
From The Hidden Room
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Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Veil

(Power 2+, 1 action, conc (1 hour), 30') Choose 1: Up to (Power-1) Medium targets and their carried possessions become invisible. The spell ends on a target if they cast a spell or commits violence (including any kind of negative effects). Each size larger than Medium, double the number of "targets" the spell costs to affect it. Smaller targets aren't easier. You radiate an aura of concealment. You and allies within range gain Expert Stealth to avoid notice and avoid leaving tracks. +1 Power: if cast as a ritual, you can anchor the aura to a location (campsite, door, cottage, etc) for 24 hours instead.

???Astral Mask (Power 2+, 1 action, touch, 24 hours, 1 willing creature, object, or location up to 5' radius) Apply either or both: False Logos: hide an existing magical aura from detection, or present a fake aura (making something non-magic appear magic, or altering the apparent nature of existing magic). You can determine the details of the false aura (what it appears to do, etc). An examiner must Wits save to see through your deception. Divination Mask: you alter how the subject detects to magical examination (making a demon not register as a demon, making someone with malicious intent appear kindly to mind-reading, etc). You can give someone the "magical signature" of a specific person (allowing them to walk through a ward or alarm keyed to ignore them), but you must have an arcane connection to that person, which is consumed in casting. If the same mask is cast on the same object or location for 30 days in a row, the duration becomes indefinite. +1 Power, 25 gp ritual materials: the subject can't be targeted by divinations or perceived through scrying at all. It's as if they don't exist.

mask can be made to detect if you are scryed upon