
From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Equipment > Alchemics



  • 1 dose of a drug or poison affects a Medium creature normally. Half or double the doses need for full effect for each size category smaller or larger.
    • If a target receives multiple doses, handle each one individually (rolling damage, saves, etc).
    • If a target receives a half dose, halve the damage and/or fatigue, and grant +A to any saves (including ones further halve the effects) or allow a normal save against a weaker status, if a convenient one exists.
      • Less than half a dose has no effect.
  • Expert Alchemist: a non-advanced formula made by an Expert Alchemist gains +2 DC to save against.

Poisoned Weapons

  • Certain poisons and drugs can be delivered via weapons. Those with the Injury keyword can be delivered by piercing or slashing weapons. Contact can be delivered by any weapon.
    • A natural 1 on an attack with a poisoned weapon indicates you nick yourself, suffering the effect. If you have a suitable Feat (relating to alchemy, poisons, assassination, etc), you only suffer this 50% of the time if Skilled, or 25% of the time if Expert.
  • Poison applied to a weapon loses it potency after about 10 minutes.



(last indefinitely)

  • Water purification tablets (light, 10 gp, alchemic, 6 uses, each use purifies mundane pathogens and debris from enough water for one Medium-sized creature for a day)
  • Nutrient bars (light, 10 gp, alchemic, 6 uses, each use provides enough food for a Medium-sized creature for a day, sustaining but not very satisfying)


(become inert in 1 season)


  • Vigor Tonic (light, 50 gp, alchemic)
    • Imbibed or applied to a wound, it restores 1d6+1 hp and inflicts and equal amount of Fatigue. Does not help heal Life or Wounds.
  • Antidote (light, 50 gp, alchemic)
    • Imbibed or applied to a wound, it grants +A to Vigor saves against poison and disease for 1 hour. If administered within 1 minute of exposure, allows a reroll of a single failed save instead. Gain 5 Fatigue.
  • Calmative (weightless, 50 gp, alchemic)
    • Can be imbibed or injected. The subject is purged of powerful mundane emotions, comparable to a Calm Emotions spell. A second dose induces lethargy similar to drunkenness; Vigor save or become Poisoned for 1d6 minutes.


  • Vapor of Clarity (weightless, 50 gp, alchemic)
    • When the vial is cracked open and inhaled, it gives intense focus and clarity of mind. Sleep is immediately banished (or reroll a failed save against magical slumber). For ten minutes, take +A on initiative and tasks involving thought and finesse (picking locks, recalling or spotting details, etc), then gain 5 Fatigue.
  • Vapor of Rage (weightless, 50 gp, alchemic)
    • When the vial is cracked open and inhaled, it fills the mind with aggression. Gain 1d4+2 tHP. For ten minutes, take +A on initiative and +2 attack and damage, then gain 5 Fatigue.
  • Firebelly (light, 20 gp, alchemic)
    • Imbibed, it warms the blood, protecting against mundane extremes of cold and wet (hypothermia, frostbite, etc) for 4 hours, then gain 5 Fatigue. Splashed, it thaws up to 25 cubic feet of ice / frozen material.
  • Frostbelly (light, 20 gp, alchemic)
    • Imbibed, it cools the blood, protecting against mundane extremes of heat and dryness for 4 hours, then gain 5 Fatigue. If splashed, it can extinguish a 10' x 10' patch of flame.
  • Perfume (weightless, alchemic)
    • (5+ gp) Smells nice and neutralizes residual unpleasant odors. A part of any upper class lifestyle, and a quick way to hastily cover up one's dungeon-stank.
    • (50 gp) Influences the subconscious of those around you. The emotional tone is set when brewed, adding +1d4 to social checks where the tone aligns, or -1d4 where it clashes.
  • Green Lotus Tincture (weightless, 50 gp, alchemic)
    • Astral lubricant for the spirit. Imbibed, it converts 1d6+1 reserve mana to available mana after a Brief Rest. Vigor save DC (5 x (doses since last Long Rest - 1)) or trip balls for 1d4 hours.


