Feats (Red Age)

From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Characters > Feats



  • Cost: 1 to 3
  • Each feat point gives +1 to a stat, to a max of 18. Adjust stat bonus and MOD as normal.
  • No individual stat can be increased more than 3 points, but different stats can each be improved.


  • Cost: 1
  • Gain a -5 DC modifier and +HALF effect modifier to a broad field of endeavor
    • E.g. intimidation, streetwise, athletics, bargain, silver-tongued, wildcraft, tinkering, stealth.
  • Many feats include this level of skill along with other benefits.
  • Many fields are suitable for Rogue Feats (tinkering, stealth, sleight of hand, etc).


  • Cost: 1
  • Prerequisite: Skilled in same broad field of endeavor, or a narrow field of endeavor (e.g. jumping, fish trading, bar-room seduction, the flute)
  • Gain an -10 DC (total) and +PROF effect modifier to the field of endeavor
    • E.g. intimidation, streetwise, athletics, bargain, silver-tongued, wildcraft, tinkering, stealth.
  • Many feats include this level of skill along with other benefits.
  • Many fields are suitable for Rogue Feats (tinkering, stealth, sleight of hand, etc).



  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • When wielding (and proficient with) one of the following, take +1 attack or +1 defense (choose which at the start of each round). When you make an attack, it can be with either weapon. You can attack with a thrown weapon held in your offhand.
    • A 1h weapon and an offhand light weapon (rapier and dagger).
    • A non-heavy pole weapon in both hands (spear, staff).
    • A non-light, forceful 1h weapon in both hands (sword, mace, axe, et cetera).

Battle Rage

  • Cost: 1
  • Prerequisite: Vigor or Spirit 12
  • You can whip yourself into a killing rage.
    • Roll d4, if it is higher than the number of rages you've entered since your last Short Rest, you rage. If it's equal, you may rage if you take a bonus action to self-flagellate for 1d6+1 damage (can't be soaked or prevented). For each additional point you fall short on the roll, you must spend an additional round self-flagellating before you achieve rage.
    • You can't reroll your rage attempt until you have either entered and exited a rage, or had a Brief Rest.
  • Rage lasts up to 1 minute. Each turn you must do one or more of the following to maintain it: make a forceful attack (including grapples and forces), take damage (including 1d6 self-flagellation if necessary), Dash toward enemies, or perform a feat of strength.
    • When your rage ends, you are confused for 1d4 turns, Wits save for half, rounding down.
      • While confused, you cannot take reactions.
      • If you do nothing, you stand there growling and slavering for the turn.
      • If you try to attack, or move to attack, you do so toward a random target (1-2), the nearest target (3-4), or your intended target (5-6).
      • If you try to move away / flee, you do so in a random direction (1-4) or your intended direction (5-6).
      • For other tasks, you growl and slaver (1-4) or do as you intended (5-6).
  • While raging...
    • +A to resist charm and fear.
    • At the start of the turn, you may choose to frenzy. You may gain +A to your first forceful attack, but take +D to defense until the start of your next turn.
    • Deal +2 damage with forceful attacks.
    • -5 DC to feats of strength
    • You are incapable of casting spells or performing feats of coherent thought (non-hulk speech, clever tactics, picking locks, administering potions, etc.), but maintain concentration on any spells you had previously cast.

Numb to Pain

  • Cost: 1
  • Prerequisite: Vigor or Spirit 14, Battle Rage
  • While raging...
    • If your armor is less than +4 (medium), count it as +4.
    • Reduce physical damage taken by 1 point per die.
    • When you self-flagellate, you take only 1d4 damage.

Acrobatic Combatant

  • Cost: 1
  • Prerequisite: Agile Acrobat 1
  • Once a turn, you may do something novel and acrobatic as part of attacking with a Finesse weapon, gaining the Fighter benefit of Deadly, Brutal, Cleave, or Flurry (2).

