
From The Hidden Room

Template:Apparatus Rules

Movement Actions

Each turn you generate Movement equal to your Speed. You can spend Movement on the following actions at any time during your turn, until you do not have Movement remaining. You do not need to spend all of your Movement, but unspent Movement is lost at the end of your turn.


  • Cost: 1 Movement
  • Effect: Run a distance of 1m.


  • Cost: 2 Movement, or 1 Movement if you have the Natural Climber Feat
  • Effect: Climb a distance of 1m. This distance is affected by your Size Modifier.


  • Cost: 2 Movement, or 1 Movement if you have the Natural Swimmer Feat
  • Effect: Swim a distance of 1m. This distance is affected by your Size Modifier.

Drop Prone

  • Cost: 0 Movement
  • Effect: Fall prone.


  • Cost: 2 Movement
  • Effect: Crawl a distance of 1m. This distance is affected by your Size Modifier.

Stand Up

  • Cost: ½ Speed
  • Effect: Stand up from prone.

High Jump

  • Cost: 2 Movement
  • Effect: Jump 1m straight up air, plus 1m if your Might or Agility is 6 or higher, minus 1m if your Might or Agility is 2 or lower.
    • The jump includes an optional horizontal equal to the height of the jump if starting with a run of 2m of more.
    • The run distance and jump height are both modified by Size Multiplier.
    • A creature that can jump at all is always able to jump as high as ¼ their height.
    • Examples are in Tables 1 and 2, below.
Table 1. High Jump Distances
Start Might/Agility Tiny Height Small Height Medium Height Large Height Huge Height Gargantuan Height
0m (Standing) < 2 0m 0m 0m 1m 2m 4m
0m (Standing) Normal 0m 1m 1m 2m 4m 8m
0m (Standing) > 6 1m 1m 2m 4m 8m 16m
2m (Running) < 2 0m 0m 0m 1m / 1m 2m / 2m 4m / 4m
2m (Running) Normal 0m 1m / 1m 1m / 1m 2m / 2m 4m / 4m 8m / 8m
2m (Running) > 6 1m / 1m 1m / 1m 2m / 2m 4m / 4m 8m / 8m 16m / 16m
Table 2. High Jump Diagrams
Start Score < 2 Score Normal Score > 6
High stand weak.png
High stand normal.png
High stand athlete.png
2m Run
High jog weak.png
High jog normal.png
High jog athlete.png

Long Jump

  • Cost: 4 Movement
  • Effect: Jump 2m horizontally, plus 1m if your Might or Agility is 6 or higher, minus 1m if your Might or Agility is 2 or lower.
    • The distance is doubled if you run 2m before jumping.
    • The distance is tripled if you run 4m before jumping.
    • Movement is reduced to zero for the current turn when after landing a running long jump.
    • Landing on rough or slippery terrain may require an Agility check to avoid falling prone.
    • The jump includes clearing a maximum height of ¼ the jump distance.
    • The running distance and jump distance are both modified by Size Multiplier.
    • Examples are in Tables 3 and 4, below.
Table 3. Long Jumping Distances
Start Score Tiny Distance Small Distance Medium Distance Large Distance Huge Distance Gargantuan Distance
0m (Standing) < 2 0m 1m 1m 2m 4m 8m
0m (Standing) Normal 1m 1m 2m 4m 8m 16m
0m (Standing) > 6 1m 2m 3m 6m 12m 24m
2m (Running) < 2 1m 1m 2m 4m 8m 16m
2m (Running) Normal 1m 2m 4m 8m 16m 32m
2m (Running) > 6 2m 3m 6m 12m 24m 48m
4m (Running) < 2 1m 2m 3m 6m 12m 24m
4m (Running) Normal 2m 3m 6m 12m 24m 48m
4m (Running) > 6 2m 5m 9m 18m 36m 72m
Table 4. Long Jump Diagrams (Medium Size)
Start Score < 2 Score Normal Score > 6
Long stand weak.png
Long stand normal.png
Long stand athlete.png
2m Run
Long jog weak.png
Long jog normal.png
Long jog athlete.png
4m Run
Long run weak.png
Long run normal.png
Long run athlete.png

Difficult Terrain

  • Cost: +1 Movement per Difficulty Rating
  • Effect: Move a distance of 1m. Only affects Run, Swim, Climb, or Crawl movement through difficult terrain. If Movement cost exceeds base Speed, the terrain is impassable.

Grappled Move

  • Cost: Special
  • Effect: While grappling a creature, the grappler's Speed is halved.

Standard Actions

Each turn you get a single Standard Action that defines most of what you can do in a turn of combat.


A single Attack action usually involves making a single Attack roll with a wielded weapon.

