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Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Charm

Charm Person (Power 0+, 1 action) (Power 0, 10 min, self) You have +A to Spirit- and Wits-based social checks toward a single, chosen, non-hostile target. When the spell ends, they immediately realize their mood and perceptions were tampered with, and react as they wish. (Power 1+, 8 hours, (Power) humans or moderate abhumans, 30' range) Target(s) must Spirit save (+A if currently in physical or strong social conflict with the caster or their allies) or become charmed. Charmed targets forget you just cast a spell on them, and regard you as a good friend (the sort you're happy to offer hospitality, resources, protection, or information to, not slavishly obey or ruin your life for). Their attitude toward other people, such as their own allies, doesn't change, though you companions are thought of as "being with you". Prior conflict is reframed as some kind of misunderstanding. The charm ends if you directly harm or betray their trust. After the spell ends, if you haven't obviously exploited them and they don't have preexisting negative attitudes, they may not realize they were charmed, just believing they took a liking to a stranger.

Suggestion (Power 2, 1 action, 30' range, 1 thinking creature who can understand your words, conc (8 hours), charm) You speak words (up to a few sentences) that suggest a course of action or interpretation of facts or the situation, and a subject must Spirit save or accept them, forgetting the moment of the casting and the speaking. The suggestion is taken according to the target's own nature, personality, beliefs, etc, as if a trusted friend had spoken it (though it seems to arise naturally from their own mind), similar to Charm Person. If you can weave in more facts or suit the suggestion to the person's beliefs, you can make it feel stronger and more justified. E.g. if told that a person is plotting against them, a normal person might begin scrutinizing or avoiding them (while wondering what could have caused such enmity), while an already mistrustful or ruthless person might immediately strike against them. A wealthy person might give away their horse to a passerby, convinced that they're doing a good deed, but a poor person would not harm themself with such extravagance (but might loan it, especially if they "heard somewhere" that the recipient was a good and trustworthy person). Actions that would cause serious harm or hardship, especially for no good reason, automatically fail. The suggestion may be conditional, taking hold within the duration when some event happens, a person is encountered, words are spoken, etc ("the first person you meet", "when you hear someone discuss the weather", "when you get home").

- mass suggestion - charm monster (acks)

- instill gentle emotion: aversion, attraction, disinterest (as calm emotions) - sanctuary?

- modify memory (charm-like, somewhat fragile and needs to be used either short-term or subtly so it's not challenged)