dim Light.
** Burns for 3 Turns.  20' Light
- Hooded: can be shielded, reducing light to as much as 5' of Dim Light.
** Thicker, heavier, longer-lasting candles can be purchased at great cost.
- Bullseye: illuminates double its normal ranges, in a 60 degree arc.
* Torch
- Darkvision
** Burns for 6 Turns.  40' Bright Light
- Dim Light is treated as Bright Light, and Darkness up to the vision's range is treated as Dim Light. Disrupted if in Bright Light, permitting only normal sight.
* Lantern
** Burns 1 pint of oil every 4 hours (24 Turns).  30' Light
** Hooded: can be shielded, reducing light to as little as 5' of Dim Light.
** Bullseye: 80' Light in a 10' beam (15 degree arc)
* Darkvision
** Dim Light is treated as Bright Light, and Darkness up to the vision's range is treated as Dim Light.
** Disrupted if in Bright Light, permitting only normal sight.

===Exploration Movement===
===Exploration Movement===
* Use the slowest speed among the party members.
* Choose a pace, and use the speed of the slowest party member.
* Choose a pace, which they cover every Dungeon Turn:
** Cautious: (10 x Speed) feet / Turn
** Cautious: (10 x Speed) feet / Turn
*** Normal surprise chances, mapping, checking for traps and details.
*** Normal surprise chances, mapping, checking for traps and details.
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- Levels of Search
- Glance
- Inspect
- Rifle
- Toss
- Ransack
- Search
- Basic examination of a room of moderate size usually takes 1 Turn.  Bigger or more cluttered ones may take more.
- Carefully searching a 10' x 10' x 10' area (or three 10x panels of wall) takes 1 Turn and assumes at least Rifling.  Up to 2 people can search the same space at the same time.
- Roll Spot vs 7 to notice a secret door or compartment when searching.
- The same space can be searched as many times as desired.
- Targeted diegetic searching can take place much more quickly and may avoid stumbling into dangers that would be touched in a generic search roll.
- Modifier
- -1 to notice a secret door just Glancing from within 10'  (impossible for unskilled humans)
- +1 to notice concealed but non-secret doors
- Listen
- Listening at a door or passage for faint noises takes 1 Turn and requires the party to be still and quiet.  Up to 2 people can listen at a door at the same time.

'''Levels of Search'''
* Glance (what you get from walking by; doesn't require touching, quick, silent)
* Inspect (examining in detail from up close; doesn't require touching, silent)
* Rifle (move / open things, pull out chairs, look under tables; requires touching)
* Toss (open everything, sort through everything, turn things over; requires touching, time-consuming, moderately noisy)
* Ransack (break furniture and wall panels looking for secrets, rip open cushions, etc; requires touching, quite noisy and time-consuming)
* Basic examination of a room of moderate size usually takes 1 Turn (at the level of Inspecting).  Bigger or more cluttered spaces may take longer.
* A 10' x 10' x 10' area can be carefully searched (assumes at least Rifling) for secrets (doors, compartments, etc).
** It takes (Dificulty / Search) Turns to complete (e.g. 6 Turns for most characters w/ Search 1 to find a "normal" secret door, 3 Turns for elves or goblins with Search 2, etc).
** Two people can search the same space at the same time (more would get in each other's way).  To find the reduced time, determine how long each would take alone, sum, and divide by 4.
** Targeted diegetic searching can take place much more quickly (immediate success or an effective Search skill bonus) and/or may avoid stumbling into dangers that would be touched in a generic search.
* Difficuly
** Easy (4): crude secret doors or concealed but non-secret doors
** Average (6): "ordinary" secret doors and compartments
** Hard (8): cunningly made secrets

* Listening at a door or passage for faint noises takes 1 Turn and requires the party to be still and quiet.
* Up to 2 people can listen at a door or passageway at the same time.

- Brief
- 1 Turn / 10 minutes of no more than light activity (resting, talking, reading, easy searching, routine gear maintenance). Interruption restarts the count.
- Short
- 1 hour of no more than light activity in a situation of at least moderate safety (e.g. not in a thoroughfare, or with enemies known lurking around). Interruption restarts the count.
- Each member should have access to food and drink, but not enough is consumed to decrement the supply.  If either is lacking, the party member must make a CON check vs 3 to benefit from the rest.  If both are lacking, make the check vs 5.
- Long
- 8 hours of sleep in a situation of at least moderate safety.  Can be taken no more than once per 24 hours.  Depending on conditions, a CON check may be required to benefit from the rest.
- Casters require 8 uninterrupted hours to focus enough to rebuild any mana.
- Others can break their rest up into two 4 hour spans, allowing for a turn at watch.
- Each individual consumes food and drink.
- Camping Conditions
- Easy (no check needed), Moderate (vs 4), Difficult (vs 6), Impossible (vs 8)
- Bedding, Tent, and Campfire: see Dolmenwood rules (pg 159)
- Treat a standard dank dungeon as Spring / Autumn.  Notably warm areas treat as Summer, and cold ones as Winter.
- Lack of Food (-2), Lack of Water (-4), Intermittent Sleep (-1), Miserable Environment (-1 or more)
- Bolstering the Party (optional: each success gives +1).
- Cooking: one cook can make a WIS check vs 4 to make a hearty meal, given fire or other necessities.  If failed with a roll of 1, save vs Doom or waste the rations used.  Firelight, cooking smells, etc might attract attention.
- Camaraderie: one entertainer can make a CHA check vs 4 to liven things with banter, music, stories, etc.  If failed with a roll of 1, save vs Doom or the mood sours, giving -1 to rest CON checks instead.  The noise might attract attention.

