Skiffy 2.0

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Red Age > Rules > Skiffy Rules 2.0

SWN / Traveller / Knave 2e-based



unarmed melee (agile, forceful) gunslinging marksmanship heavy weapons gunnery

"half ranks" - use ranks / 2, rounding up when asked for (ranks)

if a half-rank skill is used as a primary, treat it as half ranks. If used to boost another skill as a primary, use its full ranks e.g. Perception 4 used for marksmanship is effectively 2 ranks. If used to boost Gunnery 4, Perception 4 would count its full ranks.

  • Close Quarters Combat (CQC)

- melee weapons - brawling, martial arts, wrestling - "gunslinging", close ranged combat (pistols, close-range shotguns, SMGs, throwing) - close ranged heavy weapons (flamethrowers, etc) - melee defense and ranged defense - (half ranks) marksmanship ???- resist physical intimidation?

  • Accuracy / Marksmanship / Gunnery

- "gunslinging" and "marksmanship, close and long ranged combat (guns, bows, throwing) - close and long ranged heavy weapons - vehicular / ship gunnery - sniping - ranged defense

  • Athletics / Physique

- wrestling, brawling, forceful melee weapons, melee defense ???- throwing? (half ranks?) - exertion, feats of strength, carrying capacity - physical intimidation - toughness, endurance, health, resisting forced movement / holding your ground, resist pain and privation ???- resist physical intimidation? - swimming, running, jumping, rough climbing, riding, boating, exo-suits - +physique to carrying cap, +hp?

  • Finesse / Agility

???- (half ranks) marksmanship?, gunslinging? - finesse melee weapons (knives, fencing, etc), throwing, melee defense - sneaking, sleight of hand - evasion, escape, dive for cover, breakfall - sprinting, jumping, swimming, sheer climbing, acrobatics (regular and zero-g), riding - piloting agile vehicles (bikes, cars, fliers, light exo-suits, singleships) - +agility meters to per minor-action movement (base 6 m = ~20 ft or up to 60 ft w/ 3 move actions)

  • Discipline / Will / Presence / Command

- authority / command, intimidation, leadership, oratory, overbearing - radiating cool, artistic expression - self-discipline, cool under fire, resist social influence, resist psi, resist pain / privation, maintain focus - +hp?

  • Perception

- awareness, spot trouble / dangersense, intuition - insight / reading people, bullshit detector - investigation, notice, memory for details - recon, tracking, planetary navigation, foraging / scrounging - psi-awareness (with domain) - (half ranks) marksmanship (gunslinging??? throwing???), ranged defense ???- or full ranks for marksmanship, half for gunslinging? or full for gunslinging?

  • Analysis

- signals (sensors, comms), cryptography, data mining, traffic analysis - forensics, investigation - crunching scientific data, lab work - markets / finance, law, debate - research, analyze data, formulate plans - strategy, intel - astrogation, planetary navigation (by maps and instruments), surveying - logistics, admin

  • Engineering

- design, fabricate, repair, and jury-rig technology - demolitions, sabotage - security systems - embedded programming - survival / primitive crafts

  • Medicine / Biotech

- first aid, surgery - biology, bioanalysis, forensic medicine, toxicology - biotech, pharmacology, installing and repairing cyberware - life support systems, agriculture - psychological treatment

  • Infotech

- signals (sensors/comms), cryptology, data mining, traffic analysis - programming, hacking - ECM, signals stealth/spoofing/ghosting, jamming, false IDs/transponders

  • Persuasion

- lying, mockery, fast talking, manipulation - rapport, charm, reassurance, seduction, flirting - haggling, negotiation, bribery, marketing - artistic expression, acting, stylishness - remaining inscrutable

  • Connections

- sociopolitical terrain, contacts, finding people, things, and opportunities - psyops, rumormongering, intel gathering - marketing, bargain-hunting, knowing the market - streetwise, etiquette, navigating cultures and institutions - bureaucracy, law, administration, finance, logistics, admin / group organization - insight / reading people, bullshit detector, reading an institution / sociopolitical situation

  • Infiltration

- sneaking, stealth, misdirection, sleight of hand - stealth-tech/signals masking, signal spoofing - security systems, lockpicking, safecracking, limited hacking, ECM, and sabotage - tradecraft / spotting tradecraft, disguise, false IDs, safe-houses - ambush first strike

  • Piloting

- astrogation, planetary navigation - drone rigging - maneuvering ground/water/air/space craft, exo-suits - flying under the radar / flying casual / vehicular stealth and stealth-tech - vehicle maintenance - gunnery ???of for an agile vehicle (forward-facing only?)

