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Vigor (VIG): strength, toughness, stamina, health
- +VIG to forceful attack and damage (melee and thrown)
- +VIG to HP per level
- Vigor = encumbrance threshold
Dexterity (DEX): speed, agility, coordination, reflexes
- +DEX to defense (capped by armor)
- +DEX to finesse attacks and damage (melee, thrown, and ranged)
- +(DEX or WIT) to initiative
- Readied Items = (Dexterity or Wits) / 2, rounding up
Wits (WIT): craftsmanship, perception, memory, intuition, quick wits
- +(DEX or WIT) to initiative
- +WIT to feat points (can't be used for Growth)
- Readied Items = (Dexterity or Wits) / 2, rounding up
Spirit (SPT): force of personality, willpower, personal magnetism, spiritual power
- +SPT to reaction rolls
- +SPT to morale / loyalty rolls
- 1+SPT max number of Companions
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- Stat Bonus = stat - 10
- Stat Bonus shorthand: SB
- Static Stat DC = 11 + Stat Bonus
- Stat Modifier = (stat / 3) - 3, rounding down
- 3-5) -2
- 6-8) -1
- 9-11) +0
- 12-14) +1
- 15-17) +2
- 18-20) +3
- Modifier shorthand: MOD (but specific stat mods have their own shorthand, VIG, DEX, WIT, SPT)
Personality and Intelligence
- A low Wits does not mean a character is necessarily stupid. They are less observant, less quick to react, and more methodical working through things, but they can come up with clever plans, be well-educated, etc. Or not. However you feel like portraying them.
- Similarly a low Spirit means you lack a certain magnetism and force of personality, but you can be as eloquent and social as you like.