Characters (Red Age)

From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Characters


Character Creation

  • Start with 0 XP at level 1.
    • If you are making a character to replace one who died, start with half the dead character's XP.
  • Determine stats, rolling 4d6, summing the best 3, for each stat in order. Then swap any two stats of your choice.
    • If the sum of all your stat MODs is less than +1, you can scrap the character and roll again.
  • Choose a class.
    • Gain its extra HP, combat proficiencies, attack, abilities, etc. Make any choices it offers.
  • Choose 2 Saves to be proficient in (1 free choice and 1 choice from the options offered by your class).
  • Describe your Background.
  • Spend your Feat Points (and any Rogue or Mutation Points from your class).
  • Determine your caster level (gaining Mana and Panoply) any starting spells.
  • Determine starting weapons, armor (and defense), and gear.


Base stats By Level
Level XP PROF (HALF) Base HP Life Feat Points Attack Mana
High Mid Low
1 0 1 (0) 5 11 2 +2 +1 +0 4
2 2k 8 11 3 +3 +1 6
3 4k 2 (1) 11 12 +4 +2 9
4 8k 14 12 4 +5 +3 12
5 16k 3 (1) 17 13 +6 +2 17
6 32k 20 13 5 +7 +4 22
7 65k 4 (2) 23 14 +8 +5 28
8 130k 26 14 6 +9 +3 37
9 250k 5 (2) 29 15 +10 +6 44
10 370k 32 15 7 +11 +7 56
+1 +120k +1 +1 heroic +2

Stat Adjustment Cheatsheet

  • HP: +(class bonus starting HP) + ((VIG + class bonus hp) x level)
  • Life: +VIG + SPT
  • Feat Points: +WIT


  • Once you reach 5th level, any time you are in a place of safety, you can Retire to Safety. You take your personal share of money and items (some gifts to the party might be negotiated with the DM) and either head off into the sunset or settle down to a (probably) comfortable but not earthshaking position (perhaps running a popular tavern, becoming a civic official, etc). You're safe from personal peril, and might be in a position to offer some occasional support to your old companions.
  • Once you reach 9th level, you can Rest on Your Laurels. You depart or settle down, becoming a person of influence and importance, perhaps becoming a local lord, court wizard, wealthy merchant, guildmaster, criminal boss, etc. You can even become a major leader as long as you do it somewhere comfortably far away from the rest of the adventure.


  • If multiclassing, your level for purposes of determining Mana is the sum of your levels in (Sorcerer + Theurge + (Malison / 2)).
  • Reserve Mana: characters with Mana also have an equal amount of Reserve Mana. It is converted into Mana through rest, putting an upper limit on near-term recovery.

Heroic Levels

  • Levels up to 10th are considered "normal", while those above 10th are considered "heroic". A lot of advancement is soft-capped at 10th, but heroic levels grant heroic Feat Points, which can be used as normal, but may be spent on Heroic Feats as well.


Vigor (VIG)

  • Strength, toughness, stamina, health
  • +VIG to forceful attack and damage (melee and thrown)
  • +VIG to HP per level
  • Vigor = encumbrance threshold

Dexterity (DEX)

  • Speed, agility, coordination, reflexes
  • +DEX to defense (capped by armor)
  • +DEX to finesse attacks and damage (melee, thrown, and ranged)
  • +(DEX or WIT) to initiative
  • Readied Items = (Dexterity or Wits) / 2, rounding up

Wits (WIT)

  • Craftsmanship, perception, memory, intuition, quick wits
  • +(DEX or WIT) to initiative
  • +WIT to feat points (can't be used for Growth)
  • Readied Items = (Dexterity or Wits) / 2, rounding up

Spirit (SPT)

  • Force of personality, willpower, personal magnetism, spiritual power
  • +SPT to reaction rolls
  • +SPT to morale / loyalty rolls
  • 1+SPT max number of Companions

Stat Bonus

  • Stat Bonus = stat - 10
  • Stat Bonus shorthand: SB
  • Static Stat DC = 11 + Stat Bonus

Stat Modifier

  • Modifier shorthand: MOD (but specific stat mods have their own shorthand, VIG, DEX, WIT, SPT)
    • (stat / 3) - 3, rounding down
  • Values
    • 3-5) -2
    • 6-8) -1
    • 9-11) +0
    • 12-14) +1
    • 15-17) +2
    • 18-20) +3

Personality and Intelligence

  • A low Wits does not mean a character is necessarily stupid. They are less observant, less quick to react, and more methodical working through things, but they can come up with clever plans, be well-educated, etc. Or not. However you feel like portraying them.
  • Similarly a low Spirit means you lack a certain magnetism and force of personality, but you can be as eloquent and social as you like.

