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* Beings with strength equal or lower than the aura cannot enter it, or attack or use powers on targets within it.
* Beings with strength equal or lower than the aura cannot enter it, or attack or use powers on targets within it.

** If the theurge is within the aura when a stronger being challenges it in one of these ways, they can sense the being's strength.  As a free action, they may bolster the aura by +1 strength per mana spent.  If not strengthened enough, the being overcomes the aura and is immune to the theurge's Turning for 24 hours.
** If within the aura when a stronger being challenges it in one of these ways, the theurge can sense the being's strength.  As a free action, they may bolster the aura by +1 strength per mana spent.  If not strengthened enough, the being overcomes the aura and is immune to the theurge's Turning for 24 hours.

** If a stronger being challenges the aura in one of these ways, if the theurge is present within the aura, they can sense the being's strength and may bolster the aura by +1 strength per mana spent, as a free action.  If the aura is not strengthened enough, the being overcomes it and is immune to the theurge's Turning for 24 hours.
** A being's innate qualities might still affect those within the aura (an aura of stench, horrifying visage, etc); it's will is what is affected.
** A being's innate qualities might still affect those within the aura (an aura of stench, horrifying visage, etc); it's will is what is affected.

Revision as of 23:20, 5 December 2022

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Theurgy


Turn the Eldritch

  • (Power 0, 1 action, 30' radius, self, 1 minute)
  • You create a consecrated aura around yourself, with strength = d20 + (theurge level + SPT).
    • The aura flows around corners and objects, and penetrates thin barriers (doors, interior wooden floors, tower shields). It is centered on a chosen Instrument of your Panoply, which can be left behind, anchoring the aura for the duration.
    • Eldritch beings include undead, demons, elementals, and divine beings.  They have strength = (12 + target level + SPT).
  • Beings with strength equal or lower than the aura cannot enter it, or attack or use powers on targets within it.
    • If within the aura when a stronger being challenges it in one of these ways, the theurge can sense the being's strength. As a free action, they may bolster the aura by +1 strength per mana spent. If not strengthened enough, the being overcomes the aura and is immune to the theurge's Turning for 24 hours.
    • A being's innate qualities might still affect those within the aura (an aura of stench, horrifying visage, etc); it's will is what is affected.
  • If an affected being ends up within the aura (when it is first raised, the aura moves toward them, etc), they feel a compulsion to withdraw as expediently as possible, but not so strong as to force them into serious danger to do so.
    • Once clear of the aura, beings that aren't particularly driven, intelligent, or commanded might simply depart in distaste. Otherwise they may hang around and wait for the power to fade (though they can be turned again if they return).

- innate spell of all theurges

World Affinities

Divine Bond

This Affinity may be taken up to 3 times. Each one allows you to have +1 Divine Bond level, above your normal maximum of (cleric levels).


Spare The Dying (Power 0, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch): make a Spirit check to stabilize a dying creature as if you had a Healer's Kit (but did not expend a usage). Apply modifiers you would get to normal healing checks.

Cure Wounds (Power 1+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch): heals (Power)d6 + (Power) HP to a creature. If cast as part of a Short Rest, excess healing can restore 1 Life per 2 HP. If cast as part of a Long Rest (only the single most powerful healing spell is applied), it is added to your natural healing for Wounds.

Healing Word (Power 1+, instant, 1 bonus, range 60'): heals one living creature (Power)d4 HP, or up to six living creatures (Power-2)d4 HP.


Cure Condition (Power 1+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch): remove (Power-1) temporary physical conditions, such as deafened, paralyzed, blinded. At Power 1 or counting as one condition, you can remove 10 Wind, Heat, Cold, Hunger and/or Thirst (forms of Fatigue) Thirst and Hunger can only be cured if the subject has had at least a half ration of food and drink. Other forms of Fatigue (mostly magical Drains and the like) may be affected, usually at a less than 1-to-1 rate.

Cure Malady (Power 1+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch): attempt to treat a disease or poison with Spirit and a +(5 x Power) bonus. If the net bonus is +10 or more, the cure is instant; otherwise it counts as one successful Save against the malady (which may require 1 or more successes over time).


