Cure Malady
From The Hidden Room
Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Cure Malady
Cure Malady (Lesser) (Power 1-2, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch)
Attempt to treat a disease or poison with Spirit and a +(5 x Power) bonus. If the net bonus is +10 or more, the cure is instant; otherwise it counts as one successful Save against the malady (which may require 1 or more successes over time).
Cure Malady (Greater)
(Power 1+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch)
Attempt to treat a disease or poison with Spirit and a +(5 x Power) bonus. If the net bonus is +10 or more, the cure is instant; otherwise it counts as one successful Save against the malady (which may require 1 or more successes over time).