Malleable Form

From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Malleable Form

???density / solidity / size control?

ooze form

Gaseous Form (Power 3, 1 action, touch, conc (1 hour)) Transform a willing subject and their possessions into misty vapor. They tend to roughly hold their normal form, but are amorphous and able to flow through cracks and openings, while treating liquids as solid. They gain resistance to non-spirit damage and +A on Vigor and Dex saves. They hover, can fly 10', and may be pushed around by strong winds. They cannot manipulate items (including ones carried) or cast spells, and may only speak in a whisper. The spell ends if they die.

- meld into stone - self-petrify

Enlarge / Reduce (Power 2, 1 action, 30', conc (1 min), one creature or object) Choose 1: Enlarge: subject increases one Size (~2x dimensions and ~8x weight). It has +A to Feats of Strength and +1d4 damage to forceful attacks. Growth halts early if there is not room for full size. Reduce: subject reduces one Size. It has +D to Feats of Strength and -1d4 damage to forceful attacks (min 1). The usual effects of Size apply to forced movement, grappling, ranged attacks, etc. The possessions of a targeted creature change with them. Dropped items return to normal size. Unwilling targets (or objects held by them) get a Vigor save to resist.

- animal growth (acks)

- Etherealness