
From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Light

(Power 0+, 1 action)

Choose 1:

Wisp (Power 0+, 10 min (Power 0) or 1 hour (Power 1+), 120' range) creates (Power x 4; or 1 for Power 0) hovering, candle-bright wisps (10' dim light). As a bonus action, you can move any wisps in range to anywhere else in range, as well as changing their color and style (including suppressing their light).

Light (1 hour, touch) Creates either a floating, stationary orb, or an aura of light around an object or willing creature that moves with it. Sheds 20' bright light and 20' dim.

+2 Power: 60' bright and 60' dim, with range 60'.

+1 Power: indefinite duration. You cannot sustain more than one of these at a time, and it fades in 1 hour if you die.

Flare (1 min, 30' range) Creates a floating, immobile point of brilliant light, shedding 20' bright and 20' dim, either as an omnidirectional orb or a cone. It dazzles those looking in to it, imposing +D to various actions, including attacks, perception, etc. Light sensitive creatures may be even more affected.

Flash (instant, (Power+2 x 5') cone) Creatures in the cone must Wits save to shield their eyes in time or else be blinded until the end of their next turn. Those who succeed are simply dazzled, suffer +D (see Flare). Only if fully expecting this and taking steps to shield your eyes can you avoid the effect entirely.

Banish Darkness (instant, range 120'): dispels magical darkness as Dispel Magic.

  • Guiding Phosphorescence

(Power 1, conc (1 min), 1 action, range 60')

Limns everything in a 20 x 20 cube in with Dim light. Invisible things are revealed, and even mundane hidden doors or objects may be outlined, giving +A to spot them. Creatures must Dex save or be affected, and attackers have +A to attack them.

Aurora - sky display visible for miles

Wall of Light - like wall of fog / sand (xan), blocks sight, sheds light