  • Strategy / Military Science / Military Doctrine / StratOpTac / Warfare

- military admin / logistics - strategic analysis (small unit, planetary, and naval tactics, operations, and strategy), military science and history - perception for spotting ambushes, trouble, etc. - gunnery - use for ranged defense when moving / taking cover?

- can grant you and your comrades tHP in combat, or other kinds of benefits? (or make this a Focus?) - use to boost your team's ish, grant bonuses (maybe bonus actions) ???- demolitons

Narrow Skills - The skills listed are broad. If you only want a single part of a broad skill (e.g. only Demolitions from Engineering, only Streetwise from Connections, etc), you can get it for lower cost. - halved cost: 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 1.5, 1.5, 2 - rank 1 (0.5 pts), rank 2 (1 pt), rank 3 (2 pts), rank 4 (3 pts), rank 5 (4.5 pts), rank 6 (6 pts), rank 7 (8 pts)

Narrow Skill Ideas Intimidation: use in place of Presence or Physique for physical threats. Ship Ops: use in place of Piloting for ship (but not other vehicles) navigation and maneuvering (but not fancy flying or dogfighting), and Engineering for repairs. handle a large ship (no fancy flying), set a course, astrogate, ship maintenance Signals: use in place of Infotech for scanners and comms. Demolition / Sabotage: use in place of Engineering for sabotage and explosives. Gunnery: use in place of Accuracy for vehicular / naval weapons. Forensics Streetwise: use in place of Connections in the Street / criminal underworld. street cred, street / criminal / common social terrain High Society: use in place of Connections when hob-nobbing with the elites. etiquette, upper class / establishment social terrain

Custom Skills - you can pick bits from a couple skills and combine them into a narrow skill; Ship Ops has non-fancy flying from Piloting, some repair from Engineering, etc. - There is a degree of overlap between many skills (e.g. driving a motorcycle with either Agility or Piloting, wrestling with either CQC or Physique, etc). You can work with the GM to create a new skill from a cohesive group of concepts that otherwise fall within multiple other skills (e.g. Strategy is kind of combination of logistics from Administration, military history from Academics, and unique elements of forming and executing tactics and strategies that don't occur within any other skills).

- Survival (custom skill) - outdoor and urban survival - tracking, foraging, scrounging - planetary navigation - riding, animal handling, boating - first aid, life support / survival tech, surveying, primitive / makeshift craft - biology / planetology

  • Size: medium
  • Speed: 10 m
  • Feat Points: 1 pt per level?


  • Guard / Grit
    • Guard = 5 + 1 per odd-numbered level
    • Grit = 5 + Con + 1 per even-numbered level
  • Strain
    • You can take up to (10 + Con) Strain, restoring Guard and Grit, before you start gaining Fatigue instead.
  • Precalculated
    • 1st (11), 2nd (12), 3rd (13), 4th (14), 5th (15), 6th (16), 7th (17), 8th (18), 9th (19), 10th (20)
    • Durant: +2 + 1 per level
    • Con: +Con



  • Red-Handed + Hard to Kill = Fighter
  • Red-Handed + Versatile or Masterful: fighting rogue / assassin
  • Red-Handed or Hard to Kill + Eldritch = fighting theurge
  • Eldritch + Versatile = full sorcerer / theurge (assuming you spend the feat pts on extra mana, casting buffs, etc)
  • Red-Handed or Hard to Kill + Eldritch = mageslayer, arcane knight
  • Eldritch + Masterful = arcane trickster (you can use the reroll for
  • Abhuman + Eldritch = malison
  • Abhuman + Mutated + Hard to Kill = brute
  • Abhuman + Mutated + Red-Handed = reaver
  • Abhuman + Mutated + Versatile = skulk



  • languages, weapon profs, biome wildcraft, cultures, crafts


  • Level 1
  • Pick 2 primary stats and 3 secondary stats (retain these choices for advancement).
  • Randomly add 2 pts to primaries, 1 point to secondaries, and then place 2 pts freely. Can't exceed 3 in a stat at 1st level
  • Choose 2 Edges and spend 2 Feat Points.
  • Determine your relevant domains based on feats, edges, and background.
  • Derive Guard and Grit. Determine martial defenses.
  • Speed 30


  • +1 Guard, +1 Grit per level
    • +1 Life per level?
  • +1 to a random primary stat and +1 to a random secondary stat, and then +1 to any stat of your choice. Can't gain more than 1 to a stat per level, and can't save points. stats are capped at 10.
  • feat pts? (+1 per level?)