'''Brief Rest'''
* 1 Turn / 10 minutes of no more than light activity (resting, talking, reading, easy searching, routine gear maintenance). Interruption restarts the count.
'''Short Rest'''
* 1 hour of no more than light activity in a situation of at least moderate safety (e.g. not in a thoroughfare, or with enemies known lurking around). Interruption restarts the count.
** Adverse conditions may prevent adequate rest.
*** Members need food and drink, but not enough is consumed to decrement the supply.

Natural Healing
'''Spell Recovery'''
* 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep (may be part of a Long Rest) or focused meditation.  Interruption restarts the count.
** Any adverse conditions prevent meditation.  While meditating, you have a +1 chance to be surprised.
* Casters refresh any expended spell slots (spell preparation is done separately).

'''Long Rest'''
* 8 hours of sleep in a situation of at least moderate safety.  Can be taken no more than once per 24 hours.
** Adverse conditions may prevent adequate rest.
* Gain 1d3+CON hp from natural healing.
** Spending an entire day in a settlement in ease and leisure doubles natural healing.
* Casters refresh any expended spell slots (spell preparation is done separately).

'''Adverse Conditions'''
* Getting adequate rest is automatic unless there are adverse conditions.
* With conditions, each character must make a Con check vs (2 + 2 per condition).
* Conditions
** Lack of food, lack of water (2x), no bedding (e.g. bedroll), very hot/cold, stench/filth/vermin, excessive noise, accursed ambience, etc
** Conditions can be negate through suitable action (making a fire for warmth, using magic to drive off vermin, etc).

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* A Medium-sized creature consumes the air in a 10' cube per Turn.  Double or halve the amount needed for each size larger or smaller.
* A Medium-sized creature consumes the air in a 10' cube per Turn.  Double or halve the amount needed for each size larger or smaller.
* You can hold your breath for (Constitution) rounds of activity, if given a chance to prepare, or 1/3rd of that if suddenly unable to breath (e.g. suddenly choked or pulled underwater).
* You can hold your breath for (Constitution) rounds of activity, if given a chance to prepare, or 1/3rd of that if suddenly unable to breath (e.g. suddenly choked or pulled underwater).
* Remaining still and calm halves the rate of air consumption.
** Remaining still and calm halves the rate of air consumption.
* Once out of air, gain 2 Fatigue per round.
** Once out of air, gain 2 Fatigue per round.
* Once able to breath again, recover 2 fatigue per Brief Rest.
* Once able to breath again, recover 2 fatigue per Brief Rest.

Latest revision as of 23:00, 29 March 2024

Arden-Vul > Rules > Exploration


Light & Vision

Light Level

  • Brilliance
    • So bright you must squint to see.
    • -2 to attack, defense, and saving throws.
    • Search checks take twice as long, or increase difficulty a level (1 die size) if conducted at the normal rate.
  • Bright Light
    • Comparable to daylight.
  • Dim Light
    • Shadowy and indistinct. Too dark to read, make out most fine detail / color, and identify unfamiliar individuals.
    • -2 to ranged attacks or saves against ranged effects.
    • Search checks take twice as long, or increase difficulty a level (1 die size) if conducted at the normal rate
      • Some things may be impossible to perceive, e.g. you might notice writing but be unable to read it.
  • Darkness
    • Full darkness.
    • Blinded (-4 to attack, defense, and saving throws).


  • Light
    • Thin mist / rain / snow / smoke, sparse vegetation or a light crowd. Can remain concealed only with Hide in Shadows.
    • -2 to ranged attacks or saves against ranged effects.
    • Search as Dim Light.
  • Heavy
    • Thick mist or smoke, driving snow or rain, dense vegetation, or a heavy crowd. Adequate for anyone to hide in.
    • Blinded (-4 to attack, defense, and saving throws). Might be able to see things within a foot or two.

