Wrath of Flame

From The Hidden Room

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells > Wrath of Flame

firebolt burning hands fireball wall of fire (5e) wall of fire (acks) meteor swarm flaming sphere fire storm

Fire (fire damage, Dex save, +1 damage die size)

Fire Wave: Dex save or take (Power+1)d8 fire damage. Half damage on save.

Lesser Arcane Strike (Power 0, 1 action) A family of minor battle magic spells. Combine an Arcana (providing damage type, defense, and additional effects) and a Strike (providing range, damage die, area, and duration). On a successful save deal no damage and impose no conditions, unless otherwise noted. Conditions last until end of target's next turn.

Strike Bolt / Ray (60' range, 1 target, d6, instant) Lash (30', 1 target, d8, instant) Orb (30', 1 target, d6, d2 splash in 5', instant) Spray (two 5' spaces adjacent to each other and you, d8, save for half, instant) Grasp / Weapon (touch or weapon, 1 target, d10, instant)

  • Arcane Strike

(Power 1+, instant, 1 action) Each is an independent spell, collected here for convenience. Arcane Wave (15' cone or 10' radius): each arcana is a separate spell. Thorn: Dex save or (Power+1)d4 piercing damage and grappled. Half damage and no condition on save. The area is +1x difficult terrain for 10 minutes, after which the thorns wither to dust. Cloud of Shards (60' range, (Power) contiguous 5' cubes): targets that enter or begin a turn in the cloud take 2d4 slashing damage, Dex save for half. The cloud's space is +2x difficult terrain. Wrack (60' range): a living target is agonized, taking (Power+1)d6 health damage and is Blind, Deaf, and Dazed (unreactive, no bonus action, slowed) until end of next turn. Spirit save for half and only unreactive.

Flaming Sphere (Power 2+, 1 action, 60', conc (1 min)) Creates a 5' sphere of fire that sheds torch-light. It inflicts (Power)d6 fire to targets that start their turn adjacent or are rammed by its movement (Dex save for half). It can be moved up to 30' as a bonus action, ending its movement if it rams a target. It can roll over over barriers up to 5' high.

Elemental Blast (Power 3+, 1 action, 150' range, 20' radius sphere, instant) Launch a bolt of elemental power that explodes, dealing (Power)d6 damage (save for half). Fire: Dex save. Deals (Power)d6+(Power) fire damage. Delay (+1 Power): the bolt turns into a glowing marble for as long as you concentrate (10 min). When you cease concentrating, or the marble is handled roughly (Dex check if being careful) by someone other than the caster, it explodes as normal. Each turn it remains unexploded, its damage increases by +1d, up to an extra (Power)d.

Elemental Stroke (Power 3+, 1 action, 100' line, instant) Fires a torrent of elemental power, striking everything along its path, dealing (Power x 2)d6 (save for half). Incandescent Beam: Dex save. Deals fire damage and blinds those that fail their save until end of next turn. Delay (+1 Power): the torrent is contained as a glowing thread that floats in air for as long as you concentrate (10 min). You can draw the thread through the air, up to the spell's normal length. When you cease concentrating, or the thread is handled roughly (Dex check if being careful) by someone other than the caster, power lashes along it as normal. Each turn it remains contained, its damage increases by +1d, up to an extra (Power)d.

Elemental Barrage (Power 3+, 1 action, self, conc (10 min)) A halo of (Power x 2) elemental orbs circles your head. On casting and as a bonus action while the spell lasts, you can launch 1 or 2 orbs up to 120' at individual targets. They explode, dealing 1d6 damage within 5' radius, save for half. Fire: Dex save. Each orb deals an extra +1 fire damage.

Elemental Breath (Power 2, 1 bonus, touch, conc (1 min), 1 willing creature) As an action, the subject can emit a blast of elemental power (15' cone or 10' radius) of a type chosen when this spell is cast. Fire: Dex save or take (Power+1)d6 fire damage. Half damage on save.

- immolation? (xan) - meteor swarm