  • Yellow Lotus Wine (light, 5 - 50+ gp, alchemic)
    • A strong, pleasurable intoxicant with a variety of flavor admixtures.
  • Inquisitor's Tea (weightless, 200 gp, alchemic, ingested, 1d6 minute onset)
    • Vigor DC 16 -> Success: Poisoned 1d4 minutes with no further effects. Failed: Intoxicated (Poisoned) 1d4 x 10 min, during which efforts to interrogate by trickery or intimidation have +A, then repeat the save, with only blurred memories of the experience if failed.


(become inert in 1 year)


  • Foxfire (light, 5 gp, alchemic, 24 hours of heatless illumination)
    • Provides 5' Dim Light and can be shrouded to make it directional or conceal it entirely. Integrated impact lighter. Can't extinguish once lit (manually, by water, by wind, etc).
    • Won't give away the bearer when in Dim Light or Darkness, even when at looked directly at from a distance of 15' or more (30' w/ Nightvision or Darkvision).
  • Sun Rod (light, 10 gp, alchemic, 8 hours of heatless illumination)
    • Provides 20' of Bright Light with a 20' penumbra of Dim Light. Can be used as a club (d4 crushing); 2-in-6 chance of breaking. Integrated impact lighter. Can't extinguish once lit (manually, by water, by wind, etc).
  • Flare (light, 2 gp, alchemic, 10 min illumination)
    • Provides 20' of Brilliant Light, 20' of Bright Light, and 20' of Dim Light. Deals d4 fire damage on contact. Integrated impact lighter. Can't extinguish once lit (manually, by water, by wind, etc).
  • Kerosene (light, 10 gp, alchemic, 24 hours of lamp fuel)
  • Matches (weightless, 2 gp, 10 stock, alchemic)
  • Luminescent Paint (light, 10 gp, alchemic)
    • Glows gently for 1 week, and can be made in many colors. Can coat up to 25 square feet.


  • Adhesive (light, 10 gp, alchemic)
    • Bonds objects together, curing in air in about 1 minute. Can coat up to 25 square feet. Requires a feat of strength vs DC 20 to break.
  • Lubricant (light, 10 gp, alchemic)
    • Non-flammable grease, can coat up to 25 square feet. A slick object requires a Dex save to hold on to or pick up. Moving over a slick surface requires a Dex save to remain standing each turn or upon entry, and is +1x difficult terrain to those trying to crawl or walk through it. Breaks down after about 1 hour of exposure to open air, but can lubricate enclosed mechanisms (locks, hinges, etc) for days.
  • Bottled Air (1 slot, 50 gp, alchemic)
    • A ceramic vessel holding a pair of reagents. Slow mixture of the reagents in the bottle causes it to leak breathable air, enough for 1 hour of respiration for 1 medium-sized creature.
    • If fully mixed, it emits a 20' strong gust of wind for 1 round per 20 minutes of breath remaining, either directionally from the main opening or omnidirecationally if all the seals are opened.
  • Cryptic Ink (weightless, 10 gp, 1 oz, alchemic)
    • The ink is initially visible, but fades to invisibility in a few minutes. Depending on the formulation, the ink either becomes permanently or temporarily visible after exposure to modest heat, a certain chemical (same price as the ink), a certain frequency of sound, moonlight, or water. It is as durable as normal ink.
  • Ghostflame Candle (light, 100 gp, alchemic)
    • Reagents suspended in a special wax. Total burning time is 1 hour. The flame turns blue when active magics or spiritual entities are present. The length of the flame gives a rough sense of distance (high within 10' or normal within 30') and the intensity of the color roughly indicates the strongest effect present (Power or level). Dormant or clathrated (possessing a host, stored in a scroll, etc) magics or entities will not be detected.
  • Stone Melt (light, 100 gp, alchemic)
    • Renders 1 cubic foot of stone or ceramic malleable like clay for 10 minutes, after which it hardens in its new shape.
  • Alchemic Neutralizer (light, 100 gp, alchemic)
    • Liquid which damps alchemical reactions and renders substances inert. Splashed on someone, it can halt ongoing fire or acid damage. Renders poisoned / drugged drink harmless and potions (alchemical and magical) inert. Causes alchemical substances (adhesives, etc) to quickly degrade.
  • Marking Stick (weightless, 10 gp, alchemic)
    • A stick of pigment (your choice of color) that can be applied under water, sticks to most surfaces, adheres to skin, and resists moderate abrasion. Good for leaving marks in dungeons, stamping hands at music festivals, etc.
      • One version is clear / invisible, with nefrit dust suspended in it, creating marks visible only with Second Sight.
  • Vermin Repellent (light, 10 gp, alchemic)
    • Mostly scentless fluid, wiped onto flesh, tents, house walls, etc. Lasts for a week on sheltered surfaces, or a day on creatures or exposed surfaces. Insects, rats, and other mundane vermin avoid the vicinity. If directly splashed with it, some (but not all) giant or aberrant vermin must Vigor save or become Poisoned.


