Mirage Arcane

From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Mirage Arcane

Disguise Self (Power 1, 8 hours, 1 action, self) You wrap yourself in illusion, altering the appearance of your body and clothing. You can assume any roughly humanoid form, up to one size smaller or larger, of any build, sex, etc. Visuals that don't line up with the physical reality fail inspection when touched. The illusion also alters your voice, footfalls, etc to fit the appearance, but not smell. A suspicious observer who scrutinizes your appearance can make a Wits save to perceive through the illusion. If successful, it becomes a faint version of itself, easily seen or heard through.

- Mirage Arcane (5e. Power 7, cast 10 min, 10 days, sight range, up to 1 mile square terrain, can change or add structures, all senses, actual difficult terrain) -- maintain for a month and it becomes indefinite - massmorph (acks, Power 4, 240', 120' radius up to 100 people, lasts on any person while they remain still, dismissable) - hallucinatory terrain (acks, Power 4, 240', 10 min casting, lasts until touched by an intelligent creature, can be actively disbelieved) - hallucinatory terrain (5e, Power 4, 300', 10 min casting, 24 hours, 150' cube; only natural terrain, not structures)

- enemies abound? (xan) (except illusion-based rather than fear, could also just make someone unrecognizable)

- seeming? - astral mask (pretty much all of it)

Astral Mask (Power 2+, 1 action, touch, 24 hours, 1 willing creature, object, or location up to 5' radius) Apply either or both: False Logos: hide an existing magical aura from detection, or present a fake aura (making something non-magic appear magic, or altering the apparent nature of existing magic). You can determine the details of the false aura (what it appears to do, etc). An examiner must Wits save to see through your deception. Divination Mask: you alter how the subject detects to magical examination (making a demon not register as a demon, making someone with malicious intent appear kindly to mind-reading, etc). You can give someone the "magical signature" of a specific person (allowing them to walk through a ward or alarm keyed to ignore them), but you must have an arcane connection to that person, which is consumed in casting. If the same mask is cast on the same object or location for 30 days in a row, the duration becomes indefinite. +1 Power, 25 gp ritual materials: the subject can't be targeted by divinations or perceived through scrying at all. It's as if they don't exist.

mask can be made to detect if you are scryed upon

Mirror Image (Power 2, 1 action, self, 1 minute) You hold 3 illusory duplicates of yourself, which you can retain in your mind or send forth during the spell's duration, or as free actions. Your duplicates can be held near you, swirling around your true position, mimicking your actions. When a single target attack or effect is aimed at you, roll a d12. You shift it to one of your images on a 4+ (3 images), 5+ (2 images), or 6+ (1 image). Area attacks and effects target you and all your images within the area. You can send images out from you, up to 30'. As a bonus action, you can telepathically direct the actions or one or more images. Images can speak in your voice. As a bonus action, you can pull them back to swirl protectively around you. Images have defense 11+DEX (no armor or magical bonuses) and uses your saves. Images evaporate if they fail a defense or save, even if an effect is not damaging. On a successful save, they persist, even if they "took damage". Creatures that don't rely on sight (tremorsense, echolocation, scent, etc) won't be fooled, as the images are intangible.