Hit Points & Life

  • HP (up to 10th) = 2 + class starting bonus hp + ((3+VIG+class bonus hp) x level)
    • Above 10th: +(1+heroic class bonus hp) per level
    • If multiclassing, use your single highest (class starting bonus hp) and the (class bonus hp) and /or (heroic class bonus hp) for the individual class levels gained.
  • Reserve HP: equal to normal HP.
    • Reserve HP is converted into normal HP through rest, putting an upper limit on near-term natural recovery.
  • Life (rounding down) = 10 + VIG + SPT + PROF

Attack, Defense, Saves, & Effect


  • Players roll attack against a static NPC defense DC.
  • Attack Bonus (up to 10th, rounding normally)
    • High: MOD + Level + 1
    • Medium: MOD + 2 x (Level / 3)
    • Low: MOD + (Level / 3)
  • Static Attack DC: 12 + Attack Bonus
  • Forceful attacks add VIG to attack and damage; Finesse attacks add DEX.
  • If multiclassing, gain the partial benefits from each class level, summing and rounding normally.


  • Players roll defense against a static NPC attack DC.
  • Defense Bonus: DEX (while mobile and aware) + Armor Defense Value
    • You may use your Dexterity Save Bonus instead of your Defense Bonus while benefiting from a Dodge action.
  • Static Defense DC: 11 + Defense Bonus
  • Armor
    • Light (+2 defense)
    • Medium (+4 defense, Clumsy 15 / +2)
    • Heavy (+6 defense, Clumsy 13 / +1)
    • Shield (+2 defense)
  • Clumsy limits your Dexterity and DEX to the listed values for all purposes (not just defense).


  • Players roll saves against a static NPC effect DC.
    • Vigor: used to resist poison, disease, fatigue, privation, magical manipulation of the body, and forced movement.
    • Dexterity: used to avoid trouble by fast reactions, dodging, and taking cover from rays, explosions, falling into pits, etc.
      • A shield (w/ proficiency) gives +2 Dexterity Save against blasts, bolts, beams, falling rocks, and other things you can use it to take cover from.
    • Wits: used to spot incoming trouble, see through deceptions, illusions, and manipulations, and cope with ambushes or confusion.
    • Spirit: used to resist mental, emotional, or spiritual influence by magical or social means, and the imposition of enchantments.
  • Save Bonus
    • Proficient: MOD + PROF
    • Non-Proficient: MOD + HALF
  • Static Save DC = 12 + Save Bonus


  • Players roll effect against a static NPC save DC.
  • Effect Bonus = MOD + PROF
    • Magic: Theurges use SPT. Sorcerers and Malisons may use their choice of WIT or SPT.
  • Static Effect DC: 11 + Effect Bonus

Combat Proficienies

  • Weapon: without weapon proficiency, take +D to attack rolls.
  • Armor: without armor proficiency, gain only half the equipment's armor bonus, and take Clumsy +1 / +0 (see armor.
  • Shield: without shield proficiency, gain the shield's benefits only while taking a Dodge action.


A brief description of your culture, upbringing, and previous life (e.g. escaped northern slave turned sailor).

  • You may know how to play an instrument, sail a boat, herd animals, perform court etiquette, forge a plow, recite local history, etc. You aren't masterful, but you can be competent, or even professional (mastery or unique prowess requires a feat).
  • You can perform actions using the knowledge and skills of your background. If the outcome is in doubt, make a check using the appropriate Stat Bonus.
  • PCs are assumed to be competent adventurers as part of their background, able to handle pack animals, start campfires, forage and hunt a little, tie knots, make camp, etc.
  • Through play and downtime actions, you can add to your background, learning new skills, languages, etc.


