
From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Adhesion

Adhesion (Power 0+, 8 hours , 1 action) (Power 0, 10 min, touch) Bond together two pieces of inanimate matter with strength comparable to the weaker of the two substances. (Power 1+, 8 hours, 30') Choose 1: Two inanimate objects (up to 5' x 5' contact surface area (which can be spread over multiple points of contact) are bonded together as if by a strong adhesive (e.g. a rope to a wall, the pages of a book, a sword in a scabbard, a door and its frame, a chest's lid, etc). The objects are no more durable than normal, but the adhesion requires a feat of strength vs DC (20 + caster level) to break. The duration can be set at time of casting (up to 8 hours), or the spell can be dismissed at will or upon a specified trigger condition. A mundane or magical slipperiness is negated as if affected by Dispel Magic. Slick ground or stairs can be made secure, etc.

  • Grease

(Power 1, 1 minute, 1 action, 60' range) A slick of inert lubricant covers an inanimate object or surface, up to 100 square feet. A slick object requires a Dex save to hold on to or pick up. People in a slick area must make Dex saves to remain standing each turn or upon entry. It is +1x difficult terrain to those trying to crawl or walk through it. Targets are likely to slide down slick slopes, making movement and verticality even harder. The lubricant sublimates at the end of the duration.

???freedom of action? (water, ooze, grapples, etc; not bonds)