Shape Winter

From The Hidden Room

When you cast this spell, you gain local control over the forces of Winter. Upon casting you can perform the following using a Standard Action:

  • Sculpt Ice: You can change the shape of ice in the area, molding it as if it were soft clay. The change of shape is Permanent.
  • Freeze Water: You can freeze water in the area, creating ice. The water will melt at the natural rate after the Duration is over.
  • Still Winds: You can stop all wind in the area, creating a zone of still air. The air will resume normal motion after the Duration is over.

For the duration, you can use a Standard Action to choose from the list of effects again.

  • Base Power: 0
  • Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
  • Range: 12m
  • Target: Cube, up to Power + 1 meters to a side.
  • Attack: {{{attack}}}
  • Duration: Power + 1 minutes