  • Smoke Bomb (light, 10 gp, alchemic)
    • Bursts on impact, creating a 10' diameter cloud of dense smoke (heavy obscuration). Lasts for 10 minutes, longer in still air, or less in wind.
  • Choke Smoke (light, 30 gp, alchemic)
    • Bursts on impact, creating a 10' diameter cloud of dense smoke (heavy obscuration). Those within are Poisoned and Dazed, coughing loudly, with eyes watering (ends at the start of a turn outside the cloud). Lasts for 10 minutes, longer in still air, or less in wind. Noxious enough to kill small vermin (bugs, mice) that remain in it for an entire turn.
  • Thunderstone (light, 30 gp, alchemic)
    • On impact, those within 5' must Vigor save DC 13 or become Blind and Deaf (including tremorsense) until the end of their next turn.
  • Malodorant (light, 10 gp, alchemic)
    • A foul-smelling, sticky oil. Most animals will be dissuaded by the stench, and it prevents tracking by scent. A minute spent breathing the fumes in an enclosed space (or if consumed) inflicts Poisoned, lasting until a Brief Rest in clean air. Fades after 1d4 hours.
  • Tanglefoot (light, 30 gp, alchemic)
    • Sticky, foaming, fibrous goo bursts in a 5' radius. Those in the area must Dex save DC 13 or become Grappled (Slowed 1d6 rounds on success), DC 16 to escape. Once escaped, targets remain Slowed for 1d6 rounds. Becomes crumbly and inert after 10 minutes.
    • If extruded slowly instead of ruptured, the goo can be used to fill up to a 125' cubic feet, sealing gaps, building up barriers, etc.
  • Alchemist's Fire (light, 50 gp, alchemic)
    • Direct hit inflicts 1d4 fire + 1d4 on the following 5 turns (action, Dex DC 13 to extinguish, +A if you tried to extinguish it last turn). Those within 5' must Dex save DC 13 or take 1d4 fire (no ongoing). If thrown on the ground, it creates a 5' burning patch that deals 1d4 fire per turn to anyone who enters and lasts 5 turns.
  • Acid (light, 30 gp, alchemic)
    • Variants exist which harm metal, organic materials, or both (choose upon purchase/manufacture), but not glass, ceramic, or stone. Can be applied to the surface to be corroded, or thrown to inflict 1d4 acid + 1d4 acid on the following 2 turns.
  • Blue Oil (light, 50 gp, alchemic)
    • Becomes very cold when exposed to air. A direct hit with a flask inflicts 1d4 frost + 1d4 on the following 5 turns (action, Dex DC 13 to shake off, +A if you tried to last turn). Will freeze up to 50 cubic feet of water (10 cubic feet per turn), and floats on water unless stirred to mix. Extinguishes a 10' x 10' patch of flame.
  • Blasting Pellet (light, 50 gp, alchemic)
    • Direct hit inflicts 1d6 fire and 1d6 crushing. Those within 5' must Dex save DC 13 or take half as much. The putty in the bombs can be removed and packed into hinges, locks, or other vulnerable points for more controlled demolition.
  • Defoliant (light, 10 gp, alchemic)
    • Ruptures into a cloud that rapidly kills and desiccates vegetation to a fragile husk in a 10' radius. It can also be sprayed through a valve in a more controlled fashion. Against plant creatures, it deals health damage comparable to Alchemist's Fire.


