
From The Hidden Room
Main > Compendia > Magic and Technology > Patternsails

Patternsails (Enchiridian) are a form of transportation invented by the Fey of Pelithos during the Shattered Age. Patternsail ships allow magically prepared vessels to fly.


The word patternsails comes from the conjugation of pattern, which is a reference to the Grand Designs of Pattern and sail, which is a reference to the wind-based form of travel. This label is not an accurate depiction of the underlying concept, however, as the magic actually interacts with the Grand Design of Destiny. Though wind is not used in patternsailing, the term evokes the invisible force behind the movement.


Patternsailing was created by The Loom around the year 300 SC.


Patternsails are structures, usually in the form of a ship or building, with a special artifact integrated into their construction. These artifacts, called Template:Link Celestine Cores, are special pieces of Template:Link Orrery, which broke apart during The Shattering. These Celestine Cores, combined with Template:Link Heraldry of the Destiny design, allows the structure to fly.

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