Break Curse (Power 3+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch): attempt to break a curse, lift a magical / spiritual affliction such as petrification, transformation, life drain, etc, or disenchant a cursed object. Use Spirit with a bonus of +(5 x Power). It is much harder to destroy a cursed object than to break the object's link to a person.

Dispel Magic (Power 3+, instant, 1 action, range 120'): targets one creature, object, or magical effect, removing all transient magical effects of equal or lower Power. Each effects of higher Power requires a (caster level + dispel's Power) vs (caster level + target's Power) check to dispel.


Spare The Dying (Power 0, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch): make a Spirit check to stabilize a dying creature as if you had a Healer's Kit (but did not expend a usage). Apply modifiers you would get to normal healing checks.

Revivify (Power 3, instant, 1 "living" creature, touch, 300 gp of ritual materials): you restore life to a creature that has died within the last minute whose soul is at liberty. They have 0 hp and retain any Wounds and Life damage. It can't restore those dead of old age and does not return missing body parts.

Restore Life and Limb (Power 5, instant, 10 minutes, 1 living (or formerly living) creature, touch, 500 gp of ritual materials): restores the body to a pristine state (healing all Wounds and Life, regrowing lost limbs, removing scars, etc). It cannot regrow a head, but it can reattach a severed one. If the subject is dead, for (Power-4 x 10) days or less and not of old age, and their soul is at willing and able to return, roll on the Tampering With Mortality table. Assuming all goes well, the subject is restored to life.


Mending (Power 0+, instant, 1 action, touch): pieces of an object of up to (Power+2) load are bonded back together, and minor wear and tear is cleansed. An object reduced to splinters, dust, or which is missing significant amounts of material is beyond repair.

Purify Food and Drink (Power 1, instant, 1 action, self): all non-magical food and drink within 5' is purified of poison, rot, and other mundane pathogens.

Purify Environment (Power 2+, instant, 1 action, range 30'): the air and water in a (Power x 10') radius area is swept clean of vapors, dust, pollen / spores, smoke, and other contaminants (not including creatures like oozes). Stale air is refreshed to full breathability. This is maintained while you concentrate (1 min).

Gentle Repose (Power 2, Power x 5 days, 1 action, touch): the organic matter touched (corpse, food, wooden object, etc) is protected from mundane decay. Protected corpses won't rise as undead.

Hibernate (Power 3, Power x 30 minutes, 1 action, touch): a willing creatures is placed in a death-like torpor. All life functions cease, it does not breath, age, or think. It is resistant to damage, and the progress of poison, disease, decay, bleeding, etc is suspended. The effect can be ended early by the caster's touch. At the end of the effect, the creature returns to consciousness and is Stunned for 1d4 rounds. Power 5 (10 min casting, +500 gp of ritual materials) causes the effect to last until dispelled, woken by the caster, or until a condition named by the caster is met (something a normal observer could recognize as having occurred).


Nourishment (Power 2+, 24 hours, 1 action, 4+Power living creatures, touch): double the effective portions of food and measures of drink consumed by the subjects.

Create Water (Power 4, instant, 1 action, range 30'): conjures (Power-3 x 10) gallons of clean water (1 gallon is 2 measures of drink; the normal daily requirement). The water can be summoned into containers, rise as a spring and pool, or fall as rain (every 10 gallons produces a patch of 5' x 5 heavy, 10' x 10' moderate, or 15' x 15' light rain).

Create Food (Power 5+, 24 hours, 1 action, range 30'): (Power x 10) portions of food are conjured (4 portions is a normal daily intake). Uneaten food falls to dust after 24 hours, but can be preserved for another 24 hours with Purify Food and Drink, but no further. The type of food is up to the caster, and so can be suitable to sustain carnivores, herbivores, etc.

Heroes' Feast (Power 6, 24 hours, 10 min, range 30', 1000 gp of ritual materials): conjures a grand feast for up to 12 people, which takes an hour to consume, after which it fades. Everyone who partakes is restored to full hp and +10 max hp, becomes immune to poison and fear, gains +A to Spirit saves, and receives the benefits of a Power 6 Cure Malady on any ailments.

