
From The Hidden Room
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When you cast a spell with a Power in excess of your current Focus, there is danger of significant harm.

Magic Strain: Gain a number of points of Magic Strain equal to your current Magic Strain + 1. Each Long Rest, you remove 1 point of Magic Strain.

Risk: Calculate the Risk of the overcast, based on the Power of the spell and your current Focus:

Risk by Power and Focus
Spell Power 0 Focus 1 Focus 2 Focus 3 Focus 4 Focus 5 Focus
Power 0 - - - - - -
Power 1 1 Risk - - - - -
Power 2 3 Risk 2 Risk - - - -
Power 3 6 Risk 5 Risk 3 Risk - - -
Power 4 10 Risk 9 Risk 7 Risk 4 Risk - -
Power 5 15 Risk 14 Risk 12 Risk 9 Risk 5 Risk -

Overcast Roll: Roll 1d20 - Magic Strain - Risk

  • Natural 20: The are no consequences or instability
  • 16-19: Moderate consequence, no instability
  • 6-15: Serious consequence, 1 instability
  • 2-5: Brutal consequence, 2 instability
  • Less than 1 or Natural 1: Terminal consequence, 3 instability

Consequence: Consequence describes what happens to you when you overcast.


Moderate: Moderate consequences cannot kill you, and most of the effects are temporary.

Roll 1d20:

  • 1-13 Affliction: Roll 1d8 (1) Dazed, (2) Blinded, (3) Poisoned, (4) Confused, (5) Deaf & Mute, (6) Frightened, (7) Restrained, (8) Vulnerable to a related form of damage.
  • 14-17 Wracked: You gain 30 Heavy Fatigue, but not to exceed at 5 Exhaustion.
  • 18-19 Soul Burn: Your Focus halved (rounding down). Every week you can make a Resolve save, DC = 10 + Missing Focus, success allows you to regain 1 Focus.
  • 20 Mutation: You gain 1 Integral Mutation (see below).

Serious: Serious consequences cannot kill you, and most of the effects are temporary.

  • 1-13 Affliction: Roll 1d4 (1) Unconscious, (2) Paralyzed, (3) Petrified, (4) Blind & Deaf & Mute & Dazed
  • 14-17 Wracked: You gain 59 Heavy Fatigue, but not to exceed 5 Exhaustion and 9 Fatigue.
  • 18-19 Soul Burn: Your Focus becomes 0. Every week you can make a Resolve save, DC = 10 + Missing Focus, success allows you to regain 1 Focus.
  • 20 Mutation: You gain d3 + 1 Integral Mutations (see below).

Brutal: Brutal consequences have a small chance to kill you but produces permanent effects.

  • 1-13 Affliction: Roll a moderate affliction, but it is permanent.
  • 14-17 Wracked: As a serious consequence and choose one of your Ability Scores to permanently reduce by half (rounding down).
  • 18-19 Soul Burn: As serious, but Focus is permanently halved (rounding down).
  • 20 Mutation: You gain a transformative curse treated as an affliction that can't be cured. The interval is 1 month, the Resolve Save DC is 20 - Max Focus. Once it has progressed 5 times, the transformation is complete, and you are no longer a player character.

Terminal: You die or are immediately, irreversibly transformed by the power of the magic into a non-playable creature.


If the outcome includes an instability score, roll 1d6. If the result is greater than the instability score, the spell has the expected effect and full duration. If the roll is equal to or less than the instability score, refer to the associated consequence in the following list:

  • Serious Consequence: The spell has a side effect of lesser magnitude than the spell itself.
  • Brutal Consequence: The spell functions as intended in the most basic sense but has major unintended effects of greater magnitude than the spell.
  • Terminal Consequence: The spell is warped beyond recognition.