Investigations Generator

From The Hidden Room
Revision as of 00:17, 10 September 2023 by Occupant (talk | contribs)

$name : WWON Invsetigations
$author : Occupant
$description : Automates WWON page 250 and 251, modified for The Apparatus setting
$amount : 1
$picture : 
$button : "Generate"

the target actually had a reason to want the mystery to be solved
the culprit's actions are being shaped or influenced by a seemingly uninvolved party
someone who out to be happy about the discovery will actually have cause to regret it
the resolution carries hints of an even longer mystery the players may pursue
the resolution coincidentally entangles itself in a completely unrelated conflict
the most obvious act to resolve the mystery is one that comes at some dear price

information is obviously time-sensitive, an the players know they have to hurry to get it
there's an obvious, easy way to get the information but it's morally repugnant
unless obtained carefully, the info is only partial, enough to direct but hiding vital surprises
the information is of a sort the party will be absolutely certain to be unhappy to learn
the information is true, but deeply misleading unless the full context is investigated
an ally is going to be hurt if the players obtain the information

Some known enemy or suspicious person clearly does not want them to follow it up
The manner of its discovery makes clear that somebody was trying to keep it hidden
An ally they trust has reason to vouch for its validity
The introduction comes with a reward or token that is enticingly valuable
Part of the introduction involves facts or elements that the players already know are true
The introduction happens to lead them in a direction they were already planning on going

the promise of rich rewards are dangled by it
following the hook would clearly win great favor with someone important
an allied NPC or friendly character is appealing to them to follow it up
following it would clearly hurt or discomfit a person or group the players hate
following it offers an easy escape from some current or approaching bad situation
the hook directly ties into an ambition or goal of one of the PCs

they invoke some kind of summoned beast or occult peril against the investigation
they call on favors or mundane agents to wield secular forces against the players
they put pressure on allies to get the players to back off
they offer bribes that are genuinely tempting to the players
their minions or direct servitors seek to use brute violence to quell the players
they change locations or plans in an attempt to throw the players off the trail

a sympathetic character dies in the process of revealing the clue
the coincidence that reveals the clue also greatly strengthens the target
some portion of a treasure or reward is spoiled by the way the clue is revealed
a positive character relationship is sacrificed by the circumstance of the scene
the target becomes acutely aware of the players involvement by the way the clue is revealed
the clues revelation is made contingent on the players making some significant sacrifice

Starting with the resolution of the investigation, the twist is that [resolutions]. Now choose three facts that together lead to the resolution, each with an obstacle in the way. A complication for fact one is that [complications]. A complication for fact two is that [complications]. A complication for fact three is that [complications]. Then decide how the players learn these facts exist. Encouraging the introduction is that [introductions].