
From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Catalepsy

Feign Death: a willing creature is put into a cataleptic state indistinguishable from death (even magic or a skilled physician must make a DC 25 Wits check or be fooled) for (Power-1) hours. You can dismiss the effect with a touch, after which vigor returns over the course of a minute. The subject has resistance to non-spirit damage. The progress of poison, disease, bleeding, and other biological processes are suspended for the duration. When cast upon oneself, you may choose to remain conscious, able to see and hear, but numb and immobile. You can dismiss the spell at will, requiring only 1d4-VIG turns before you are active again. +3 Power (ritual): the subject must be restrained or willing for the duration of the ritual. The effect lasts indefinitely, halting age. The caster must choose an act, substance, word(s), or other key that will end the spell.

Hibernate (Power 3, Power x 30 minutes, 1 action, touch) A willing creatures is placed in a death-like torpor. All life functions cease, it does not breath, age, or think. It is resistant to damage, and the progress of poison, disease, decay, bleeding, etc is suspended. The effect can be ended early by the caster's touch. At the end of the effect, the creature returns to consciousness and is Stunned for 1d4 rounds. Power 5 (10 min casting, +500 gp of ritual materials) causes the effect to last until dispelled, woken by the caster, or until a condition named by the caster is met (something a normal observer could recognize as having occurred).

Slow Poison / Disease but subject is also Slowed (as spell)

- Hold Person - Slow?

?Nourishment? (slow metabolism)