Exotic Weapon / Technique Feats

  • Cost: varies
  • If not already, you become proficiency with the relevant weapon.
  • Each Feat allow you to unlock special abilities relating to the weapon. New weapons or techniques can be developed with the DM.
  • Examples
    • Chain Mastery
      • (Cost 1) 15' threatening reach. May grapple on a hit.
      • (Cost 1) You have the benefits of a shield while wielding a chain weapon.
      • (Cost 1) You can grapple two targets at once while wielding a chain weapon.
      • (Cost 1) You can attempt to grapple a target that misses you with a melee attack.


Fleet of Foot 1

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Dexterity 12
  • Skilled with running and jumping
  • +5' base Speed (35' instead of 30' base Speed)
  • [Vigor or Dexterity] + 5 feet long jump distance (instead of [Vigor or Dexterity] feet long jump distance)
  • [Vigor or Dexterity] - 5 feet high jump height (instead of [Vigor or Dexterity] - 8 feet high jump height)

Fleet of Foot 2

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Dexterity 14, Fleet of Foot 1
  • Expertise with running and jumping
  • +10' base Speed (40' instead of 30' speed).
  • [Vigor or Dexterity] + 10 feet long jump distance (instead of [Vigor or Dexterity] feet long jump distance)
  • [Vigor or Dexterity] - 2 feet high jump height (instead of [Vigor or Dexterity] - 8 feet high jump height)
  • Quick Stand: Standing from prone is a free action (instead of a 15' move)

Mighty 1

  • Cost: 1
  • Prerequisite: Vigor 12
  • Skilled with feats of strength
  • Vigor + 4 encumbrance limit (instead of Vigor encumbrance limit).
  • d4 unarmed damage (instead of d2 unarmed damage) and your unarmed attacks count as natural weapons.

Mighty 2

  • Cost: 1
  • Prerequisite: Vigor 14, Mighty 1
  • Expertise with feats of strength
  • Vigor + 8 encumbrance limit (instead of Vigor encumbrance limit)
  • d6 unarmed damage (instead of d2 unarmed damage) and your unarmed attacks count as natural weapons.
  • You count as one size larger when making or opposing Grapples or Forces.

Agile Acrobat 1

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Dexterity 12
  • Skilled with balance and gymnastic checks
  • Tumbling: When you Dash or Dodge during your turn, you may roll your Dexterity +D vs one or more enemy Dexterity. On margin -1, you fall prone. For each enemy your check is successful against, you may do any of the following:
    • Move out of spaces threatened by that enemy without provoking AOO this turn (instead of provoking AOO).
    • Move into the space of that enemy this turn, though you cannot end your movement in the space of an opponent (instead of being unable to enter enemy spaces).
  • Soft Fall: Take +A when making a Dexterity save to catch yourself before falling, or to reduce falling damage.

Agile Acrobat 2

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Dexterity 14, Agile Acrobat 1
  • Expertise with balance and gymnastic checks
  • Tumbling: As Agile Acrobat 1, but you do not take +D to your Dexterity checks.
  • Quick Stand: Standing from prone is a free action (instead of a 15' move action).
  • Soft Fall: As Agile Acrobat 1, but if your first save to reduce falling damage is successful, you may continue making Dexterity saves, halving fall damage with each success, until your first failure.


  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Dexterity 14
  • Expertise with escape artist checks
  • Contortion: You can move through spaces 1 size smaller at normal move (instead of half move), and can move through spaces 2 sizes smaller at quarter move (instead of being stuck)
  • Slippery: Take +A when escaping grapples using Dexterity.


Common Fields for Skilled and Expertise: Perception

Survival Instinct

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Wits or Dexterity 12
  • If you are surprised (narratively, failed initiative, or surprise round in combat), you can act normally/immediately if...
    • You act solely to flee (including actions in direct service of fleeing).
    • (With Stealthy Feat) You take cover and hide.
    • (With Battle Rage Feat) You are able to immediately rage and attack.


Common Fields for Skilled and Expertise: silver tongued, bargaining, streetwise, keen insight (reading people).

