Class (Arden-Vul)

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Arden-Vul > Rules > Characters > Class


  • Prime Requisite: Cha (min 9) and Dexterity (min 9)
  • HD: d6 (+2 heroic hp)
  • Base Attack: (level-1) / 2 (rounding down)
  • Base Save: (0.25 x (level-1)) + 4
    • Doom (+3), Transform (+4), Breath (+0), Spells (+1, and use 2x level when calculating "base")
  • Combat Proficiencies: all ranged weapons and one-handed melee weapons, light and medium armor
    • Medium armor will interfere with certain skills.

Base Skill Improvement

  • Listen: 3rd (+1), 7th (+2), 11th (+3), 14th (+4)
  • Search (2nd): +1
  • Stealth: +1

Thief Skills

  • You can perform certain skills as a Thief of equal level.
    • Sleight of Hand, Disguise, Decipher / Forge, Read Arcane Scrolls
  • You can frequent underworld haunts and pick up Thieves Cant.

Bard Skills

  • Performance
    • You are skilled in a variety of culturally appropriate social and artistic forms: poetry, oratory, musical instruments, song, theater, etc.
  • Counter-Charm
    • Once per Turn you can perform and evoke a countercharm. You and allies within 30' are immune to the effects of vocal or musical magical effects (siren song, suggestion, etc).
      • Those already affected may reroll any save with +4.
      • This lasts as long as you perform, but ends if you take damage or fail a save. You cannot attack, Dash, or take other actions that would interrupt or hinder your performance.
  • Enthrallment
    • Once per Turn, while not in combat, you can perform and fascinate listeners within 30'. Up to (2 x level) HD of creatures of suitable types can be affected.
      • 1st (humanoids with base 3 HD or less), 4th (beasts, including dire beasts), 7th (monsters)
      • Targets save vs Spells or become fascinated as long as the performance continues and is not interrupted (by violence, loud noises, etc). They are rapt, focusing all their attention on the performance. You can move up to half speed and the subject(s) will follow.
      • If the performance lasts at least a Turn and ends without interruption, each fascinated subject must save vs Spells again or be charmed for 1 Turn / level.
      • Charmed subjects consider you a trusted friend and ally, and will defend you. They will obey commands that don't violate their nature or alignment, or pose some obvious harm.
  • Lore
    • You can make a Lore check to recall bits of useful information about famous or legendary topics: people, monsters, places, magic items, events, etc.
      • 1st (35%), 3rd (50%), 7th (65%), 12th (85%)


  • Prime Requisite: Wisdom (min 9)
  • HD: d8 (+2 heroic hp)
  • Base Attack: (level-1) * 0.7 (rounding down)
  • Base Save: (0.4 x (level-1)) + 4
    • Doom (+6), Transform (+3), Breath (+0), Spells (+1)
  • Combat Proficiencies: all melee weapons, crossbows, all armor, shields

Divine Attunement

  • Sense Magic
    • Skill Bonus: 1st level (+2), 5th level (+3), 7th level (+4), 9th level (+5)
    • After spending a Turn in prayer and contemplation of a place, object, etc, the DM makes a hidden skill check. If successful, you sense whether the subject is magical and its rough type (holy, arcane, primal, demonic, etc).
      • If a full Short Rest is spent contemplating a subject, success is automatic.
  • Holy Magic
    • See Magic for spell progression, casting rules, and spell list.
  • Turn Undead
    • You can drive away the undead with your holy symbol and burning spirit.

