Planar Chamber

From The Hidden Room
Revision as of 03:51, 21 June 2022 by Occupant (talk | contribs)
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When you cast this spell, you choose a command word and trace a square up to 2m to a side onto a solid surface. For the duration, when you speak the command word, a portal appears where you drew the shape. The portal leads to The Apparatus if cast as an Integral spell, to The Dreaming if cast as a Strange Spell, or to The Umbral Halls if cast as a Shadow spell. Speaking the command word again will close the portal.

The interior space is a cube, Power meters to a side. The interior appearance depends on the nature of the spell. The Apparatus produces an interior with shifting Truemetal gears and glowing Truecrystal furnishings. The Dreaming creates a dreamscape structure to your specifications. The Umbral Halls create a semi-real shadow realm much like the space outside of the portal. The interior of the space is indestructible.

  • Base Power: 2
  • Casting Time: 1 Standard Action (Upgrades)
  • Range: Touch (Upgrades)
  • Target: Summon, an extradimensional cubical space, up to Power meters to a side (Upgrades)
  • Attack: {{{attack}}}
  • Duration: Power hours (Upgrades)
  • Upgrades:
    • Power 5: You can optionally cast this with a Casting Time of 1 hour. If you do so, the Range becomes 1 km and the Duration becomes 10 days. Instead of opening a portal to the associated realm, this version of the spell pulls a structure from into the current realm. The size of the summoned structure can fill a cube, up to 100m to a side. If this is cast in the same location for 1 consecutive year, the Duration becomes Permanent. If you create another permanent fortress, the previous one fades after 10 days.