Difference between revisions of "Spells"

From The Hidden Room
Line 76: Line 76:

Shape Flame
[[Shape Flame]]
(Power 0, 1 action, 30' range)
(Power 0, 1 action, 30' range)

Line 89: Line 89:

Shape Water
[[Shape Water]]
(Power 0, 1 action, 30' range)
(Power 0, 1 action, 30' range)

Line 104: Line 104:

Shape Wind
[[Shape Wind]]
(Power 0, instant, 1 action, 30' range)
(Power 0, instant, 1 action, 30' range)

Line 146: Line 146:

A mundane or magical slipperiness is negated as if affected by Dispel Magic.  Slick ground or stairs can be made secure, etc.
A mundane or magical slipperiness is negated as if affected by Dispel Magic.  Slick ground or stairs can be made secure, etc.

Line 236: Line 237:

(1 hour at Power 0 or 1 weeks at Power 1+, (caster level) Small or largers beasts or swarms of smaller beasts) A larger number of beasts are charmed and pacified.
(1 hour at Power 0 or 1 weeks at Power 1+, (caster level) Small or largers beasts or swarms of smaller beasts) A larger number of beasts are charmed and pacified.

Charm Person
Charm Person
Line 254: Line 256:

There can be an implicit "from / to me" in the command (give to me, flee from me, etc); otherwise the situation context guides their interpretation.  If the target wants to exploit ambiguity in the command, they must Wits save to have the presence of mind.
There can be an implicit "from / to me" in the command (give to me, flee from me, etc); otherwise the situation context guides their interpretation.  If the target wants to exploit ambiguity in the command, they must Wits save to have the presence of mind.

Cryptic Script
Cryptic Script
Line 382: Line 385:

(Power 0+, 10 min, 1 action, 60' range)
(Power 0+, 10 min, 1 action, 60' range)

Line 447: Line 450:

(Power 0+, 1 action)
(Power 0+, 1 action)

Line 581: Line 584:

(Power 1+, 24 hours, 1 action, self)
(Power 1+, 24 hours, 1 action, self)

Line 651: Line 654:

+1 Power, 25 gp ritual materials: the subject can't be targeted by divinations or perceived through scrying at all.  It's as if they don't exist.
+1 Power, 25 gp ritual materials: the subject can't be targeted by divinations or perceived through scrying at all.  It's as if they don't exist.

Line 664: Line 668:

Each time Augury is cast before your next Long Rest, there is an cumulative chance (+25% each casting) the result is actually random.
Each time Augury is cast before your next Long Rest, there is an cumulative chance (+25% each casting) the result is actually random.

Blade of Flame and Shadow
Blade of Flame and Shadow
Line 669: Line 674:

Conjure a blade of flame or shadow, dealing (Power / 2)d6 flame or frost.  The blade can be wielded as forceful, finesse, or using your casting stat.  It can be thrown (20 / 60).  As a bonus action, you can call it back to hand, or change between forms.  Flame sheds torch-light; shadow absorbs light, creating a 10' radius area of dimmer light.
Conjure a blade of flame or shadow, dealing (Power / 2)d6 flame or frost.  The blade can be wielded as forceful, finesse, or using your casting stat.  It can be thrown (20 / 60).  As a bonus action, you can call it back to hand, or change between forms.  Flame sheds torch-light; shadow absorbs light, creating a 10' radius area of dimmer light.

Calm Emotions
Calm Emotions
Line 729: Line 735:

Banish Light (instant, 120'): dispels light-based magics as Dispel Magic.
Banish Light (instant, 120'): dispels light-based magics as Dispel Magic.

Line 745: Line 752:

Sufficient barriers block the spell.
Sufficient barriers block the spell.

Empower Armament
Empower Armament
Line 765: Line 773:

Thorn: Dex save or (Power)d4 piercing damage and grappled.  Half damage and no condition on save.  The area is +1x difficult terrain for 10 minutes, after which the thorns wither to dust.
Thorn: Dex save or (Power)d4 piercing damage and grappled.  Half damage and no condition on save.  The area is +1x difficult terrain for 10 minutes, after which the thorns wither to dust.

Enlarge / Reduce
Enlarge / Reduce

Revision as of 20:35, 10 April 2022

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells

Unified Spell List

Ephemeral Ward (Power 0, 1 round, 1 action, self)

You grant yourself Resistance against a single type of damage (physical, fire, acid, etc).

