Magic Strike

From The Hidden Room

This is a spell template from which variations are made.

Spells using this template deal damage in one of three ways, chosen at the time of casting:

  • Bolt or Ray
    • Long range attacks that can each strike the same target or different targets
    • Attack: Proficient Spell Attack that tests Defense
    • Target: Power + 1 bolts or rays across 1 or more Creatures or Objects
    • Range: (Power + 1) * 12 meters
    • Damage: 1d6
  • Grasp
    • Melee attack that deals significant damage to a single target in close quarters
    • Attack: Proficient Spell Attack that tests Defense
    • Target: 1 Creature
    • Range: Touch
    • Damage (Power + 1) d10
  • Lash
    • Melee attack that deals significant damage to a single target in near quarters
    • Attack: Proficient Spell Attack that tests Defense
    • Target: 1 Creature
    • Range: 6 meters
    • Damage (Power + 1) d8
  • Spray
    • A spray that targets a small adjacent area
    • Effect: Tests Agility, half damage on failure
    • Target: Creatures in a cube, up to 2m to a side
    • Range: 0 meters
    • Damage: (Power + 1) d8

The type of damage is determined by the variation.

  • Base Power: 0
  • Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
  • Range: Special
  • Target: Special
  • Attack: {{{attack}}}
  • Duration: None