Holy Order (choose 1)

  • Witchbreaker
    • You are charged with destroying demonologists, necromancers, and other unholy sorcerers.
    • You have +2 save vs arcane Spells (including fiendish). Arcane casters and fiends have -2 to save against your spells.
    • You are immune to possession.
  • Crusader
    • You are the sword and shield of the Church, protecting its lands and people.
    • Lay on Hands: each day, you have a pool of (level x 2 hp) which you can bestow with a touch as a free action.
    • Zeal: followers you lead who are within 60' gain +1 loyalty and morale. Your allies within 60' gain +2 to save vs fear.
  • Graveward
    • You guard the sanctity and eternal rest of the dead.
    • For 1 Turn, a weapon you pray over for a round and wield counts as if it were magic against undead (starting at +1, with a further +1 at 5th, 10th, and 15th).
    • You can use Sense Magic to detect the presence or lingering foulness of undead on a place, object, corpse, etc.
    • If an individual whose proper burial you have officiated over would return as an undead (spontaneously, slain by an undead, by necromancy, etc), they are immediately subject to a Turning from you. If they would be Turned, they don't rise.
      • Already undead beings that are prone to returning cannot be so simply laid to rest.
      • If you would return as an undead, you may apply this to yourself, posthumously, even if not properly buried.
  • Cult of Ptah (dwarves only)
    • You worship Ptah, the Divine Craftsman, according to the old ways.
    • Your background includes training in a variety of forms of craftsmanship.
      • With a Turn of study, you can recognize common craftsmanship between two samples, and link it to a craftsman or craft-tradition you are familiar with.
    • Special Spell List: has a unique spell list containing spells of healing, divination, abjuration, craft, stone, and earth. Gain access to spells through training, like a druid.
    • While you bear your arms, armor, and holy symbol, they cannot be damaged (rust, acid, etc).


Restriction: elves only

  • Prime Requisite: Wisdom (min 9)
  • HD: d8 (+2 heroic hp)
  • Base Attack: (level-1) * 0.7 (rounding down)
  • Base Save: (0.4 x (level-1)) + 4
    • Doom (+6), Transform (+3), Breath (+0), Spells (+1)
  • Combat Proficiencies: all weapons, light and medium armors, shields
    • See restriction on bearing metal.

  • All weapons, armor, and shields must be almost entirely non-metallic. If this violated, the druid's spellcasting ability is disrupted until they have taken a Brief Rest. Casting is also disrupted by things like iron shackles and other prolonged contact with metal.
  • Sense Magic
    • Skill Bonus: 1st level (+2), 5th level (+3), 7th level (+4), 9th level (+5)
    • After spending a Turn in prayer and contemplation of a place, object, etc, the DM makes a hidden skill check. If successful, you sense whether the subject is magical and its rough type (holy, arcane, primal, demonic, etc).
      • If a full Short Rest is spent contemplating a subject, success is automatic.

- Primal Magic - See Magic for spell progression, casting rules, and spell list.

  • Primal Resistance:

* +2 save against fire and lightning - Wildken (3rd) - Can readily identify plants and animals, and the quality of soil and water. - +1 Survival at 1st, +2 Survival at 7th. - Pass Without a Trace (3rd) - Undergrowth, thickets, tall grass, vine, etc part to let the druid pass unhindered and then settle back without any trace of passage. - Wildshape (7th) - Three times per day, the druid can take the form of a mundane animal between the size of a mouse and twice the druid's normal mass. 10% to 60% of lost hp are recovered.


  • Prime Requisite: Strength (min 9)
  • HD: d10 (+3 heroic hp)
  • Base Attack: (level-1) (rounding down)
  • Base Save: (0.65 x (level-1)) + 3
    • Doom (+3), Transform (+2), Breath (+2), Spells (+0)
  • Combat Proficiencies: all weapons, all armor, shields

Extra Attacks

  • 7th-12th: you may take an extra attack on a round, as long as this ability was not used on the prior turn.
  • 13th+: you may take an extra attack every round.


  • Once per round, you may expend a normal attack to make an attack against up to (level) foes with 1 HD or less (d8 or fewer hp) during your turn.