Commanding Presence 1

  • Cost: 1
  • Prerequisite: Spirit 12
  • Skilled with oratory, command, intimidation, and performance checks.
  • Gain +1 Companion.

Commanding Presence 2

  • Cost: 1
  • Prerequisite: Spirit 14, Commanding Presence 1
  • Expertise with oratory, command, intimidation, and performance checks.
  • Exhortation: As a bonus action, you can dramatically exhort people to reason, courage, etc. (or threaten minions will all manner of doom if they don't obey you). Those within 30' gain +A to resist mental influence (magical or mundane) until the end of their next turn. They may reroll if they have already failed their check (but only once for any given effect).
  • Inspiration: You have one d6 Inspiration Die (+1 at 4th and 8th) per Short Rest.
    • Inspire: You can give an Inspiration Die to an ally as a bonus action, exhorting them to greatness. They hold it for 10 minutes, and spend it to add the roll to a stat, attack, defense check, or Spirit save, after rolling and seeing the result. Only 1 Inspiration die can be held at a time.
    • Imposing: You can spend an Inspiration Die to improve your own Spirit checks to inspire, rally, intimidate, or persuade by passion and force of personality.
    • Enthrall: While you are engaged in a public performance or oratory, you can spend an Inspiration Die to enthrall your crowd. Non-hostile listeners within 60' who can hear and understand you must make a Spirit or Wits save (their choice) or they cannot attack, depart, or interrupt while they listen. This lasts for up to 1 minute, as long as you continue to perform. The effect is broken by overt stimuli (attacks, explosions, etc.).
    • Raise Spirits: When you take a Long Rest in the company of allies, you can regale them with stories, music, or stirring words. You and your allies each recover +SPT HP, without spending reserve (this can't be applied to healing Life or Wounds).


Healer 1

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Skilled with surgery, field treatment, creating and identifying drugs and medicines (medical alchemy), diagnosing and treating poisons, diseases, and other maladies, forensic medicine
    • Able to create alchemical compounds given suitable time and resources.
    • May carry alchemical reagents and an alchemist's kit, and craft common medical alchemic items at list price.
    • May keep up to (WIT+1) medical alchemic items in their care (personal and/or party) from going inert though age.
  • Occult Medicine: With the Gnosis Feat, you can diagnose occult maladies.
  • Miracle Cure: expending 1 stock from a healing kit during a Brief Rest allows a patient to immediately restore HP with their reserve. Each 1 reserve restores (your PROF+1) HP, and a patient can use up to (their PROF+1) reserve per day in this manner. Excess healing can't restore reserve.

Healer 2

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Wits 12, Healer 1
  • Expertise with surgery, field treatment, creating and identifying drugs and medicines (medical alchemy), diagnosing and treating poisons, diseases, and other maladies, forensic medicine
    • May produce advanced medical formulas in an alchemy lab, given the resources and secret formula.
    • As Alchemist 1, but able to create common (non-advanced) medical alchemic items at half price (in both reagents and work time).
    • May keep up to (Wits bonus + 1) medical alchemic items in their care (personal and/or party) from becoming inert though age.
  • Miracle Cure: As Healer 1, but also, when you have the right level and expend 1 stock from a healing kit during a suitable rest, produce a spell-like effect (use PROF as your Power)...
    • Restoration (3rd level, Brief Rest, once per person per day)
    • Cure Malady (3rd level, Short Rest, once per person per day)
    • Revivify (5th level, Brief Rest and 300 gp of rare medicines, once per person per week)
    • Dispel Magic (5th level w/ Gnosis 1, Brief Rest, once per person per week)
    • Break Enchantment (5th level w/ Gnosis 2, Short Rest, once per person per week)

Master Craftsman 1

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Specialized Knowledge (provides rolls in situations where rolls are not normally possible)
  • Prerequisite: Wits 12 or Dexterity 12
  • Choose a single craft or field (metalwork, architecture, brewing, etc.). You are able to make and repair works of great skill and beauty (masterwork quality). Ordinary works are trivial and take half the normal time.
  • Expertise with the chosen craft or field, as well as forgery spotting with chosen craft or field

Master Craftsman 2

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Specialized Knowledge (provides rolls in situations where rolls are not normally possible)
  • Prerequisite: Wits 14 or Dexterity 14, Master Craftsman 1
  • As Master Craftsman 1, but you gain mastery over any crafts and fields implied by your background, and can learn new crafts and fields you encounter with ease.