  • Feats are unusual knacks or specialist training and knowledge.
  • Feat Points
    • 1st to 10th: WIT + 2 + (level / 2, rounding down)
    • 11th and above: +1 per level
  • Different Feats costs different amounts. Some Feats have prerequisites.
  • Feat List



  • Each time you gain a level, you may choose what class to take it in, as long as it suits the fiction.
    • PROF is determined by your overall level.
    • You do not gain additional Save proficiencies after 1st level.
  • Classes only advance their capabilities based on levels invested in them. Some withhold benefits normally granted at 1st level until further levels are invested.
    • Gain the per-level attack bonus granted by the class you invested the level in. If you go above 10th level, use the 10 best class levels to determine this.
    • Use the single highest starting HP bonus from among your classes (e.g. if you have Sorcerer 1 (+0 hp) and Fighters 1 (+2 hp), use the latter).
    • Gain the per-level HP granted by the class you invested the level in. If you go above 10th level, use the 10 best class levels to determine this, and gain the heroic bonus from all other levels.
    • Sum the caster levels granted by all your casting classes to determines your Mana, which is spent from a single pool for spells from all classes.
    • Each class has its own Panoply rating, determined by the caster level granted only by its own levels.


Base Benefits

  • High Attack
  • Combat Proficiencies: all armor, shields, all weapons
  • Save Proficiency Choice: Vigor or Dexterity
  • +2 starting HP and +2 HP per level (+1 at heroic levels)
  • You have the Dueling feat.

Heroic Deeds

  • Choose a number between 2 and 19. When you roll this number naturally on an attack, hit or miss, you may also follow up with a Force or Inflict Condition (rolled separately).
  • Choose a second number at Fighter level 6.

Weapon Master

  • Victories
    • Track your victories with each category of weapon. For each threshold (5, 15, 25, 35) passed, choose 1 benefit that now applies to that weapon category.
      • If you begin 1st level as a fighter, distribute 15 victories among your weapon categories.
      • To count a victory against a foe, you must land at least 1 hit against it in open battle (not by stealth, etc). It's defeat can be lethal or non-lethal (surrender, knock-out).
      • A friendly duel against a warrior close to your own skill can grant a victory if you win. You can't get more than one victory from a given person through friendly duels.
      • When you receive intensive training from or fight a serious duel with a master, or read a rare manual of techniques, you may gain 1 or more victories with the weapon(s) it focuses on.
    • When a weapon fits multiple categories, choose where to place a victory gained with it, as long as it was used that way in the battle (e.g. a thrown spear could be a pole weapon or thrown weapon victory).
  • Benefits
    • Deadly
      • +(Fighter level / 2, rounding up) to weapon damage.
    • Brutal
      • +1d critical damage at Fighter level 1. Critical on a 19-20 at Fighter level 5.
    • Cleave
      • If you fell an enemy, you may carry over any excess damage to another target your attack roll could have hit. With a ranged weapon, the follow-up target must be within 10'.
      • You cannot cleave as part of an Opportunity Attack.
    • Flurry
      • When you use the Attack action, you can split your attack bonus (including MOD, magic weapon bonus, etc) among up to 1+(fighter level/2, rounding up) targets, with a minimum of +1 per target. You can move in between attacks.
      • You can draw fresh ammo and draw Readied throwing weapons, but can't reload a weapon with the Loading tag.
      • If you take a reaction to make an OA, you may choose to Flurry. Split your attack as desired, and you may apply the other attacks against other provocations this turn (but only one per individual provocation).
      • If you can Cleave, you may choose which Flurry strike Cleaves into which target, but a given target can't be hit by a Cleave more than once per Flurry.
  • Weapon Categories
    • Brawling (daggers, fists, grappling, broken bottles)
    • Single (one-handed swords, axes, maces, hammers)
    • Great (great axes, great swords, mauls)
    • Pole (staves, halberds, spears)
    • Thrown (knives, spears, javelins, axes)
    • Missile (bows, crossbows, slings)
    • Exotic (each is its own category)


Base Benefits

  • Medium Attack
  • +1 starting HP and +1 HP per level
  • Choose 1 Modus Operandi