Battle Talents (choose one at 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th levels)

  • Battle Rage
    • Once per Turn, you can rage for the duration of a combat. Gain +2 to melee and thrown attack and damage, +10' movement, and -2 defense.
    • You are immune to fear, but to willingly flee battle or spare an enemy, you must pass a WIS check vs 6 (may retry once a round) to end your rage.
  • Cleave
    • Once per round, upon slaying a foe in melee, immediately make another melee attack at -2.
  • Defender
    • Foes you threaten in melee have -2 to attack anyone other than you.
  • Giant-Slayer
    • +2 to attack and damage against Large or larger creatures.
  • Last Stand
    • When you would drop to 0 hp, save vs Doom to only drop to 1 hp instead. Each time you use this, take a further -4 to this save. Clear this after a Long Rest.
    • If you would collapse or die (from hp loss, poison, or death magic), you may keep acting for up to 5 more rounds before finally succumbing. Each time you take further damage during that time, save vs Doom (unmodified) or die immediately.
  • Leader
    • Followers you lead who are within 60' gain +1 loyalty and morale. Your allies within 60' gain +2 to save vs fear and confusion.
    • Each combat, a number of times equal to the number of battle talents you have (but only once per turn), you may grant an ally within 30' an extra Main Action.
  • Dual Wield
    • When fighting with a light weapon in your offhand or using both hands on a staff or spear, each round you may choose one: +1 defense OR +1 attack and +1 damage.
  • Rider
    • +1 attack and damage while mounted.
    • You may urge your mount to +10' extra speed for a Dungeon Turn. If used on a mount more than 6 times a day, its health will suffer.
    • You are an excellent judge of the quality and status of steeds.
    • When ridden, your mount can use your saving throws in place of its own, and you can absorb damage to it with your own hp.
  • Marksman
    • When making a ranged attack, negate -2 worth of penalties due to light obscuration, range, cover, and/or target size. If you aim undisturbed for a full round, without moving, your aiming bonus is +4.


  • Prime Requisite: Dexterity (min 9)
  • HD: d10 (+2 heroic hp)
  • Base Attack: (level-1) (rounding down)
  • Base Save: (0.65 x (level-1)) + 3
    • Doom (+3), Transform (+2), Breath (+2), Spells (+0)
  • Combat Proficiencies: all weapons, light armor, shields


  • +1 attack with ranged and thrown weapons.


  • After slaying a beast or monstrosity, you may take a trophy (~5 lbs).
  • While you bear it or have it displayed in your dwelling, gain +1 attack and +1 to save against creatures of that type.

Animal Companion

  • To form a bond, approach and interact with an animal in a peaceful fashion for 1 Turn, then succeed at a Charisma check vs 4.
    • Wild or domestic animals can be bonded with. Giant or magical ones may be allowed at the DM's choice. Intelligence creatures cannot be bonded.
    • The creature must be of your level or lower.
  • You may only have 1 companion animal at a time, but can release it to take a new one.
  • The animal understands your commands and will fight for and defend you. It never checks morale.

- Skills - Base Skills - Survival - 1st (+1), 2nd (+2), 6th (+3), 11th (+4) - Stealth: +1 * Listen (3rd): +1 * Search (2nd): +1 - Hunter Skills - Alertness: -1 to enemy Stealth rolls to surprise you. - Tracking: identify and follow tracks and signs. - 1st (+2), 3rd (+3), 7th (+4), 12th (+5) - Modifiers - +1 on soft ground, +2 in snow, -1 on hard ground. - +1 for a large group (~10+ individuals) - -1 for each hour of rain since the tracks were made, -2 for each hour of snowfall - -Tracking if a skilled quarry is using counter-tracking techniques to hide their trail. - Wayfinding: if your party would become lost in the wilderness, roll to notice and find the true path again. - 1st (+1), 3rd (+2), 6th (+3)


  • Prime Requisite: Intelligence (min 9)
  • HD: d4 (+1 heroic hp)
  • Base Attack: (level-1) / 3 (rounding down)
  • Base Save: (0.3 x (level-1)) + 6
    • Doom (+0), Transform (+2), Breath (+0), Spells (+3)
  • Combat Proficiencies: simple weapons, light and medium armor
    • Wearing armor instead of arcane raiment imposes a 25% chance of spell failure.

