Red Age > Rules > Characters
Base stats By Level
Level |
XP |
HP |
Life |
Feat Points |
High |
Mid |
1 |
0 |
Vigor (VIG)
- Strength, toughness, stamina, health
- +VIG to forceful attack and damage (melee and thrown)
- +VIG to HP per level
- Vigor = encumbrance threshold
Dexterity (DEX)
- Speed, agility, coordination, reflexes
- +DEX to defense (capped by armor)
- +DEX to finesse attacks and damage (melee, thrown, and ranged)
- +(DEX or WIT) to initiative
- Readied Items = (Dexterity or Wits) / 2, rounding up
Wits (WIT)
- Craftsmanship, perception, memory, intuition, quick wits
- +(DEX or WIT) to initiative
- +WIT to feat points (can't be used for Growth)
- Readied Items = (Dexterity or Wits) / 2, rounding up
Spirit (SPT)
- Force of personality, willpower, personal magnetism, spiritual power
- +SPT to reaction rolls
- +SPT to morale / loyalty rolls
- 1+SPT max number of Companions
Stat Bonus
- Stat Bonus = stat - 10
- Stat Bonus shorthand: SB
- Static Stat DC = 11 + Stat Bonus
Stat Modifier
- Modifier shorthand: MOD (but specific stat mods have their own shorthand, VIG, DEX, WIT, SPT)
- (stat / 3) - 3, rounding down
- Values
- 3-5) -2
- 6-8) -1
- 9-11) +0
- 12-14) +1
- 15-17) +2
- 18-20) +3
Personality and Intelligence
- A low Wits does not mean a character is necessarily stupid. They are less observant, less quick to react, and more methodical working through things, but they can come up with clever plans, be well-educated, etc. Or not. However you feel like portraying them.
- Similarly a low Spirit means you lack a certain magnetism and force of personality, but you can be as eloquent and social as you like.
Hit Points & Life
- HP (up to 10th) = 2 + class starting bonus hp + ((3+VIG+class bonus hp) x level)
- Above 10th: +(1+heroic class bonus hp) per level
- If multiclassing, use your single highest (class starting bonus hp) and the (class bonus hp) and /or (heroic class bonus hp) for the individual class levels gained.
- Reserve HP: equal to normal HP. Converted into HP through rest, putting an upper limit on near-term natural recovery.
- Life (rounding down) = 10 + VIG + SPT + PROF
Attack, Defense, & Saves
Forceful attacks use VIG; Finesse attacks use DEX.
Attack Bonus (up to 10th, rounding normally)
High: MOD + Level + 1
Medium: MOD + 2 x (Level / 3)
Low: MOD + (Level / 3)
If multiclassing, gain the partial benefits from each class level, summing and rounding normally.
Static Attack DC: 12 + Attack Bonus
Defense Bonus: +armor value + DEX (only when mobile and aware)
You may use your Dexterity Save bonus instead of Defense bonus when you take the Dodge action.
Static Defense DC: 11 + defense bonus
Armor: light (+2), medium (+4, Clumsy 15 / +2), heavy (+6, Clumsy 13 / +1), shield (+2)
If not proficient with your armor or shield, halve its effective armor value and apply Clumsy 11 / +0.
Clumsy limits your Dexterity and DEX to the listed values for all purposes (not just defense), and you are considered to bear a Medium Load, at minimum.
Starting Saves
Gain the save proficiency granted by your class, and one free choice.
Vigor: used to resist poison, disease, fatigue, privation, magical manipulation of the body, and forced movement.
Dexterity: used to avoid trouble by fast reactions, dodging, and taking cover from rays, explosions, falling into pits, etc.
A shield (w/ proficiency) gives +2 Dexterity Save against blasts, bolts, beams, falling rocks, and other things you can use it to take cover from.
Wits: used to spot incoming trouble, see through deceptions, illusions, and manipulations, and cope with ambushes or confusion.
Spirit: used to resist mental, emotional, or spiritual influence by magical or social means, and the imposition of enchantments.
Save Bonus
Proficient: MOD + PROF
Non-Proficient: MOD + HALF
Static Save DC = 12 + Save Bonus
Effect is simply the inverse of a Save (like Attack and Defense). The player rolls Effect to try to bypass the target's Save.
Effect Bonus = MOD + PROF
Clerics use SPT. Sorcerers and Malisons may use WIT or SPT.
Spells and other effects can be Direct or Resisted.
Direct: no modifier
Resisted: -3 to Effect Bonus
Static Effect DC: 11 + Effect Bonus
Combat Proficienies
A brief description of your culture, upbringing, and previous life (e.g. escaped northern slave turned sailor).
- You may know how to play an instrument, sail a boat, herd animals, perform court etiquette, forge a plow, recite local history, etc. You aren't masterful, but you can be competent, or even professional (mastery or unique prowess requires a feat).
- You can perform actions using the knowledge and skills of your background. If the outcome is in doubt, make a check using the appropriate Stat Bonus.
- PCs are assumed to be competent adventurers as part of their background, able to handle pack animals, start campfires, forage and hunt a little, tie knots, make camp, etc.
- Through play and downtime actions, you can add to your background, learning new skills, languages, etc.