  • Black Lotus Dust (light, 2000 gp, advanced alchemic (1 week in a lab to make), ingested or inhaled, 1 round onset)
    • Vigor DC 17 -> Success: Poisoned (until all poison Fatigue is gone) and 10 ongoing Fatigue (success ends; 60 Fatigue results in deathlike coma). Failure: Stunned (1 minute per 10 poison Fatigue, then Poisoned until all poison Fatigue is gone) and 20 ongoing Fatigue (success ends; 60 Fatigue results in death)
    • If the full dose is ingested or blown directly on a victim, it has its full effect. If blown into a 5' radius cloud, treat as a halved dosage for each victim.
  • Purple Lotus Dust (light, 600 gp, alchemic, ingested or inhaled, 1 round onset)
    • Vigor DC 15 -> Success: Poisoned (1 minute), and save again next turn or become Stunned (save ends). Failure: Stunned (1d4 minutes), and save again next turn or become Unconscious (1d4 hours).
    • If the full dose is ingested or blown directly in the face of the victim, it has its full effect. If blown into a 5' radius cloud, treat as a halved dosage for each victim.

work in progress below...

  • Essence of ether (weightless, 300 gp, alchemic, inhaled (??? onset), DC 15: Unconscious 8 hours unless woken / Dazed 1d4 minutes)
  • Burnt Othur Fumes (weightless, 500 gp, alchemic, inhaled (??? onset), DC 13: ???3d6??? and repeat save each turn (1d6 on failure), 3 successes ends the poison / half initial damage and no ongoing)
  • Torpor (weightless, 600 gp, alchemic, ingested (??? onset), DC 15: Incapacitated 4d6 hours / ????)
  • Oil of taggit (weightless, 400 gp, alchemic, contact (??? onset), DC 13: Unconscious 24 hours (wake if damaged) / Dazed 1d4 rounds)
  • Drow poison (weightless, 200 gp, alchemic, injury (1d6 minute onset), DC 13: Poisoned 1 hr (fail by more than 5: Unconscious unless woken) / no effect)
  • Malice (weightless, 250 gp, alchemic, inhaled (1d2 round onset), DC 15: Blind 1 hour / Lightly Obscured 1d4 rounds)
  • Crawler mucus (weightless, 200 gp, alchemic, contact (1d4 round onset), DC 13: Paralyzed 1 min / Dazed 1 round)
  • curare (1500 gp, instant onset (injury), DC +0, 2d12 + paralysis 2d4 x 10 min)

  • venoms
  • deliriant (prevents concentration, clear thought, and casting)
  • sleeping drops

  • yew (200 gp, 1 hour (injury) or 1d6 hours (ingestion), DC +4, 1d10)
  • belladonna (weightless, 350 gp, alchemic, injury (10 min) or ingested (1d3 x 10 min), 2d8 + confusion 1d4 x 10 min, DC ??+2 for half / no confusion)
  • Assassin’s Blood (weightless, 150 gp, alchemic, ingested (1d3 x 10 min onset), DC 10: 1d12 + Poisoned (24 hours) / half damage and Poisoned 1 hour)
  • Midnight tears (weightless, 1500 gp, alchemic, ingested (no effect until triggered), DC 17: ???9d6??? / half damage)

- triggers: stroke of midnight, exposure to binary agent, exposure to sunlight, victim sleeps

