
From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Telepathy

Detect Thoughts (Power 2, 1 action, self, 30', conc (1 min)) As an action, focus your attention on a sentient creature (including animals) and begin reading its surface thoughts (sufficiently alien minds may be immune / incomprehensible). When reading a mind, spend an action to probe deeper. The target makes a Wits save. If it fails, you gain insight into its reasoning, emotional state, or some other prominent cognition. If it succeeds, the spell ends. Either way, it knows its mind is being invaded and as long as you keep reading its mind, it can take an action to Spirit save to end the spell. When not reading a specific individual, as an action, you can attempt to detect the presence of sentient minds within range (even invisible ones). A mind located this way can be read. Sufficient barriers block the spell.

Sense Harmful Intent (Power 2, 1 action, 120', conc (1 min)) Within sight and range, you perceive the malice imbued in traps by their creators. This does not reveal their exact dimensions, triggers, means of operation, etc, only their general area and a rough sense of how dire they are. Traps include things like alarms, ambushes, or other "negative impacts". Natural hazards without intent behind them are not revealed. Each round you can focus on a creature and attempt to Read them. If successful, you know if they harbor active intent to cause harm (physical, emotional, magical, social, etc), but not necessarily how or to whom. If you fail, they are inscrutable to this spell for the rest of the day. The intrinsic nature of certain creatures (demons, undead, etc) registers as malice.

?Psychometry? - rary's telepathic bond - message

- mind blank? - strength of mind? (acks)