
From The Hidden Room

When you cast this spell, choose one of the following origins: Integral (unless cast as a Fury spell), Fury (unless cast as a Strange spell), or Strange (unless cast as an Integral spell). Melee attacks made by creatures of the chosen origin always miss targets of this spell. Additionally, targets of this spell are immune to Fear and Charm effects caused by the chosen origin. Finally, targets of this spell gain +Advantage against spells from the chosen origin.

  • Base Power: 1
  • Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
  • Range: Touch (Upgrades)
  • Target: 1 Creature (Upgrades)
  • Attack: {{{attack}}}
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute (Upgrades)
  • Upgrades:
    • Power 3: The Target becomes a cubical Area, up to Power + 1 meters to a side. The Duration becomes Power hours. When casting the spell in this fashion, choose one of the following:
      • Everyone within the Area is protected from the chosen origin outside the Area. Creatures of the chosen origin cannot willingly enter the Area.
      • Everyone outside of the Area is protected from the chosen origin within the Area. Creatures of the chosen origin cannot willingly leave the Area.
    • Power 5: The Area increases, up to 1km to a side. The Duration increases to 1 day. The boundary of the Area is also protected from all forms of magical travel, such as teleportation. If cast 30 days in a row at the same location, the Duration becomes permanent.