Shape Wind

From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Shape Wind

(Power 0, instant, 1 action, 30' range)

Choose 1:

Make a Force attack against a single creature or object using your casting stat.

(reaction) Grant yourself +A to a Dex save or defense check against a single non-area ranged attack you're aware of that wind could affect (arrows or fire bolts, but probably not thrown boulders, spirit blasts, etc).

(reaction) Grant yourself Resistance against the damage from a fall.

Increase a single jump's distance by +10'.

Gently waft around an object of up to 5 lbs, moving it up to 20', or produce other minor manipulations (push a light door / shutters open or closed, brush aside leaves, kick up dust, etc).

(1 min) Clear a 5' radius volume of dust, spores, smoke, vapors, etc. Once the effect ends, they may drift back in.

(1 hour) Conjure shapes of mist, dust, etc in up to a 5' radius.

Banish Wind Magic (instant, range 120'): dispels magical wind spell as Dispel Magic.

Prot region from wind Wall of Wind (kick up sand, dust, debris, smoke, etc)

Gust of Wind (Power 2, 1 action, self, conc (10 min))

You produce strong wind, in a chosen form. As an bonus action, you can change the form and/or particulars of the effect.

A 60' long, 10' wide line toward or away from yourself in a chosen direction.

A 10' radius vortex centered on yourself, pushing out.

A 5' radius vortex conjured within 60', pulling in or pushing out. Move up to 30' as a bonus action.

The wind has the following effects.

It is very noisy; treat those in the area as Deaf.

Unprotected flames (candles, torches, etc) in the area may be extinguished (50% chance for shielded flames, like lanterns).

Vapor, gas, fog, etc are hedged out of the area, and discrete clouds may be dispersed.

Loose dust, sand, gravel, etc may be kicked up to create Heavy Obscuration in the area.

Creatures other than you treat the area +1x difficult terrain.

Ranged attack and single-target Dex effects take +D if they pass through the wind.

Each creature starting their turn in the area must Vigor save of be pushed, then if pushed at least 5', Vigor or Dex save or be knocked prone. In the line, they are pushed up to 15' in the direction of the wind. In the vortex, they are pushed to the center or outer edge.

- whirlwind - control weather - wind wall - whirlwind (xan) - storm sphere (xan) - control winds (xan) - hurricane

  • Fog Cloud

(Power 1+, conc (1 hour), 1 action, 120' range) Up to a (Power x 20') radius volume is filled with mist (your choice of thin or thick). It can be dispersed by moderate winds (10 mph). As an action, you can shift the cloud it 30' or expand / contract / reshape it.

- call lightning???

- storm of vengeance? (minus the acid rain)