Modus Operandi

  • Assassin
    • Combat Proficiencies: light armor, 1h melee weapons, finesse thrown weapons, short bows, hand and light crossbows, garrotes, blackjacks, blowguns.
      • Choose either the Dueling feat or 1 additional proficiency from among: slings, heavy crossbows, long bows.
    • Save Proficiency Choice: Dexterity or Wits
    • Sneak Attack
      • If wielding a finesse weapon, when you land a Sneak Attack against a fully vulnerable target (trusting, doesn't perceive you, paralyzed), in addition to it being a crit (true for all characters), deal +1d6 at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th Rogue levels.
      • A sneak attack with a blackjack against a suitable target (humanoid, no helm) deals 1d6 damage (non-lethal) and they must Vigor Save or fall unconscious. If successful, the target is still Stunned until the end of their next round.
      • A sneak attack with a garrote against a suitable target (humanoid, no throat protection) deals 1d6 and the target is grappled, restrained, and mute. Each subsequent round the grapple is maintained deals +1d6 damage (1d6, 2d6, 3d6...)
      • You may sacrifice 1d6 of your sneak attack damage to add a Force, Grapple, or Inflict Condition (rolled separately), provided it makes sense with the nature of your attack.
  • Brawler
    • Combat Proficiencies: light and medium armor, 1h melee weapons, thrown weapons, short bow, light crossbow
      • Choose either the Dueling feat + 1 additional proficiency, or 2 proficiencies from among: polearms + great weapons, shields, heavy armor, slings, bows and crossbows
    • Save Proficiency Choice: any one save


  • Once per Long Rest, reroll a stat or talent check and use the better outcome.
  • For extended endeavors (with one or more rolls), you cannot reuse this ability until the endeavor ends. E.g. when navigating a ship through a weeks-long voyage, if you use Expertise, it doesn't refresh until the end.


  • You have Rogue Points = (5 + Rogue level).
    • Spend Rogue Points like extra Feat Points, but only on feats with the Rogue keyword.
    • If multiclassing into Rogue, don't immediately gain the 5 free starting Rogue Points. Instead gain 1 extra Rogue Point per Rogue level, until you reach 5.

Bragging Rights

  • Fortune
    • After a die roll (any type) by or directed at you, you may spend 1 Fortune to add or subtract 1d6 from the roll.
    • After a Long Rest, refresh your pool of Fortune to your Fortune Level.
  • Fortune Level
    • Start with Fortune Level 0.
      • When you steal a singular treasure, convert its value into XP normally and determine what level that alone would earn you (e.g. 2000 xp = 2nd level). It takes 500 XP to count for 1st level.
      • If this is higher than your current Fortune Level, it becomes your new Fortune Level.
    • A treasure can be multiple items, but must be carried off at the same time. The DM will assign value to things with circumstantial values (e.g. battle plans from the enemy general, etc).
      • "Stolen" means it was guarded or perilous to obtain and you successfully employed at least a degree of stealth, finesse, or cunning. Violence can play a part, but it can't just be "kick down door, kill everyone, take thing". You must return to safety with it, just like any XP-for-treasure award.


Base Benefits

  • Low Attack
  • Combat Proficiencies: light melee weapons, staff, javelin, light armor
  • Save Proficiencies: Wits or Spirit


  • If you begin 1st level as a sorcerer, gain the Gnosis 2 feat.
    • If you multiclass into it, gain Gnosis 1 at Sorcerer level 2.


  • You have Second Sight.
  • Choose whether to use Wits or Spirit as your casting stat.
  • Add (Sorcerer level) when determining your Mana.
  • You have Sorcerer Panoply = (Sorcerer levels / 2), rounding up (max 5).
  • You can act as a living vessel for (1 + Sorcerer level + MOD) spells.


Base Benefits

  • Medium Attack
  • Combat Proficiencies: light and medium armor, 1h melee weapons, forceful thrown weapons.
    • Choose 2 additional proficiencies: polearms + great weapons, shields, heavy armor, finesse thrown + missile weapons
  • +1 starting HP and +1 HP per level
  • Save Proficiency Choices: Vigor, Dexterity, or Wit


  • Gain proficiency in Spirit saves.
  • Gain 2 Feat Points to use on Gnosis and/or something related to the divine domain of your main / first patron deity (Master Craftsman for a forge god, Strategist for a war god, et cetera).
    • If you multiclass into Theurge, gain 1 Feat Point at 2nd, and 1 at 4th.