Template:Apparatus AttackRoll

Some common things that can affect the Attack action:


  • Dual-wielding weapons grants +Advantage on the Attack roll.
  • Attacks while Unseen have +Advantage.
  • Attacks against Obscured targets have -Advantage.
  • Attacks while Frightened have -Advantage.
  • Attacks while Poisoned have -Advantage.
  • Attacks while Prone have -Advantage.
    • Melee Attacks against a Prone target have +Advantage.
    • Ranged Attacks against a Prone target have -Advantage.
  • Attacks while Restrained have -Advantage.
    • Attacks against a Restrained target have +Advantage.
  • Attacks with Exhaustion 3 or higher have -Advantage.
  • Ranged Attacks while adjacent to a hostile enemy have -Advantage.
  • Ranged Attacks at Far Range have -Advantage.

Critical Hits

  • Rolling equal to or greater than the Critical Threshold on the Attack roll results in a critical hit.
    • A critical hit deals additional damage equal to the maximum value of the largest damage die used in the Attack.
    • If the Attack roll for a critical hit would normally miss the target, the attack still hits but deals normal damage instead.
  • Attacks against Incapacitated targets are automatically Critical Hits.

Barred Attacks

  • You cannot Attack an Unseen target without some clue to the target's location. Getting a sense of the target's location makes the target Obscured instead of Unseen.
  • If you are subject to Charm, you cannot attack the source of the Charm effect.
  • You cannot Attack while Incapacitated.
  • You cannot perform Ranged Attacks on targets beyond Far Range.


A Grapple is a special kind of Attack Action, with specific rules that do not apply to normal Attack Actions.

Initiate Grapple

To start a Grapple, you must:

  • Be within melee range of the target
  • Be able to make an Attack against the target (see Attack Action, above)
  • Have at least one free hand
  • Be no more than one Size smaller than the target
  • Succeed at a Grapple check:

1d20 + Combat Proficiency + Might + Size Modifier >= Physique Rating

Basic Grapple

If the Grapple check is successful, the target is subject to a Basic Grapple condition. If the Grapple check is a critical success, the target is instead subject to an Advanced Grapple (see below).

  • Target's Speed becomes 0 and it can't benefit to bonuses to Speed.
  • Basic Grapple ends if you become Incapacitated.
  • Basic Grapple ends if either you or the target is moved out of your melee reach, such as by Forced Movement.
  • Basic Grapple ends if the target takes an Action to Escape and you fail a Grapple check to sustain the Grapple.

Advanced Grapple

If you have a Basic Grapple with a target, they can use their Action to upgrade the Basic Grapple to an Advanced Grapple by succeeding at another Grapple Check. If the Grapple check is a critical success, the target is instead subject to a Complete Grapple (see below). The Advanced Grapple condition works like Basic Grapple, but also imposes:

  • Target is considered Restrained.
  • If you or target are subjected to Forced Movement, you both are moved and the Grapple is maintained.
  • Advanced Grapple is downgraded to Basic Grapple if the target takes an Action to Escape and you fail a Grapple check to sustain the Grapple.

Complete Grapple

If you have an Advanced Grapple with a target, they can use their Action to upgrade the Advanced Grapple to a Complete Grapple by succeeding at another Grapple Check. If the Grapple check is a critical success, they can also choose one Complete Grapple Stunt from the list below. The Complete Grapple condition works like Advanced Grapple, but also imposes:

You can take an Action to perform any one of the following Complete Grapple Stunts to the target of a Complete Grapple:

  • Prevent breathing, causing the target to asphyxiate for a turn.
  • Deal 1d6 + Might + Size Modifier physical damage.

While grappling a target, your Speed is halved unless the target is at least two Sizes smaller than you. Moving while grappling moves the target as well.

Expert Grappler Feat

Additional grappling options are available to characters with the Expert Grappler Feat.


A Shove Action is a kind of Attack with special rules that don't apply to normal Attacks.

To attempt a shove, you must:

  • Be within melee range of the target
  • Be able to make an Attack against the target (see Attack Action, above)
  • Be no more than one Size category smaller than the target
  • Succeed at a Shove check:

1d20 + Combat Proficiency + Might + Size Modifier >= Enemy Physique Rating

If successful, the target can be knocked Prone or Pushed 1m.


Using the Dash Action allows a character to generate additional Movement equal to their Speed for the current turn.


By taking the Disengage Action, your movement does not provoke Opportunity Attacks for the rest of your turn.


By taking the Evade Action, your Defense rolls have +Advantage until the start of your next turn. You lose this benefit if you are Incapacitated or if your Speed drops to 0.




Bonus Actions

Use Readied Item


Opportunity Attack

Readied Action

Special Actions

Class Features, Spells, Items