Sense Malice

Sense Poison and Disease (Power 1, conc (10 min), 1 action, self, range 120'): you perceive the malice of pathogens on/in objects and creatures you can see, and tell their Magnitude. If you have alchemical, healing, scholarly, or personal experience with the pathogen, you can identify it.

Sense Traps (Power 2, instant, 1 action, self, range 120'): you perceive the malice imbued in traps you can see by their creators. This does not reveal their exact dimensions, triggers, means of operation, etc, only their general area and a rough estimate of how dire they are. Traps include things like alarms, ambushes, or other "negative impacts". Natural hazards without intent behind them are not revealed.

Sense Harmful Intent (Power 2, conc (1 min), 1 action, self, range 120'): each round you can focus on a creature and attempt to Read them. If successful, you know if they harbor active intent to cause harm (physical, emotional, magical, social, etc), but not necessarily how or to whom. If you fail, they are inscrutable to this spell for the rest of the day. Malign creatures (demons, undead, etc) always register to this spell.

Gift of Tongues

Booming Voice (Power 0, 1 min, 1 action, self): your voice booms out three times louder than normal, perhaps with some dramatic modulation. It cuts through ambient noise, but not magical silence.

Heard By All (Power 2, instant, 1 action, self): you speak a single sentence and it is heard dramatically and clearly by everyone within 3 miles, not deafening, but emanating from everywhere.

Speak with Animals (Power 1, 10 min, 1 action, self): your speech can be understood by beasts, and you can understand their communications. You may be able to trick, bribe, or cajole creatures into doing simple favors.

Tongues (Power 1+, 1 hour, 1 action, touch): you can understand and read all human-like languages and be understood by any sapient listener as if you had fluency 4 (simple fluency). With Power 3+, you may cast this on (Power-2) individuals you touch.


Speak with Plants (Power 3, 10 min, 1 action, self): you can communicate with plants within 30' of you. Normal plants have a decent memory of the last day, but only recall major events prior to that, and without much accuracy about the passage of time. You can ask plants to shift--clearing or creating difficult terrain, bending somewhat, directing their growth in certain directions, bending a limb--but their abilities are limited, and they cannot uproot or move quickly. Ordinary plants readily do as you ask; malign or monstrous plants do as they wish.

Speak with Dead (Power 3, 10 min, 1 minute, self): you grant speech to a corpse (which must at least include a skull / seat of consciousness and be no more than 10 days old) or a spirit present in the area. A corpse knows no more than it did in life, and can't form new memories, speculate on the future, etc. A spirit might. They are not compelled to be truthful, helpful, etc, though most won't be malicious unless inclined to it by personality, dislike of you, etc. You may be able to trick, cajole, or bargain with them, perhaps using burial or addressing unfinished business as leverage.

Speak with Stones (Power 5, 10 min, 1 action, self): you enable one natural or worked stone (or a portion of a larger mass) to speak with you. Stone is typically placid and cooperative, and takes a very long, dispassionate view. They know mostly about creatures that have come near them, when they were worked, or what is beneath / behind them.

Commune with World (Power 5, 1 minute, 1 minute, self): over the course of the spell, your mind links with the world around you, reaching 3 miles outdoors in nature, or 300' in caverns, buildings, or cities. You learn up to 3 pieces of information regarding the lay of the land (geography, buildings, hazards, magical sites, etc), details of the inhabitants (flora, fauna, people), and the presence and location of significant supernatural beings.

Dream-Speaker (Power 4, 1 minute, 8 hours): target a creature known to you. You or one creature you touch enters a trance (they may leave it at any time, but this ends the spell). They sense when the target next sleeps, and can enter their dreams, shaping them and conversing. The target remembers their dream fully upon waking. If unwilling, the target can make a Spirit save. Spirit Ward also blocks the dream sending.

Spirit Ward

Spirit Ward (Power 1, conc (10 min), 1 action, 1 creature, touch): protects the subject from supernatural beings (demons, elementals, ichorspawn, spirits, celestials, undead, etc). They gain +A to defense against these creatures, and is immune to their powers of fear, charm, and possession (if already affected, they may reroll their save). A warded body cannot rise as an undead.