  • Pale tincture (weightless, 250 gp, alchemic, ingested (??? onset), DC: 16: 1d6 + Poisoned / no effect, repeat save every 24 hours, effects end after 7 successes, this damage can't be healed until the effect ends)
  • foxglove (275 gp, 1d6 x 10 min (ingested), DC -3, 2d8 + confusion 1d4 x 10 min)
  • foxglove (weightless, 300 gp, alchemic, ingested (1d6 x 10 min), 2d8 + confusion for 1d10 days, DC for half and 5 Sickness for 1d6 days)
  • hemlock (225 gp, 2d4 turns (ingestion), DC +2, 2d12 + 1d10 days sickness)
  • hemlock (weightless, 250 gp, alchemic, ingested (2d4 x 10 min), 2d12 + 10 Sickness (Fatigue) for 1d10 days, DC for half and 5 Sickness for 1d6 days)
  • hellebore (225 gp, 1 turn (injury) or 1d3 turns (ingestion), DC +2, 1d6 + 1d10 days sickness (treat as some degree of Fatigue?))
  • henbane (350 gp, 1 turn (injury), 1d6 turns (ingested), DC +2, 1d6 + delerium 1d4 hours)
  • wolfsbane (350 gp, 1 turn (injury), 2d4 turns (ingested), DC +2, 2d8 + paralysis 2d4 turns)
  • Purple Worm poison (weightless, 2000 gp, alchemic, injury (1d2 round onset), DC 17: ???12d6 damage??? / half damage)
  • Serpent venom (weightless, 200 gp, alchemic, injury (??? onset), DC 11: ???3d6??? / half damage)
  • Wyvern poison (weightless, 1200 gp, alchemic, injury (1d2 round onset), DC 15: ???7d6 damage??? / half damage)
  • Giant Centipede 50gp 1 turn +2 Sickness 1d10 days*
  • Spitting Cobra 100gp 1 turn +2 1d6 damage
  • Giant Crab Spider 100gp 1d10 turns +4 1d10 damage
  • Pit Viper 200gp 1d10 turns +2 1d10 damage
  • Giant Killer Bee 250gp 1 turn +2 1d10 damage
  • Carcass Scavenger 250gp 1 turn +2 Paralysis 2d4 turns
  • Sea Snake 275gp 1d10 turns +2 4d4 damage
  • Giant Black Widow 300gp 1d6 turns +2 4d4 damage
  • Giant Rattlesnake 300gp 1d10 turns +2 2d10 damage
  • Giant Tarantula 350gp 1d6 turns +2 2d10 damage
  • Giant Scorpion 400gp 1 turn +2 2d10 damage
  • Rockfish 500gp 1 round +1 4d6 damage
  • Wyvern 700gp 1 round +1 6d6 damage

Advanced Alchemy

Catalyst = (character level x 2)

  • Regain all Catalyst after an Extended Rest with access to an alchemy kit: spending time refining depleted materials, buying rarities in the market, etc.
  • Catalyst functions the same as Mana in spells, but applies only to advanced alchemy.
  • Feats that grant advanced alchemy (Alchemist 2, Poisoner, and Healer 2) all share the same Catalyst pool.

Potency = (character level / 4), rounding up (Potency 1 and 1st, Potency 2 at 5th, and Potency 3 at 9th)

  • Potency functions the same as Power in spells, but applies only to advanced alchemy.


  • Elixirs are more powerful than ordinary alchemics, but are still limited to plausibly "chemical" effects: drugs, poisons, ointments, medicines, explosives, incendiaries, acids, etc. Magical effects like levitation, invisibility, etherealness, telepathy, polymorph, are normally out of reach.
  • The Catalyst cost to brew elixirs is the same as Mana for a spell of the same Power (2 for Potency 1, 3 for Potency 2, and 5 for Potency 3).
    • Catalyst invested in elixirs remains invested. This represents the time and attention spent keeping the elixir stable and viable. If it used, lost, or discarded, the Catalyst can then be regained in an Extended Rest.
  • Up to (PROF) elixirs can be safely brewed during a Long Rest.
    • Brewing Quick: a single elixir can be brewed during a Short Rest, but requires an Alchemy check, DC 24. If failed, the elixir is produced but is unstable.
    • Brewing Dirty: you may take shortcuts when brewing, halving the Catalyst cost of a elixir (rounded up), but it will be unstable.
  • An unstable elixir has a random side-effect and will break down into useless, mildly toxic goo in 1 day.
    • If both Quick and Dirty, a failed alchemy check means the elixir has 2 side-effects and will break down in 1d6 x 10 minutes.


