
From The Hidden Room

Template:Apparatus Fey

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Base Race Fey, Dryad
Origin Pelithos
Cardinal Spirit Pragmatic
Cardinal Substance Wood
Feral Form Pardine
Height 1.8m - 2.1m
Eyes TBD by artist
Skin TBD by artist
Hair TBD by artist
Lifespan 300 - 400 years


Mandragora are descendants of dryad, the original wood fey of Pelithos, awakened at the beginning of the Gilded Age. Later in the Gilded Age some dryad patternsails encountered tanondir in Acrolon and were inflicted with Anyot's Kiss. These dryad took on a leopard-like appearance, becoming the mandragora.


  • Mandragora Culture: Can sense the weakest member in a group of enemies
  • Pardine Form: Dangerous claws and bite, skilled at stealth
  • Mnemonic Mind: Perfect memories, expert in lore-based skills
  • Wood Mnemonic: Innate magical abilities with plants when acclimated to their environment
  • Wood Substance: Tough hide, robust health, need to acclimate to new surroundings to thrive