
From The Hidden Room

Template:Apparatus Fey

Image needed
Base Race Fey, Dryad
Origin Pelithos
Cardinal Spirit Mnemonic
Cardinal Substance Wood
Feral Form Not feral
Height 1.8m - 2.1m
Eyes TBD by artist
Skin TBD by artist
Hair TBD by artist
Lifespan Unaging


Nightshade are descendants of the dryad, the original wood fey of Pelithos. When the Dark Age began, all fey were faced with the Endless Night. Unlike other mortals, the unaging fey would become irreversibly corrupted by the moon's darkness. Some dryad accepted this fate and succumbed to the corruption of Night. These evil dryad became known as nightshade, and they resent all other types of dryad, especially the rare true dryad.


  • Dendric Culture: Expert at intimidation
  • Dendric Form: Acidic blood that burns enemies, immune to acid
  • Mnemonic Mind: Perfect memories, expert in lore-based skills
  • Wood Mnemonic: Innate magical abilities with plants when acclimated to their environment
  • Wood Substance: Tough hide, robust health, need to acclimate to new surroundings to thrive