Warding Circle (Power 3, (Power-2) hours, 1 minute, range 10'): create a glowing ring 10' radius, projecting a 20' high cylindrical effect. Supernatural beings (unless you grant access to individual or a type, during casting) must Spirit save or cannot cross the circle. Magical movement (teleportation, spirit walking, etc) cannot enter the circle. Targets within the circle are protected as by Spirit Ward. When cast, you can invert the circle, so that supernatural beings and magical travel can't leave it (rather than enter it), and those outside are protected from those within.

Forbiddance (Power 5, 1 day, 10 minutes, touch, 1000 gp ritual materials): you place a region of up to (Power-4)^2 x 10,000 square feet and 30' in height under the effects of Spirit Ward. Supernatural beings who force entry suffer 5d6 spirit damage (Save for half) each turn they spend within the region. Individuals may be given a password set during casting, or directly invited by the caster for a specified time, allowing them to bypass all aspects of the ward. If the spell is performed on a structure or demarcated region (such as the space within a ring of stones) every day for a month, it becomes permanent until dispelled (the components are only expended with the first casting, as long as the sequence remains unbroken).


Sanctuary (Power 1, 1 minute, 1 bonus, 1 creature, range 30'): the target is warded in an aura of peace. Each attempt to direct hostile action toward the target requires the attacker to first Spirit save. Collateral damage aimed elsewhere can still harm them, but the attacker can't intend to use this as a workaround. If the warded target takes hostile action toward anyone else, the effect ends, but they may heal or otherwise aid allies.

Calm Emotions (Power 2, instant, 1 action, 20' radius sphere, range 60'): creatures of your choice within the region are purged of powerful mundane or magical emotions (charm, fear, rage, lust, joy, etc). An unwilling creature can Spirit save to resist. A calmed creature is rational and still capable of doing violence or otherwise pursuing its desires.

Indifference (Power 2, conc (1 min), 1 action, 20' radius sphere, range 60'): creatures of your choice within the region must Spirit save or becomes indifferent toward creatures they would normally be hostile toward. This ends if it or its allies are attacked, or its possessions stolen or destroyed. If given no reason to become angry, it may just decide it chose to let those enemies slip by, rather than bothering with them.

Heroism (Power 1+, conc (1 min), 1 action, touch): (Power) targets are rendered immune to fear and gain tHP = (caster level / 2) each turn.

Hand of Fate

Blessing of Battle (Power 1+, conc (1 min), 1 action, range 30'): Power+2 creatures receive +1d4 to their attacks and saves.

Bane of Battle (Power 1+, conc (1 min), 1 action, range 30'): Power+2 creatures must Spirit save or suffer -1d4 to their attacks and saves.

Augury (Power 2, instant, 1 min): as a question about a course of action and consult a small oracle (tarot draw, runestone or i-ching cast, etc). The augury cannot see consequences beyond 30 minutes into the future, and doesn't take into account changes to the future based on foreknowledge. It informs of weal (good stuff) and woe (bad stuff), each either absent, minor, or significant. Each time Augury is cast before your next Long Rest, there is an increasingly +25% chance the result is actually random.

Divination (Power 4, instant, 1 min, 25 gp of ritual materials): consult an oracle, as in Augury, but with a time horizon of 7 days. You may ask about the outcome of a course of action, or simply about forthcoming events. It returns a short response or omen, which the caster can interpret. It is truthful but may be cryptic. Subsequent castings may produce random results, as Augury.

Find the Path (Power 6, 2 hours, 1 action, touch): a destination is named (the grave of the old king, the center of the maze, the seat of rulership of this city). The subject can instinctively navigate the shortest, most direct physical route to the destination, knowing the way to go and any physical actions to take (opening secret doors, which lever to pull) to progress, but not the presence of or way around non-obstacle hazards. The effect ends with the duration, or when the location is reached.


Dancing Lights (Power 0+, conc (1 min), 1 action, range 120'): creates (Power+3) candle-bright (10' dim light) wisps. It hovers and you can move it within range as a bonus action, and change its color. A light winks out of it moves out of range. At Power 0, you get only a single light, with range 5'.