Alchemist 1

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Wits 12
  • Specialized Knowledge (provides rolls in situations where rolls are not normally possible)
  • Skilled with alchemy (e.g. drugs, poisons, explosives, smoke powders, antidotes, acids, etc.)
  • Able to create alchemical compounds given suitable time and resources.
    • May carry alchemical reagents and an alchemist's kit, and craft common alchemic items at 2x list price.
    • Brew (PROF x 100) gp worth of items per Long Rest. Double this if the entire day is spent working. Expensive items may require multiple days of brewing.
    • May keep up to (WIT+1) alchemic items in their care (personal and/or party) from going inert though age.

Alchemist 2

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Wits 14, Alchemist 1
  • Specialized Knowledge (provides rolls in situations where rolls are not normally possible)
  • Expertise with alchemy (e.g. drugs, poisons, explosives, smoke powders, antidotes, acids, etc.)
  • As Alchemist 1, but able to create common alchemic items at list price.
    • May keep up to (Wits bonus + 1) alchemic items in their care (personal and/or party) from becoming inert though age.
  • May produce spell-like works of advanced alchemy in the field, and develop alchemic wonders (homunculi, etc) in an alchemy lab, given the resources and secret formula.

Medicinal Alchemist

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Alchemist 2
  • Expands advanced alchemy to include medicines and cures as Healer 2.


  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Wits 14, Alchemist 1
  • Functions as Alchemist 2 for poisons.

Gnosis 1

  • Cost: 2
  • Prerequisite: Wits or Spirit 10
  • Specialize Knowledge (provides rolls in situations where rolls are not normally possible)
  • Skilled with magic lore
  • You have fluency 4 in any esoteric languages suited to your background.
  • Second Sight: You have Second Sight, like a caster. If you can't work magic, you have 2 cantrip mana useable only with this ability, and you need a small talisman to aid you (dowsing crystal, tarot cards, etc.) if you Open Your Mind.

Gnosis 2

  • Cost: 1
  • Prerequisite: Wits or Spirit 12, Gnosis 1
  • Expertise with magic lore


  • Cost: 2
  • Prerequisite: Wits 10
  • Expertise with tactics, strategy, military science, logistics, sieges and fortifications
  • Spot Ambush: If not proficient in Wits Saves, you count as such when spotting ambushes. If you succeed on your save to spot an ambush, your allies all gain +A to theirs as well.
  • Tactics: When you enter battle and are not surprised, you gain (PROF) Preparations for Battle. During a battle, any time you're not Prepared, you may assess the battlefield to gain 1 Preparation by expending an action, or two bonus actions.
    • You may spend up to 1 Preparation per round as a free action, to generate one of the following effects:
    • You or an ally within 30' who can hear you may Shift 5' as a bonus action (this can't move you away from an impending attack, only help you reposition).
    • On your turn, give a target +D to attack rolls that doesn't include you as a target, as long as you continue to threaten it.
    • You or an ally within 30' who can hear you gains +1 reaction.
    • An ally within 30' who can hear you gains +1d6 to their next attack, defense, Dexterity save, or combat-related stat check.


Animal Ken

  • Cost: 1
  • Prerequisite: Sprit 12
  • Expertise with animal handling
  • Beast Whisper: You have a near-telepathic rapport and understanding with animals.
    • Domesticated animals are generally cooperative, and even wild animals can often be coaxed or dealt with. For an animal that is particularly ornery, scared, etc., use Spirit checks to influence them.
    • You can Read an animal like a person, guessing its intents, concerns, etc.

