Integral Origin

From The Hidden Room
Revision as of 21:54, 30 April 2023 by Occupant (talk | contribs)

Template:Breadcrumb Apparatus Integrum

The Integral (Enchiridian) Origin, also known collectively as The Integrum, is the second oldest Origin in the universe. It comprises nearly all of the natural world.


Lore about The Integrum is plentiful, coming mostly from the Template:Category Apparatus Primarchs, Template:Category Apparatus Servitors, and Heralds.



  • Mortals
    • Azj: Natives of Kasyat
    • Fey: Natives of Pelithos
    • Nor: Natives of Acrolon
    • Ruk: Natives of Tonwei Unchained
  • Telar: Plants and animals of The Integrum

More at Creatures

Paths to Power


The original Founders were perfect in their execution of their role in The Integrum. This perfection represented an absolute harmony between their nature and the