
From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Sending

Message (Power 0+, 1 action) Whisper (Power 0, 1 round, 120' range, subtle casting) A target in range hears a message you whisper and may speak or whisper a response and have it return to you. You must be able to see the target, know their name, or know to within 5' where they are; the spell can travel around corners and through cracks to reach its target, as long as the total distance traveled is in range.

Ventriloquism (Power 0, 10 minutes, 1 action, 60' range, self, subtle casting) Without vocalizing, you can cause your voice to emanate from anywhere within range (it can travel around obstacles and fit through small openings, as long as the total distance is in range). It can appear to come from another person, an object, thin air, etc). You can modulate it with overtones or effects, and amplify it up to three times its normal volume, but unless you have the skill to mimic voices or sounds, it is still your voice.

Sending (Power 3+, 1 action, unlimited, 1 round) You speak a message up to (Power x 10) words, which are carried to a named creature with whom you are familiar. The creature hears the words in its mind, in your voice, and may respond promptly with a similarly constrained reply. If the creature is on another plane, there is a (6-Power)-in-6 chance the message does not reach them.

Proclamation (Power 2+, 1 action, self) You speak a message up to (Power x 25) words. Choose 1: The message is heard dramatically and clearly by everyone within up to 4 miles (~1 hex), not deafening, but emanating from everywhere. (conc (1 hour)) Your message is written in illusory words hanging in the sky. Haze, low clouds, rain, etc might obscure them.