Alter Flesh

From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Alter Flesh

Alter Self (Power 2, 1 action, self, conc (1 hour)) While the spell lasts, you can manifest 1 physical transformation, swapping between them as an action. Adaptation Aquatic: you gain gills, webbed fingers, fins, etc. You can breath underwater and swim at your Speed. Arboreal: you gain Expertise with climbing, with long arms, a tail, etc. Gliding: you gain clumsy wings or flaps between wrists and ankles. You have a 2:1 glide ratio. Dashing: you gain +10' to ground movement, and +10' to horizontal jumping distance. Camouflage: grow fur, scales, etc to blend with a specific environment, becoming Skilled with Stealth while hiding there. Appearance You alter your appearance, voice, and scent within the broad range of a Medium biped. To perfectly duplicate a specific person, you must have an arcane connection to them, which is consumed when you take their form (you can resume their form any time during the duration of the spell). Natural Weapon Your unarmed melee attacks deal 1d6 with claws, fangs, spines, horns, etc. You suffer no penalty when fighting an armed enemy, and your attacks can be Short or Long range. Treat your weapons as magic, with +1 attack and damage.

Polymorph Self (5e, acks) - shapechange?

Enlarge / Reduce (Power 2, 1 action, 30', conc (1 min), one creature or object) Choose 1: Enlarge: subject increases one Size (~2x dimensions and ~8x weight). It has +A to Feats of Strength and +1d4 damage to forceful attacks. Growth halts early if there is not room for full size. Reduce: subject reduces one Size. It has +D to Feats of Strength and -1d4 damage to forceful attacks (min 1). The usual effects of Size apply to forced movement, grappling, ranged attacks, etc. The possessions of a targeted creature change with them. Dropped items return to normal size. Unwilling targets (or objects held by them) get a Vigor save to resist.

- animal growth (acks) - gills (breathe water) - polymorph into animal / monstrous forms

  • Enchantment of Striding and Springing

(Power 1, conc (10 min), 1 bonus, touch) The subject can Dash as a bonus action (this doesn't count against their Dash limit before fatigue in a chase), gains 3x jumping distance, and +A on checks to run and jump.

Haste (Power 3, 1 action, 120', conc (1 min)) Choose 1: (30' range) A willing creature gains 2x Speed, +2 defense, +A on Dex saves, and an extra action each turn. This action can't be used to multi-attack and the subject is still prevented from more than 1 spell casting / magic item activation and 1 cantrip casting per turn. When the spell ends, the subject is Stunned until the end of their next turn, overcome by lethargy. Time runs at double speed within a 10' diameter sphere. On casting, the volume can be halved repeatedly, each time doubling the rate of flow. Only inanimate objects and forces are affected, and only if the majority of them is within the sphere. Fast time does not increase the energy of forces, just their rate of progress (a falling stone does not hit harder, a flame consuming fuel twice as fast is no hotter). Dispel (as Dispel Magic) a hindering or slowing effect.

- bear's strength - cat's grace / safe-fall - bull's endurance - surge of might