  • parry defense = half your attack bonus with your weapon + armor bonus, rounded up
  • ranged defense = half your Dex + armor bonus
  • if you have a shield or at least 6 armor (heavy) you can use parry against ranged attacks
  • dodge: defend w/ Dex. if used against melee attacks, you can't attack / deed this turn. you can dodge spells or missiles and still attack

  • armor: +1 armor guard per armor, +1 defense against weapon attacks (parry, block, evade ranged) per 2 armor
  • max 7 slots of armor
  • shield: +2 defense against weapon attacks (parry, block, evade ranged)
  • magic armor can grant extra armor pts (probably not more than 2)
  • melee attacks deal shock
  • shield lets you ignore 1 instance of shock per turn
  • sufficiently high armor rating may prevent some attacks from dealing shock
  • shock from swarm attacks penetrates all armor and shields
  • armor and shields get notched if you roll a 1 on defense (shield before armor)
  • weapons get notched if you roll a 1 on attack
  • item breaks if it gets notches equal to its quality (maybe 3 on average for a weapon and shield, maybe 2 notches removes 1 slot of armor?)
  • notches are assumed to be repaired during an extended rest, even in the field (maybe non-magic shield notches can't be repaired?)


  • capped at 3 or (level, max 10)
  • forceful weapon: str
  • finesse weapon: dex
  • balanced weapon: str+dex
  • projectile: wis
  • thrown: wis + half dex or half str (depending on if the weapon is forceful or finesse, or either if balanced)

everyman options

  • alchemy (Int)
  • talisman-making (Int)
  • poisons (int)
  • healing (Int)
  • fortune-telling / divination?
  • tactician (grant warlord type benefits?) (Int?)
  • magitech sorcery (Int)
  • ttheurgy (cha)
  • craft


core mechanic: d20 + stat / bonus vs DC



  • light: 5 + half Con slots
    • no penalties
  • medium: 10 + Con slots
    • +D to swim, climb, jump; +D in a race with someone w/ light load
    • can't fly with wings
  • heavy: 15 + 1.5 x Con slots
    • as medium
    • +D to Str and Dex checks, attacks, defenses
    • -10' move
    • can't jump, climb, etc, swim.
  • overburdened: 20 + 2 x Con slots
    • can only stagger 5', can't use guard/grit
    • if you exceed overburdened, you collapse

1 slot is ~5 lbs

  • each point of Fatigue fills a slot
  • each point of damage not blocked with hp inflicts a Wound. Flesh Wounds take up slots, but don't have additional effects, and heal a point each day
    • serious wounds occupy slots equal to the damage that caused them, have additional effects, and are much slower to heal (weeks)


Harm & Recovery

  • each point of Fatigue fills a slot
  • each point of damage not blocked with hp inflicts a Wound. Flesh Wounds take up slots, but don't have additional effects, and heal a point each day
    • serious wounds occupy slots equal to the damage that caused them, have additional effects, and are much slower to heal (weeks)

Fatigue / System Strain / Reserve? Wounds? Shock? Auto-Damage?


  • Brief Rest
    • Restore armor pts.
  • Short Rest
    • Requires food and water present in the party but they are not consumed.
    • Restores Guard.
  • Long Rest
    • Requires each individual to consume food and water.
    • Restores Guard and Grit. Removes 1 strain. Removes 1 fatigue, or 1 Flesh Wound if no Fatigue.
    • works toward removing serious wounds if no fatigue or flesh wounds
  • when you restore guard or grit, mark 1 strain and roll 1d6 (+2 if Hard to Kill). If this restores more guard or grit than you need, don't mark strain (restore guard, with chance for free heal, then restore grit with chance of free heal). keep healing until you're done
  • if you have strain = 10 + Con, then instead of strain gain fatigue
  • armor restores without applying strain
  • any reason to distinguish between fatigue and flesh wound? flesh wound is harder to heal?
  • if you reach 10 + Con serious wounds, you die
  • if you reach 20 + (2 x Con) serious wounds, flesh wounds, and other fatigue, you die
  • when you take direct damage (bypassing armor, guard, and grit), you can't suffer a mortal wound (including dead adventurer walking, but allowing bleeding out fast / slow) unless ??? (no hp?)




- xp costs plateau around 5th or 6th? (1st 0k -> 2nd 2k -> 3rd 4k -> 4th 8k -> 5th 16k -> 6th 32 k) - sorcery: components, formulae, scrap - theurgy: relics, divine bonds, favors - mighty deeds: weapon techniques, trophies - rogues: bragging rights - contacts, friends, favors, Companions - reputations, titles, domains - completed vows - backgrounds - renown for projects