Animal Companion

  • Cost: 1
  • Prerequisite: Spirit 12, Animal Ken
    • Gain a stable of Animal Companions, one of which can accompany you at any given time.
    • The other beasts in your stable live at home or roam the wild, coming within at most a day or two of when you seek for and call them. You can also release beasts back into the wild, removing them as companions.
  • Your animal companion's max level is (2 x your level / 3), rounding normally (max 7th).
    • You can't tame higher level beasts.
    • Lower level beasts than your maximum can level up. All your beasts (even if not accompanying you) gain the same XP you do.
    • They can outgrow the normal limits of their kind thanks to their bond. They develop within their beastly idiom, so a wolf might become larger and more ferocious, and a squirrel quicker and more clever.
  • Protective: While your animal companion is adjacent to you, you may take single target damage instead of it. If the animal is at least 1 size smaller than you, you can take multi target damage instead of it as well.
  • Animal companions have 3 levels of loyalty: awed, bonded, and devoted.
    • Awed
      • To gain a beast as a companion, you must overcome or aid it on terms it respects (wrestle or capture it, sneak up on it, feed it when it's starving, heal it when it's dying, raise it from a pup, etc.). Your allies can offer help, but you must be the main focus of the effort. Afterward, you take some time to speak with it and calm it down, and it becomes your companion.
      • An Awed beast won't violate strong instincts for you. If you are incapacitated, it will likely flee, but will return if you survive.
    • Bonded
      • To raise an animal companion from Awed to Bonded, you must do something important alongside it: hunt a worthy foe, travel to a special place, have it blessed by a suitable god, etc.
      • A Bonded beast is as loyal as it would be to a member of its pack / herd. It will defend you if you fall, but not to its own death. It has +A to resist fear or control that would turn it against you while you are beside it.
    • Devoted
      • If you suffer harm in the animal's place that would have felled it, or which inflicts Life on you, it becomes Devoted. Other significant narrative sacrifices may also qualify.
      • A Devoted beast obeys you unquestioningly and will die to protect you. It is immune to fear while you are beside it.

Lesser Animal Companion

  • Cost: 1
  • You may take an animal companion as per Animal Ken, but with max level = (your level / 3) (max 3rd).

Wildcraft 1

  • Cost: 1
  • Skilled with wildcraft (survival, tracking, foraging, etc).
  • (needs to be revamped) When moving through terrain with Normal or better abundance, a small party (not entire caravans or troops) may consume 1 portion / measure less of food and drink per day. makes provision usage rolls with +1 die size.

Wildcraft 2

  • Cost: 1
  • Expert with wildcraft (survival, tracking, foraging, etc).
  • (needs to be revamped) When moving through terrain with Barren or better abundance, a small party (not entire caravans or troops) may consume 1 portion / measure less of food and drink per day.


Common Fields for Skilled and Expertise: Stealth, tinkering (locks and traps), sleight of hand.

Cunning Forger

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Wits or Dexterity 12
  • Specialized Knowledge (provides rolls in situations where rolls are not normally possible)
  • Expertise creating forged documents, signatures, seals, etc., and the spotting of another's forgeries, and knowledge of the purpose of such things.
  • With suitable skill as a craftsman (personal or with an assistant), you can also counterfeit coins, artwork, and other products, and try to pass off fake valuables (paste or glass gems, etc.) as real.

Master of Disguise

  • Cost: 1 (Rogue)
  • Prerequisite: Wits 12
  • Specialized Knowledge (provides rolls in situations where rolls are not normally possible)
  • Skilled with disguise
  • You can create and adopt solid disguises, including mannerisms, accents, etc.
  • You can craft false identities with time and resources.
  • Knowledge of the etiquette and customs of different social classes, cultures, etc .you have had experiences with. You pick up new ones quickly.
  • You can hide or adopt an accent in any language with which you have at least fluency 4.
  • You can attempt to vocally mimic or disguise yourself as a specific person. Even casual inspection by someone how knows the individual requires a check, and under scrutiny you take +D.



