
From The Hidden Room

When you cast this spell, you force a creature out of its current cosmic realm. If the spell attack hits, the target disappears to the realm specified below:

  • Fury target: The target is banished to an Astral prison. Your Effect Roll gains -Advantage if the target is not on an Integral realm. The attack gains +Advantage if the spell is of Integral origin.
  • Integral target: The target is banished to its native Integral realm. Mortals can be banished from divine realms, and Servitors can be banished from mortal realms.
  • Strange target: The target is banished to its native Strange realm. If the target does not have a native realm, it is banished to The Dreaming. The attack gains -Advantage if the target is not on an Integral realm.
  • Void target: The target is banished to The Umbral Halls. If the target is already in The Umbral Halls, it is instead banished to The Void. The attack gains -Advantage if the target is not in either an Integral realm or The Umbral Halls.

If the spell ends before the Duration is complete, the creature reappears in the space it last occupied. Otherwise, the banishment is complete, and the creature does not reappear. If the spell attack misses, the target instead takes Power d4 origin damage.

This spell can also be used to counter any spell of equal or lower Power that conjures creatures from another realm.

  • Base Power: 4
  • Casting Time: 1 Standard Action (or 1 Reaction if countering)
  • Range: 12m
  • Target: Power - 3 Creatures
  • Attack: {{{attack}}}
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute