
From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Oneiromancy

???Call of Dreams?

Sleep hypnotic pattern? Dream Eternal Slumber (like imprisonment?) Phantasmal Force? (waking dream) Nightmare? Dream Phantasmal Killer? Catnap Peaceful Dreams (mind blank while person sleeps) - ??? modify memory (of a dreamer?) - modify memory can be fragile, like a short term mental illusion - sudden awakening (banish sleep / dreams)

Phantasmal Force (Power 2+, 1 action, 120', conc (1 hour)) An illusion is projected into the mind of a single living creature. It can be up to (Power) contiguous 5' cubes in size, and affects all senses. They only ones who can perceive it are the target and caster (as a faint ghost). It can be moved or made to act as a bonus action, but not fundamentally changed. The illusion can even fool touch with a light contact, but if struck or moved into, it has no substance. The illusion ends if the target falls unconscious. Any time the target inspects it (1 action), physically interacts more than casually with it, or sees it behave in an incongruous manner, they may make a Wits save to pierce it. The illusion can appear to give way if pushed or stuck, but if intruded into, it is automatically pierced. The target can take up to 1d6 phantom damage from an illusory creature or hazard. They believe this is real, but do no more than fall unconscious if "slain". Wounds fade immediately if the illusion is pierced or it ends. Phantom creatures and hazards use WIT+PROF for defense, attack, and similar actions.