  • Sense Magic
    • Skill Bonus: 1st level (+2), 5th level (+3), 7th level (+4), 9th level (+5)
    • After spending a Turn in prayer and contemplation of a place, object, etc, the DM makes a hidden skill check. If successful, you sense whether the subject is magical and its rough type (holy, arcane, primal, demonic, etc).
      • If a full Short Rest is spent contemplating a subject, success is automatic.

- Arcane Magic - See Magic for spell progression, casting rules, and spell list. - A mage can be a generalist, or may specialize in one of the schools of magic. - Specialists lose access to an "opposing" school and one other from a pair of options. They cannot use scrolls or magic items relating to them either, unless they are usable by anyone. - They can cast 1 extra spell at each level available to them, which must be used for their specialty. Some spells may only be accessible to a specialist. - They have +1 to saves against spells and effect related to their school, and others have -1 to save against spells of the mage's specialty. - Specializations - Abjurer (Abjuration, opposes Alteration and Illusion or Divination) - Conjurer (Conjuration, opposes Divination and Evocation or Alteration) - Diviner (Divination, opposes Conjuration and Enchantment or Abjuration) - Enchanter (Enchantment, opposes Evocation and Necromancy or Divination) - Illusionist (Illusion, opposes Necromancy and Evocation or Abjuration) - Evoker (Evocation, opposes Enchantment and Illusion or Conjuration) - Necromancer (Necromancy, opposes Illusion and Enchantment or Alteration) - Transmuter (Alteration, opposes Abjuration and Necromancy or Conjuration) - Eldritch Craft (see ACKS, Crimson Pandect, and/or Realm Magic) - 5th) Brew potions and scribe scrolls. - 7th) Recharge wands, rods, staves and other charged items. - 9th) Craft permanent magic items. - 11th) Create constructs, crossbreeds, and eldritch abominations.


  • Prime Requisite: Dexterity (min 9)
  • HD: d6 (+2 heroic hp)
  • Base Attack: (level-1) / 2 (rounding down)
  • Base Save: (0.25 x (level-1)) + 4
    • Doom (+3), Transform (+4), Breath (+0), Spells (+1, and use 2x level when calculating "base")
  • Combat Proficiencies: all weapons, light and medium armor
    • Medium armor will interfere with certain skills.

- Backstab - A melee strike made on a fully unaware target gains +4 attack and 2x damage. - Improvement: 5th level (3x), 9th level (4x), 13th level (5x) - A "backstab" with a blackjack to the head of an unhelmeted humanoid of base 3 HD or less (ignoring class levels) forces a save vs Doom or else fall unconscious.

  • Breakfall

- Ignore the first 10' of fall distance. Take only 3/4 of further falling damage: - Improvement: 4th level (2/3), 8th level (1/2), 12th level (1/3), 14th (1/4)

