Gift of Tongues

From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Gift of Tongues

Cryptic Script (Power 1, indefinite, 1 minute (for an extended message) or 1 action (for a single symbol), touch; 10 gp of ritual materials) You draw a sign or message on a surface (wall, parchment, skin) which is luminously visible only to specific people, types of people, or those who speak a password or fulfill a trigger condition named at casting. You can overlay this on mundane writing (e.g. a letter that reads one way to most people, but shows its true message to a select few), make arcane writing appear with a public message (or untranslatable gibberish), or have no overt writing at all. You may limit the duration to a specified length and emplace a condition that causes it to end immediately. When you cast, specify what happens at the end of the spell: the true message remains and becomes visible to all, the false message remains, or both vanish. Dispelling the enchantment erases both messages.

Tongues (Power 1+, 24 hours, 1 action, self) You can understand and read all human and human-like languages, and be understood by any sapient listener as if you had fluency 4 (simple fluency), although your words are not actually in their language. Anything you write is readable by anyone (even the illiterate, which might be disturbing to them) while the spell lasts, but then becomes just mundane script in your own language. +1 Power: you may cast this on another individual you touch. +2 Power: you may cast this on (caster level) individuals within 30'.

Magic Mouth (Power 1+, indefinite, 1 minute, 30' range, 10 gp of ritual materials) You enchant an object, choosing 1 options: The object speaks when triggered by conditions you specify while casting. The total length of all speech (including pauses) can be up to 10 min. Different conditions can trigger different speech, allowing a limited topical or branching conversation. The speech is delivered by a minor illusion (often animating an image on a surface, or the mouth of a statue). After delivery, the spell can either end or remain to be triggered repeatedly, as specified in casting. The object observes as if it had ordinary sight and hearing, beginning and ending when triggered by conditions specified while casting (it will usually stop observing if no words or actions of note are occurring). It can recall up to a total of 10 min of observations. The caster decides when casting whether, once its memory is full, it stops observing or begins forgetting old memories and forming new ones. When touched and invoked by the caster, it recites what it has observed, in the voices of those who spoke, and narrating actions. You can sustain up to (caster level) Magic Mouths at once. You can dismiss one at will, regardless of the distance.

- curse of babel? - curse of worst interpretation of your words