Sources of Illumination

  • Candle
    • Burns for 3 Turns. 20' Light
    • Thicker, heavier, longer-lasting candles can be purchased at great cost.
  • Torch
    • Burns for 6 Turns. 40' Bright Light
  • Lantern
    • Burns 1 pint of oil every 4 hours (24 Turns). 30' Light
    • Hooded: can be shielded, reducing light to as little as 5' of Dim Light.
    • Bullseye: 80' Light in a 10' beam (15 degree arc)
  • Darkvision
    • Dim Light is treated as Bright Light, and Darkness up to the vision's range is treated as Dim Light.
    • Disrupted if in Bright Light, permitting only normal sight.

Exploration Movement

  • Choose a pace, and use the speed of the slowest party member.
    • Cautious: (10 x Speed) feet / Turn
      • Normal surprise chances, mapping, checking for traps and details.
    • Walking: (50 x Speed) feet / Turn
      • Can't surprise, +1 to be surprised, won't notice details, can't map.
    • Running: (100 x Speed) feet / Turn
      • Can't surprise, +2 to be surprised, won't notice details, can't map, may lose track of where you are if not careful.


Levels of Search

  • Glance (what you get from walking by; doesn't require touching, quick, silent)
  • Inspect (examining in detail from up close; doesn't require touching, silent)
  • Rifle (move / open things, pull out chairs, look under tables; requires touching)
  • Toss (open everything, sort through everything, turn things over; requires touching, time-consuming, moderately noisy)
  • Ransack (break furniture and wall panels looking for secrets, rip open cushions, etc; requires touching, quite noisy and time-consuming)


  • Basic examination of a room of moderate size usually takes 1 Turn (at the level of Inspecting). Bigger or more cluttered spaces may take longer.
  • A 10' x 10' x 10' area can be carefully searched (assumes at least Rifling) for secrets (doors, compartments, etc).
    • It takes (Dificulty / Search) Turns to complete (e.g. 6 Turns for most characters w/ Search 1 to find a "normal" secret door, 3 Turns for elves or goblins with Search 2, etc).
    • Two people can search the same space at the same time (more would get in each other's way). To find the reduced time, determine how long each would take alone, sum, and divide by 4.
    • Targeted diegetic searching can take place much more quickly (immediate success or an effective Search skill bonus) and/or may avoid stumbling into dangers that would be touched in a generic search.
  • Difficuly
    • Easy (4): crude secret doors or concealed but non-secret doors
    • Average (6): "ordinary" secret doors and compartments
    • Hard (8): cunningly made secrets


  • Listening at a door or passage for faint noises takes 1 Turn and requires the party to be still and quiet.
  • Up to 2 people can listen at a door or passageway at the same time.


Brief Rest

  • 1 Turn / 10 minutes of no more than light activity (resting, talking, reading, easy searching, routine gear maintenance). Interruption restarts the count.

Short Rest

  • 1 hour of no more than light activity in a situation of at least moderate safety (e.g. not in a thoroughfare, or with enemies known lurking around). Interruption restarts the count.
    • Adverse conditions may prevent adequate rest.
      • Members need food and drink, but not enough is consumed to decrement the supply.

Spell Recovery

  • 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep (may be part of a Long Rest) or focused meditation. Interruption restarts the count.
    • Any adverse conditions prevent meditation. While meditating, you have a +1 chance to be surprised.
  • Casters refresh any expended spell slots (spell preparation is done separately).

Long Rest

  • 8 hours of sleep in a situation of at least moderate safety. Can be taken no more than once per 24 hours.
    • Adverse conditions may prevent adequate rest.
  • Gain 1d3+CON hp from natural healing.
    • Spending an entire day in a settlement in ease and leisure doubles natural healing.
  • Casters refresh any expended spell slots (spell preparation is done separately).

Adverse Conditions

  • Getting adequate rest is automatic unless there are adverse conditions.
  • With conditions, each character must make a Con check vs (2 + 2 per condition).
  • Conditions
    • Lack of food, lack of water (2x), no bedding (e.g. bedroll), very hot/cold, stench/filth/vermin, excessive noise, accursed ambience, etc
    • Conditions can be negate through suitable action (making a fire for warmth, using magic to drive off vermin, etc).



  • 1d6 damage per 10' fallen.
  • If falling beside a wall or down a steep slope that could be used to slow one's fall (grabbing at ledges, vegetation, sliding, etc), roll DEX vs 5 to halve damage taken.
  • Half damage or less if landing on a sufficiently soft surface.


  • A Medium-sized creature consumes the air in a 10' cube per Turn. Double or halve the amount needed for each size larger or smaller.
  • You can hold your breath for (Constitution) rounds of activity, if given a chance to prepare, or 1/3rd of that if suddenly unable to breath (e.g. suddenly choked or pulled underwater).
    • Remaining still and calm halves the rate of air consumption.
    • Once out of air, gain 2 Fatigue per round.
  • Once able to breath again, recover 2 fatigue per Brief Rest.