From The Hidden Room
Main > Compendia > Creatures > Gods > Primarchs > Nexia
Nexia (High Nor, Old Nor: Hautha), or The Grey Lady, is the Primarch of both Autumn and Spring in Acrolon. She is the only God of The Integrum who is attuned to two Grand Designs. She is also the only living Shard God of Acrolon.
Lore about Nexia is plentiful and accurate.
Nexia is unique among Integral Gods in that she has six exarchs, three for each of the Grand Designs she is attuned to.
- Kosh, the Soul Shepherd: Autumn exarch and Nexia's youngest exarch. Leads Servitors and Heralds who are concerned with lost souls, undeath, and necromancy.
- Tabitha, the Bone Maiden: Autumn exarch and reformed necromancer. Leads Crucible research and defense.
- Moebius, the Plague Lord: Autumn exarch and elder Servitor. Leads defense of The Underworld of Acrolon.
- Lily, the Argent Queen: Spring Proctor and elder Servitor. Ruler of the Dawnlands of Acrolon.
- Rose, the Crimson Hunter: Spring Imperator and elder Servitor. Leads defense of the Rain Heart of Acrolon.
- Violet, the Whispering Keeper: Spring Explorator and elder Servitor. Scouts and observes nature throughout Acrolon.