  • Virtues are are substances extracted from magical creatures, environments, or phenomena.
    • Depending on the quantity, complexity, nature, etc of the virtue, an Alchemy roll may be needed to harvest it.
    • A quantity of virtue is a Light item. You can keep up to PROF virtues stable and fresh indefinitely. Additional virtues expire in a month.
  • When a virtue suitable to the elixir's intended effects is expended in brewing it, choose 1:
    • It allows effects in keeping with the virtue's theme which break the normal "chemical" limits.
      • Virtue from an air elemental might allow flight, mind flayer brain juice might allow telepathy. The player can make a case for whatever seems sensible.
    • It improves an aspect of the elixir: duration, area, advantage on a healing or damage roll, etc.
    • It grants +A to a Quick Brewing check, or allows a DC 24 alchemy check to make a Dirty Brewing not turn out unstable.
  • Multiple virtues can be used in a single elixir, but any given facet can only be enhanced once (but you could improve multiple aspects, or both Quick and Dirty, etc).



(requires Alchemist 2)

  • Effects
    • Reference spell effects. Without a virtue, effects are limited to the "plausibly chemical".
      • Explosives (elemental blast), glue (adhesion, web), illumination (light), enhancement drugs (haste, nightvision, striding and springing, heroism).
  • With a suitable virtue...
    • Polymorph, levitation, far step, charm person, etc.


(requires Healer 2 or Medicinal Alchemist)

  • Reference spell effects...
    • Cure Wounds
    • Cure Malady
    • Revivify (requires a 300 gp gem to brew)
    • Restoration
    • Gentle Repose
    • Purify Food & Drink (as a powder)
    • Detect Pathogens (as an indicating reagent)
    • Calm Emotions
    • Nourishment
    • Protection from Pathogen
    • Purify Environment (as a vapor)
    • Hibernate
  • With a suitable virtue...
    • Dispel Magic
    • Break Curse


(requires Alchemist 2 or Poisoner)

  • Notes
    • The rules for Dosage and Poisoned Weapons apply to advanced poisons as well.
  • Delivery (choose when brewing)
    • Injury: delivered by piercing the skin. Normal effect.
    • Contact: delivered by touch. A victim gets +A to save for a brief / minor contact, such as touching a coated surface with a hand. Being sprayed with it, struck by a coated weapon, or more extensively handling a coated object has normal effect. A dose can coat about 1 square foot of surface. On an undisturbed surface (not exposed to sunlight, wind, dust, water, etc), the poison can remain potent for up to a day; if somewhat disturbed, it lasts ~1 hour.
    • Ingested: delivered by eating or drinking. Ingested poisons get +1 Potency. They have a taste or smell detectable by the knowledgeable or wary. A victim gets +A to save if they consume only a small taste. Becomes inert after an hour.
    • Inhaled: delivered by inhalation. May be fast- or slow-acting.
      • Fast-acting: normal effect. Usually delivered as blown dust, gas bomb, etc.
      • Slow-acting: requires 10 minutes of exposure in a small air volume (5+ minutes gives +A, less has no effect, 20+ minutes gives +D. Treat like an Ingested poison (+1 Potency, detectable odor).
  • Effects
    • Damage: a poison that primarily deals damage inflicts (Potency+1)d6 health damage, Vigor save for half, with a minor status effect rider applied on a failure (save ends).
      • Minors Status: unreactive, dazed, deafened, poisoned, blinded, silenced, etc.
      • For AoEs, reference similar spells (Elemental Blast, Elemental Breath, Stinking Cloud, etc).
    • Major Status: reference similar spells (Hold Person, Paroxysm, Sleep, Slow)
  • With a suitable virtue...
    • Magical Statuses: curses, petrification, banishment, size reduction
    • Unusual Damage: fire, frost, acid, spirit, etc.
    • Virulent: a dose affects larger creatures as if they were Medium.
    • Subtle: renders an Inhaled or Ingested poison odorless and tasteless to ordinary human senses.