  • Base Skills

* Listen: 3rd (+1), 7th (+2), 11th (+3), 14th (+4) * Search: 2nd (+1), 6th (+2), 10th (+3), 13th (+4) * Stealth: +1 - Thief Skills - Except where noted, all skills have a max of 125%, which can counteract penalties. A 00 always fails, and a 01 always succeeds. * Sleight of Hand * Use to pick pockets, plant something on someone, palm a small item, drug a drink unnoticed, entertain onlookers, etc. * Chance: 20% + 5% per level above 1st, up to 6th (45%), +10% per level above 6th * Dexterity: -15% (Dex 9), -10% (Dex 10), -5% (Dex 11), +5% (Dex 17), +10% (Dex 18). * Targets or watchful companions / guards above 3rd level impose a 5% penalty to the check = -(5 x level-3)% (min 0%). * Failure by 20 or more means the attempt was noticed, otherwise the thief can try again if circumstances permit. * Sheer Climbing / Balance * Automatic success on checks for normal rough climbing or balancing. Sheer climbing or balancing on very narrow surfaces (e.g. wires) requires a thief skill check. * Chance: 85 + 1% per level above 1st * On success, progress up to 100', moving at half Speed. On a failure, fall from the midpoint. * Open Locks / Disarm Traps * Pick locks and disable small mechanical traps (in locks, etc), and potentially mechanical parts of larger ones. * Chance: 25% + 5% per level above 1st * Dexterity: -10% (Dex 9), -5% (Dex 10), +5% (Dex 16), +10% (Dex 17), +15% (Dex 18). * If you succeed against 1/5th of your normal rating (e.g. 10% or less w/ a 50% skill) on the first try, you open the lock / disarm the trap in a single round. Otherwise it takes 1 Turn per attempt. * Certain locks and traps may be Difficult, which you can identify upon inspection. After each attempt, roll d6-attempts. On a 0 or less, the thief is stymied and can't try again until they gain a level. * On a failed attempt to disarm a trap, there is a 25% chance of triggering it. * Hide in Shadows * While still, you may remain unseen, even if you have only light obscurement (shadows / dim light, light cover or visual clutter, a sparse crowd, thin mist). * If you fail, you may still roll a normal surprise check with your base Sneaking skill. * If hiding behind cover, you must fail both a base concealment check and a Hide in Shadows check before being noticed. * Chance: 10% + 5% per level above 1st, up to 6th (35%), +10% per level above 6th * Dexterity: -10% (Dex 9), -5% (Dex 10), +5% (Dex 17), +10% (Dex 18). * Slip into the Shadows * If the party is surprised in an encounter, as long as there is some shadow, cover, or similar possibility of concealment on hand, you may roll a Hide in Shadows check. If successful, you remain unnoticed at least momentarily on the first turn. Whether you continue to be hidden depends on your actions and the environment. * Move Silently * You automatically go unheard when a listener would have to make a Listen check to notice the faint and distant sounds of a normal person sneaking. When close enough that a Sneaking check would be need, you may roll to Move Silently. * If successful, your movement (though not necessarily anything else you do) is utterly soundless, and doesn't even register to tremorsense. If you fail, you may make a normal surprise check with your base Sneaking. * Chance: 20% + 5% per level above 1st, up to 6th (35%), +10% per level above 6th * Dexterity: -20% (Dex 9), -15% (Dex 10), -10% (Dex 11), -5% (Dex 12), +5% (Dex 17), +10% (Dex 18). * Disguise (3rd) * Anyone can put on proper clothes and try to pass unremarked on. A thief can actually mimic accents, speech patterns, local customs, social class, etc. They can use simple prosthetics to adjust their height (up to 3" shorter or 5" taller), build (slightly slimmer or much heavier), and gender. * They can't exactly duplicate a specific person to those who know them personally. * Chance: 40% + 10% per level above 3rd * -5% or more for significant deviation in build, heigh, race, gender, etc from their normal appearance. -5% for particularly close contact / interaction. * Close observers above 3rd level impose a 5% penalty to the check = -(5 x level-3)% (min 0%). * Check each day for each person who scrutinizes the thief in disguise (passing glances or disinterested observers don't require a check). * Decipher / Forge (4th) * Determine the gist of a non-magical text in a language you're not fluent in, including codes, ciphers, and cryptic maps. * Chance: 30% + 5% per level above 4th, max 80% * Only one check can be made per text per level. * With the right crafting skills or the aid of a skilled accomplice, the thief can attempt to forge documents, seals, etc. Roll when the item first receive scrutiny. * Read Arcane Scrolls (4th) * Activate arcane scrolls. * Chance: 30% + 10% per level above 4th, max 90%. * If successful, the spell is cast. Otherwise, the spells goes awry in an unpredictable manner.

  • Thieves Cant

* Different places have their own traditions and slang, but a thief quickly absorbs the local "dialect" after they've roamed around for bit. The more familiar the culture to what the thief already knows, the fast they pick it up, usually a day or three if familiar, a week or at most two for unfamiliar. This includes getting the lay of the street, finding a few contacts, hearing about some of the local gangs, guilds, bosses, fences, etc. * Can communicate to others in the know via gestures, slang, and innuendo blended in with seemingly ordinary speech. * Familiarity with thief-signs, marks, color and livery, etc used to mark turf, indicate clandestine services, indicate threats, arrange meetups, etc.