  • You have Second Sight and can Turn the Eldritch.
  • Add (Theurge level) when determining your Mana.
  • You have Theurge Panoply = (Theurge levels / 2), rounding up (max 5).
  • World Affinities
    • The World-Spirit is the totality of the divine order created by the gods. Though battered and crumbling, it still holds, and all theurges can tap into aspects of it.
    • You can access (Theurge level + 1) World Affinities, each granting a package of innate spells dealing with wholeness, insight, protection, or vitality.
  • Divine Bonds
    • You have (Theurge level + SPT) Bond points you can use to forge bonds with select divine / unholy / otherworldly beings.
    • Each Bond point invested in a particular being grants you additional Innate spells from their domain. You can cast these spells at up to Power = Bond (still limited by Panoply, as usual).
    • You may need to negotiate observances, taboos, and similar demands from these patrons.


Base Benefits

  • Choose a Phenotype.
    • Abhumans may be members of a true-breeding population, deviations from their parental human or abhuman kind, human-born but transformed by exposure to eldritch forces, or parahumans intentionally bred by sorcerers-of-old.


  • Brute
    • High Attack
    • +3 starting HP and +3 HP per level (+2 at heroic levels)
    • Combat Proficiencies: all armor, melee and thrown forceful weapons, crossbows
    • Save Proficiency Choice: Vigor
    • Brawn
      • Vigor should be your highest or second highest stat. If it isn't, you may swap either the highest or second highest value with your current Vigor.
    • Ironhide
      • Your body is naturally as durable as Medium Armor. This doesn't stack with armor, but you may wear Heavy Armor and use its superior rating.
  • Skulk
    • Medium Attack
    • +1 starting HP and +1 HP per level
    • Combat Proficiencies: light armor, 1h melee weapons, thrown weapons, short bows, hand and light crossbows, garrotes, blackjacks, blowguns.
      • Choose either the Dueling feat or 1 additional proficiency from among: medium armor, slings, heavy crossbows, long bows
    • Save Proficiency Choice: any one save
    • Adaptable
      • You have Skulk Points = (3 + PROF). Spend these as Mutation Points on Skulk-specific mutations.
      • If multiclassing into Skulk, don't immediately gain the 3 free starting Skulk Points. Instead gain 1 extra Skulk Point per Skulk level, until you reach 3.
  • Malison
    • Medium Attack
    • +1 starting HP and +1 HP per level
    • Combat Proficiencies: light armor, 1h melee weapons, thrown weapons.
      • Choose 2 additional proficiencies: medium armor, polearms + great weapons, shields, bows + crossbows
    • Save Proficiency Choice: Spirit
    • Innate Sorcery
      • You have Second Sight.
      • Choose whether to use Wits or Spirit as your casting stat.
      • Add (Malison level / 2, rounding up) when determining your Mana.
      • You have Malison Panoply = (Malison levels / 4), rounding up (max 3).
      • You act as a living vessel for (1 + Malison level + MOD) spells.
        • When you gain a Malison level, you attract a new, random spell and absorb it (DM rolls 3 possibilities, from which you choose).
        • Spells can't be removed from you while you live. You digest a spell you contain when taking a Short Rest, making room to absorb a new one encountered in your adventures, which becomes permanently bound.
        • You can't access spells in vessels outside yourself, nor those imbued into Instruments of Panoply.


  • You have a negative mental, physical, or spiritual mutation, chosen or rolled from the list on the Mutations page.


  • Mutation Points = 3 + abhuman level (up to 10th)
  • You may buy mutations from the general and Phenotype-specific lists (some mutations are, or duplicate, existing Feats).
    • You may spend General feat points as Mutation points.


  • To most human societies, abhumans are feared and mistrusted outsiders, at best. Many (NPC) abhumans are monstrous, insane, demon-ridden, or all three. Others simply meet a cruel and indifferent world with their own cruelty and indifference, forming insular tribes with no love for humans.
  • PC abhumans are likely to be more sane and less aberrant in appearance, and can usually enter settlements to conduct business, especially if accompanied by humans.
  • An individual abhuman might win acceptance in a particular society through their deeds, or as a servant / companion of a respected human. They are generally more accepted among the criminal, outcast, and occult.
  • An abhuman will have a hard time gaining human Companions, but can have abhumans or other sorts. Hirelings will often be more expensive and less loyal.