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- Brief
- 1 Turn / 10 minutes of no more than light activity (resting, talking, reading, easy searching, routine gear maintenance). Interruption restarts the count.
- Short
- 1 hour of no more than light activity in a situation of at least moderate safety (e.g. not in a thoroughfare, or with enemies known lurking around). Interruption restarts the count.
- Each member should have access to food and drink, but not enough is consumed to decrement the supply.  If either is lacking, the party member must make a CON check vs 3 to benefit from the rest.  If both are lacking, make the check vs 5.
- Long
- 8 hours of sleep in a situation of at least moderate safety.  Can be taken no more than once per 24 hours.  Depending on conditions, a CON check may be required to benefit from the rest.
- Casters require 8 uninterrupted hours to focus enough to rebuild any mana.
- Others can break their rest up into two 4 hour spans, allowing for a turn at watch.
- Each individual consumes food and drink.
- Camping Conditions
- Easy (no check needed), Moderate (vs 4), Difficult (vs 6), Impossible (vs 8)
- Bedding, Tent, and Campfire: see Dolmenwood rules (pg 159)
- Treat a standard dank dungeon as Spring / Autumn.  Notably warm areas treat as Summer, and cold ones as Winter.
- Lack of Food (-2), Lack of Water (-4), Intermittent Sleep (-1), Miserable Environment (-1 or more)
- Bolstering the Party (optional: each success gives +1).
- Cooking: one cook can make a WIS check vs 4 to make a hearty meal, given fire or other necessities.  If failed with a roll of 1, save vs Doom or waste the rations used.  Firelight, cooking smells, etc might attract attention.
- Camaraderie: one entertainer can make a CHA check vs 4 to liven things with banter, music, stories, etc.  If failed with a roll of 1, save vs Doom or the mood sours, giving -1 to rest CON checks instead.  The noise might attract attention.

'''Brief Rest'''
* 1 Turn / 10 minutes of no more than light activity (resting, talking, reading, easy searching, routine gear maintenance). Interruption restarts the count.

Natural Healing
'''Short Rest'''
* 1 hour of no more than light activity in a situation of at least moderate safety (e.g. not in a thoroughfare, or with enemies known lurking around). Interruption restarts the count.
** Adverse conditions may prevent adequate rest.
*** Members need food and drink, but not enough is consumed to decrement the supply.

'''Spell Recovery'''
* 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep (may be part of a Long Rest) or focused meditation.  Interruption restarts the count.
** Any adverse conditions prevent meditation.
* Casters refresh any expended spell slots (spell preparation is done separately).

'''Long Rest'''
* 8 hours of sleep in a situation of at least moderate safety.  Can be taken no more than once per 24 hours.
** Adverse conditions may prevent adequate rest.
* Gain 1d3+CON hp from natural healing.
** Spending an entire day in a settlement in easy and leisure doubles natural healing.
* Casters refresh any expended spell slots (spell preparation is done separately).
'''Adverse Conditions'''
* Getting adequate rest is automatic unless there are adverse conditions.
* With conditions, each character must make a Con check vs (2 + 2 per condition).
* Conditions
** Lack of food, lack of water (2x), no bedding (e.g. bedroll), very hot/cold, stench/filth/vermin, excessive noise, accursed ambience, etc
** Conditions can be negate through suitable action (making a fire for warmth, using magic to drive off vermin, etc).


Revision as of 00:42, 6 March 2024

Arden-Vul > Rules > Exploration


Light & Vision

Light Level

  • Brilliance
    • So bright you must squint to see.
    • -2 to attack, defense, and saving throws.
    • Search checks take twice as long, or increase difficulty a level (1 die size) if conducted at the normal rate.
  • Bright Light
    • Comparable to daylight.
  • Dim Light
    • Shadowy and indistinct. Too dark to read, make out most fine detail / color, and identify unfamiliar individuals.
    • -2 to ranged attacks or saves against ranged effects.
    • Search checks take twice as long, or increase difficulty a level (1 die size) if conducted at the normal rate
      • Some things may be impossible to perceive, e.g. you might notice writing but be unable to read it.
  • Darkness
    • Full darkness.
    • Blinded (-4 to attack, defense, and saving throws).


  • Light
    • Thin mist / rain / snow / smoke, sparse vegetation or a light crowd. Can remain concealed only with Hide in Shadows.
    • -2 to ranged attacks or saves against ranged effects.
    • Search as Dim Light.
  • Heavy
    • Thick mist or smoke, driving snow or rain, dense vegetation, or a heavy crowd. Adequate for anyone to hide in.
    • Blinded (-4 to attack, defense, and saving throws). Might be able to see things within a foot or two.