Light (Power 1+, 1 hour (sustain), 1 action, touch): creates either a floating, stationary orb, or an aura of light around an object or willing creature that moves with it. Sheds 20' bright light and 20' dim. +2 Power can boost this to 60' bright and 60' dim, with range 60'. +1 Power can make the duration indefinite (sustain), and each +1 Power gives it 24 hours of unsustained duration, keeping it lit through the caster's slumber or death.

Flash (Power 1+, instant, 1 action, (Power+2 x 5') cone): creatures in the cone must Wits save to shield their eyes in time or else be blinded until the end of their next turn.

Flare (Power 1, conc (1 min), 1 action, 10' range): creates a floating, immobile point of brilliant light, shedding 20' bright and 20' dim, either an omnidirectional orb or a cone. It dazzles those looking in to it, imposed +D to various actions, including attacks, perception, etc. Light sensitive creatures may be even more affected.

Guiding Phosphorescence (Power 1, conc (1 min), 1 action, range 60'): limns everything in a 20 x 20 cube in with Dim light. Invisible things are revealed, and even mundane hidden doors or objects may be outlined, giving +A to spot them. Creatures must Dex save or be affected, and attackers have +A to attack them.

Banish Darkness (Power 1+, instant, 1 action, range 120'): dispels magical darkness as Dispel Magic.

Solar Ray (Power 6, conc (1 min), 1 action, self): conjure an orb of brilliance (30' bright, 30' dim; counts as true sunlight). When cast and as an action each round after, you can project a blazing ray 60' long and 5' wide, dealing 6d6 fire damage and blinding the target until the end of their next turn, Dex save for half, and not blinded.


Turn the Eldritch (Power 1, 1 min, 1 action, self, 30' radius): eldritch beings must Spirit save for flee as able for 1 minute, or until damaged, and can't willingly approach within 30'. They may not take reactions. Eldritch creatures include demons, undead, and elementals.

Blast the Eldritch (Power 3+, conc (1 min), 1 action, self): you blaze with light (30' bright, 30' dim). Eldritch beings in either a 30' cone or 10' radius suffer (Power+2)d6 spirit damage each time they enter or begin a turn within the effect.

Banishment (Power 4+, range 60'): you may apply this as a Dispel Magic or Break Curse of equal Power against malign effects caused by an eldritch being, or direct it against an eldritch being which must Spirit save or be banished from the world. Power 4 requires you maintain unbroken concentration for 1 minute to make it permanent; otherwise the creature may choose to return when it ends. Power 5 makes the banishment instant.

Blessed Armament (Power 2+, conc (1 hour), bonus, touch): you imbue a weapon, armor, or shield with divine power. It is treated as magical and has bonus of +(Power / 2), rounding down, to either attack and damage, or to armor.


Shielding Aura (Power 2, conc (1 hour), 1 action, touch): if the target's armor is less than +4, treat it as +4.

Stoneskin (Power 4, conc (1 hour), 1 action, touch, 100 gp of ritual materials): the subject has resistance to non-magical physical damage.

Endure Elements (Power 1+, 1 hour, 1 action, touch): (Power) subjects are immune to mundane extremes of environmental heat and cold. Arid conditions require no additional water. They have resistance to fire and frost damage of 6 or less.

Protection from Pathogen (Power 2, 1 hour, 1 action, touch): the subject has resistance to poison damage and +A to saves against Poison and Disease. Poisons and diseases already in the subject's system are suppressed for the spell's duration.

Protection from Elements (Power 3, conc (1 hour), 1 action, touch): the subject has resistance to a named source of damage (fire, frost, acid)

Death Ward (Power 4, 8 hours, 1 action, touch): the next time the target would fail a Wound check or suffer death from some effect (poison, death magic, etc), the effect is prevented and Life will not be reduced below 1, and the spell ends.

Globe of Invulnerability (Power 6+, conc (1 min), 1 action, self): creates an immobile, 10' sphere around you. (Power-1) or lower spells cast from outside cannot affect the area within, either directly or through its area of effect.

Divine Bonds

The Bull

The Maiden


  • Aversion, Wrack, Detect Thoughts, Hold Person