  • Cost: 2
  • You have a familiar, a supernatural being bound to you, which takes the form of a small animal (owl, crow, toad, lizard, cat, rat, weasel, monkey, snake, parrot, etc.). It always has at least one unusual feature that reveals its otherworldly nature, and might appear altogether strange.
    • It is an independent being, but friendly to you and inclined to obey your requests and aid you.
    • If killed, its body vanishes and you must make a Spirit Save or be stunned (repeat each round until you succeed). After an Extended Rest, you can resummon your familiar.
    • It can communicate with beasts of its type.
    • It has human level intellect.
    • Once every year and a day, it can change its form, becoming a different kind of animal.
  • While it is within 100', you can...
    • Communicate telepathically with it.
    • Perceive through its senses while you concentrate (total). You can use Second Sight through it, and it may have other useful senses (night vision, keen smell, etc.).
    • Deliver Touch range spells through it.
    • Extend your Self range spells to include it.
    • If you are a caster, your Familiar can act an Instrument of Panoply while it is within 5'.
  • You familiar gets 1 extra ability + 1 at 4th and 8th.
    • It can act as a vessel for 3 spells, providing them to you when it is within 5'.
    • Its telepathy and sense-sharing reaches 10 miles.
    • It can speak human languages, and you can speak through it in your own voice while it is in telepathic range.
    • It has +A on saves against magic, and suffers no effect on a success.
    • While it is within 100', it can give up its lifeforce and die to provide Evasion against a single instance of damage (half damage on failed save, none on success). If there wasn't a built in save with the effect, the DM selects a type to apply.
    • It can change beast shapes as an action. After doing so twice, It cannot transform again until after a Short Rest.
    • It can take on a human form, of no particular capabilities, for up to 10 minutes. As an action, or if it takes damage, it turns back into an animal. It cannot transform again until after a Short Rest.
    • It can attack and inflict 1d4 damage with a bite, claw, etc. This counts as a magical weapon and can harm incorporeal beings normally.

Armored Sorcerer

  • Cost: 1
  • You can turn armor into raiment (panoply).

Subtle Casting

  • Cost: 1
  • If you take +2x casting time, your casting is hard to spot, both physically and mystically. If they are directly observing, they can make a perception check vs your Wits to realize that you are casting. Overt spells still emanate from you, but subtler ones may not.
    • If you only take +1x casting time, they get -5 DC to their perception check.


Fortune's Favorite

  • Cost: 2 (Rogue)
  • Take +A when gambling or determining the outcome of other events based on pure luck (coin flip, etc.). You can make a modest living as a gambler in a decent-sized settlement.
  • Once per Long Rest you can use one of these options:
    • Reroll a die in a situation involving you, and use the preferred outcome.
    • Discover you have a mundane, non-specific item that you need (a flask of oil or a rope, but not the key to a certain door). You might find some salvage, realize you packed it after all, etc.
  • Once per Level, the DM can embroil you in some weird, coincidental complication (mistaken identity, teleported to a strange place, discover a treasure map everyone will kill for). It will often have the potential for gain, as well as trouble.
  • Escape Points: gain one each level (including retroactively). Permanently spend an Escape Point to declare that you (not extending to allies) completely escape the consequences of something bad (a fatal blow misses, the king laughs off your insult, you stumble out of the path of a trap, a spell has an unexpected effect, etc.). You get to know the full extent of the badness before choosing to spend the point.

Rogue Feats


Skilled and Expertise (appropriate to Rogues)

Broad: perception, insight, stealth, tinkering, sleight of hand, wildcraft, deception, commerce

Narrow (1 point for Expertise): climbing, streetwise


Fleet of Foot 1

Fleet of Foot 2

Agile Acrobat 1

Agile Acrobat 2



Survival Instinct


Healer 1

Healer 2

Master Craftsman 1

Master Craftsman 2

Alchemist 1

Alchemist 2


Lesser Animal Companion


Cunning Forger

Master of Disguise


Fortune's Favorite