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(Power 3, 1 action, 120', conc (1 min))
(Power 3, 1 action, 120', conc (1 min))

Revision as of 06:04, 17 April 2022

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Temporal Shift

Haste (Power 3, 1 action, 120', conc (1 min)) Choose 1: (30' range) A willing creature gains 2x Speed, +2 defense, +A on Dex saves, and an extra action each turn. This action can't be used to multi-attack and the subject is still prevented from more than 1 spell casting / magic item activation and 1 cantrip casting per turn. When the spell ends, the subject is Stunned until the end of their next turn, overcome by lethargy. Time runs at double speed within a 10' diameter sphere. On casting, the volume can be halved repeatedly, each time doubling the rate of flow. Only inanimate objects and forces are affected, and only if the majority of them is within the sphere. Fast time does not increase the energy of forces, just their rate of progress (a falling stone does not hit harder, a flame consuming fuel twice as fast is no hotter). Dispel (as Dispel Magic) a hindering or slowing effect.

Slow (Power 3, 1 action, 120', conc (1 min)) Choose 1: Up to 6 targets within 40' of one another must Spirit save or suffer 1/2x Speed, -2 defense, +D on Dex saves, and be Dazed. A target cannot make more than one attack per turn, even if it normally could with an action. Spells with a casting time of 1 bonus or 1 action have a 50% chance of requiring a matching action on the following turn to complete them. The Spirit save can be repeated at the end of each turn to throw off the effects. Time runs at half speed within a 10' diameter sphere, or the volume can be halved repeatedly, each time halving the rate of flow. Only inanimate objects and forces are affected, and only if the majority of them is within the sphere (e.g. a 10 lb rock falling would be affected, but a person jumping aside would not. A huge boulder larger than the area of effect would not be affected). Dispel (as Dispel Magic) a speeding effect.

(put with Catelepsy? Haste/Slow in Time Bending?) Sequester Gentle Repose (Power 2+, 1 action, touch) Choose 1: Preservations: unliving organic matter touched (corpse, food, wooden object, etc) is protected from mundane decay for (Power x 5) days. Protected corpses can't rise as undead.

???Time Stop?

blip into the future? step out of time for a while siderial-like time rollback? Blink (Power 3, 1 action, self, 1 minute, dismiss (action)) At the end of each of your turns, roll d20. On an 11+, you vanish into the astral until the start of your next turn (or the spell ends), at which point you reappear in an unoccupied spot of your choice within 10' of where you vanished from. If there is none, you reappear in the nearest unoccupied spot , chosen randomly if there are multiple such places. Through a pinprick in reality, you can perceive the world up to 60' from where you left, but in only shades of grey. You can only interact and be interacted with by other things in the astral, or which span both worlds.