  • 1) Fumes: toxic vapors emitted while brewing. Abandon the brew (wasting Catalyst and virtues), or endure it, taking (Potency)d6 health damage and Poisoned for 1d4 hours (Vigor save for half damage and no status). If brewing during a Long Rest, the Poisoning counts as a poor condition for recovery.
    • If a virtue was used, this may result in a different status effect and/or save.
  • 2) Toxic: the consumer of the drug suffers (Potency)d6 damage and is Poisoned for 1d6 x 10 minutes (Vigor save for half and no status).
    • If a virtue was used, this may result in a different status effect and/or save.
  • 3) Contraindication: if the consumer is affected any other alchemics, potions, poisons, medicines, etc before completing a Long Rest, they must Vigor save or gain 30 Fatigue from violent reactions (Vigor save for half).
  • 4) Weak Brew: the elixir takes 1d6 rounds to kick in after consumption and lasts half as long.
  • 5) Fast Burn: the effect is considerably amplified but may last less time. The effects may potentially be hard to control (enhanced strength, nightvision that causes light-blindness, etc), perhaps requiring a save or check to handle gracefully.
  • 6) Side-Effect: the consumer experiences a side-effect. It may be beneficial or neutral, or situationally troublesome, but is not strictly negative (body starts emitting smoke, augmented strength, skin turns green, experiences reduced gravity, etc).
    • This side-effect may be due to an unintended property absorbed from a virtue or from the environment in which it was brewed, potentially yielding virtue-like magical effects.


  • 1) Fumes: toxic vapors emitted while brewing. Abandon the brew (wasting Catalyst and virtues), or endure it, taking (Potency)d6 health damage and Poisoned for 1d4 hours (Vigor save for half damage and no status). If brewing during a Long Rest, the Poisoning counts as a poor condition for recovery.
    • If a virtue was used, this may result in a different status effect and/or save.
  • 2) Weak Brew: the victim has +A to save against the effects.
  • 3) Completely Unsubtle: once deployed, the poison is very obvious in one or more ways (hissing, fuming, stinking, strong tasting, vividly colored, corrodes the surface applied to, etc).
  • 4) Alternate Delivery: the poison ends up with a different delivery method than intended (Ingested, Injury, Contact, etc).
    • If a virtue was used, the delivery method may be magical / strange (observed, spoken, psychic, aura, etc).
  • 5) Juiced: the victim suffers the normal effects but (if they survive) also experiences a short-lived (~1 min) boost (rage, +A to saves, striding & springing, haste, heroism, etc)
  • 6) Additional Status: the poison applies an additional status effect to the victim.
    • This may be due to an unintended property absorbed from a virtue or from the environment in which it was brewed, potentially yielding virtue-like magical effects.

External Compounds

  • 1) Fumes: toxic vapors emitted while brewing. Abandon the brew (wasting Catalyst and virtues), or endure it, taking (Potency)d6 health damage and Poisoned for 1d4 hours (Vigor save for half damage and no status). If brewing during a Long Rest, the Poisoning counts as a poor condition for recovery.
    • If a virtue was used, this may result in a different status effect and/or save.
    • 1-in-4 chance the the vapors are instead emitted upon application, also acting as Heavy Obscuration.
  • 2) Hair Trigger: the compound is barely stable. Jolts, heat, chemicals, electrical discharges, etc have an X-in-6 chance of unleashing it, judged by the DM (up to 6-in-6).
  • 3) Weak Brew: the compound takes 1d6 rounds to kick in after being deployed and either lasts half as long or affects half the usual area.
  • 4) Fast Burn: the effect is considerably amplified but may last less time. The effects may potentially run out of control.
  • 5) Completely Unsubtle: once deployed, the compound causes a commotion: smoking, glowing, hissing, sparking, etc. This may cause obscuration, ignite nearby flammables, draw attention, corrode the surface applied to, etc.
  • 6) Side-Effect: a side-effect is produced. It may be beneficial or neutral, or situationally troublesome, but is not strictly negative.
    • This side-effect may be due to an unintended property absorbed from a virtue or from the environment in which it was brewed, potentially yielding virtue-like magical effects.