Sources of Illumination

  • Candle
    • Burns for 3 Turns. 5' Bright Light, 10' Dim Light.
    • Thicker, heavier, longer-lasting candles can be purchased at great cost.
  • Torch
    • Burns for 6 Turns. 20' Bright Light, 20' Dim Light.
  • Lantern
    • Burns 1 pint of oil every 4 hours (24 Turns). 20' Bright Light, 20' Dim Light.
    • Hooded: can be shielded, reducing light to as little as 5' of Dim Light.
    • Bullseye: illuminates double its normal ranges, in a 60 degree arc.
  • Darkvision
    • Dim Light is treated as Bright Light, and Darkness up to the vision's range is treated as Dim Light.
    • Disrupted if in Bright Light, permitting only normal sight.

Exploration Movement

  • Choose a pace, and use the speed of the slowest party member.
    • Cautious: (10 x Speed) feet / Turn
      • Normal surprise chances, mapping, checking for traps and details.
    • Walking: (50 x Speed) feet / Turn
      • Can't surprise, +1 to be surprised, won't notice details, can't map.
    • Running: (100 x Speed) feet / Turn
      • Can't surprise, +2 to be surprised, won't notice details, can't map, may lose track of where you are if not careful.


- Levels of Search - Glance - Inspect - Rifle - Toss - Ransack - Search - Basic examination of a room of moderate size usually takes 1 Turn. Bigger or more cluttered ones may take more. - Carefully searching a 10' x 10' x 10' area (or three 10x panels of wall) takes 1 Turn and assumes at least Rifling. Up to 2 people can search the same space at the same time. - Roll Spot vs 7 to notice a secret door or compartment when searching. - The same space can be searched as many times as desired. - Targeted diegetic searching can take place much more quickly and may avoid stumbling into dangers that would be touched in a generic search roll. - Modifier - -1 to notice a secret door just Glancing from within 10' (impossible for unskilled humans) - +1 to notice concealed but non-secret doors - Listen - Listening at a door or passage for faint noises takes 1 Turn and requires the party to be still and quiet. Up to 2 people can listen at a door at the same time.


Brief Rest

  • 1 Turn / 10 minutes of no more than light activity (resting, talking, reading, easy searching, routine gear maintenance). Interruption restarts the count.

Short Rest

  • 1 hour of no more than light activity in a situation of at least moderate safety (e.g. not in a thoroughfare, or with enemies known lurking around). Interruption restarts the count.
    • Adverse conditions may prevent adequate rest.
      • Members need food and drink, but not enough is consumed to decrement the supply.

Spell Recovery

  • 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep (may be part of a Long Rest) or focused meditation. Interruption restarts the count.
    • Any adverse conditions prevent meditation.
  • Casters refresh any expended spell slots (spell preparation is done separately).

Long Rest

  • 8 hours of sleep in a situation of at least moderate safety. Can be taken no more than once per 24 hours.
    • Adverse conditions may prevent adequate rest.
  • Gain 1d3+CON hp from natural healing.
    • Spending an entire day in a settlement in easy and leisure doubles natural healing.
  • Casters refresh any expended spell slots (spell preparation is done separately).

Adverse Conditions

  • Getting adequate rest is automatic unless there are adverse conditions.
  • With conditions, each character must make a Con check vs (2 + 2 per condition).
  • Conditions
    • Lack of food, lack of water (2x), no bedding (e.g. bedroll), very hot/cold, stench/filth/vermin, excessive noise, accursed ambience, etc
    • Conditions can be negate through suitable action (making a fire for warmth, using magic to drive off vermin, etc).



  • 1d6 damage per 10' fallen.
  • If falling beside a wall or down a steep slope that could be used to slow one's fall (grabbing at ledges, vegetation, sliding, etc), roll DEX vs 5 to halve damage taken.
  • Half damage or less if landing on a sufficiently soft surface.


  • A Medium-sized creature consumes the air in a 10' cube per Turn. Double or halve the amount needed for each size larger or smaller.
  • You can hold your breath for (Constitution) rounds of activity, if given a chance to prepare, or 1/3rd of that if suddenly unable to breath (e.g. suddenly choked or pulled underwater).

* Remaining still and calm halves the rate of air consumption. * Once out of air, gain 2 Fatigue per round.

  • Once able to breath again, recover 2 fatigue per Brief Rest.