Lesser Arcane Strike (Power 0, 1 action)

A family of minor battle magic spells. Combine an Arcana (providing damage type, defense, and additional effects) and a Strike (providing range, damage die, area, and duration).

On a successful save deal no damage and impose no conditions, unless otherwise noted.

Conditions last until end of target's next turn.


Fire (fire damage, Dex save, +1 damage die size)

Radiance (fire damage, Dex save, target affected as if in Brilliant light)

Frost (frost damage, Dex save, slowed)

Acid (acid damage, Dex save, acid vulnerability)

Poison / Necrotic / Vermin (health damage, Vigor save, poisoned)

Lightning (fire damage, Dex save, +D to save if in metal armor, unreactive)

Thunder (crushing damage, Vigor save, make a Force attack using Spirit or Wits)

Projectile (crushing, slashing, or piercing damage, Defense, projectile (ice, crystal, etc) continues to exist while you concentrate (1 min), then fades after 1 round)

Hurl (crushing, slashing, or piercing damage, Defense. Charms a Light projectile you're touching (rock, arrow, knife, etc), hurling it from you, and optionally snapping it back to be safely caught)

Spirit (spirit damage (harming intangible and magic-only beings), Spirit save)


Bolt / Ray (60' range, 1 target, d6, instant)

Lash (30', 1 target, d8, instant)

Orb (30', 1 target, d6, d2 splash in 5', instant)

Spray (two 5' spaces adjacent to each other and you, d8, save for half, instant)

Grasp / Weapon (touch or weapon, 1 target, d10, instant)

Mage Hand (Power 0, 10 minutes, 1 action, 30' range)

You create a floating, spectral manipulator with coordination comparable to a single human hand. As an action you can move it within range and operate it. It winks out if it moves out of range. It has Vigor 1, able to move up to about 10 lbs. You can use skills through it, such as Tinkering or Sleight of Hand, if you have them, but it isn't fast enough to attack effectively.

Shape Earth (Power 0, 1 action, instant, 30' range)

Choose 1:

Up to a 125' cubic feet (e.g. a 5' cube) of "loose earth" (soil, sand, dust, gravel, packed dirt, and loose rock up to about fist-sized) gently flows (but doesn't fly) from its position to a destination up to 5' away.

You emboss shapes, patterns, symbols, etc covering up to a 10' square onto earth, or even shallowly into stone, masonry, etc.

A 5' x 5' patch of earth becomes loose and shifting, or stone grows an uneven crust, becoming +1x difficult terrain. Or a similar area of difficult earthen terrain is stabilized into normal terrain.

Shape Flame (Power 0, 1 action, 30' range)

Choose 1:

You extinguish up to a 5' cube of non-magical fire. Combusting material becomes cool enough to touch safely, though superheated or molten material must cool normally over time. It can be reignited normally.

(1 hour) You cause flames in a 5' cube to form shapes, change color, burn in a chosen direction, sink down (halving illumination), or flare up (doubling illumination).

(conc (1 min) You conjure up to a 5' x 5' patch for fire, able to burn without fuel while you concentrate, after which ignited materials burn normally. It deals 1d4 damage on contact, Dex save to avoid if willing and able to move away as it begins to ignite.

Shape Water (Power 0, 1 action, 30' range)

Choose 1:

Up to 125' cubic feet of water (e.g. a 5' cube) gently flows (but doesn't fly) to a destination up to 5' away.

(1 hour) You form patterns in the water, or cause water to float in shapes up to 5' above its surface.

(1 hour) You form a 5' bubble from the surface, holding enough air to sustain 1 person for about 10 minutes of activity.

(1 hour) Up to 125' cubic feet of water freezes or melts over the course of a turn, remaining in this state for up to an hour, after which it behaves as normal for the environment. This is too slow to trap or undermine a creature aware of what's happening and willing to move.

Shape Wind (Power 0, instant, 1 action, 30' range)

Choose 1:

Make a Force attack against a single creature or object using your casting stat.

(reaction) Grant yourself +A to a Dex save or defense check against a single non-area ranged attack you're aware of that wind could affect (arrows or fire bolts, but probably not thrown boulders, spirit blasts, etc).

(reaction) Grant yourself Resistance against the damage from a fall.

Increase a single jump's distance by +10'.

Gently waft around an object of up to 5 lbs, moving it up to 20', or produce other minor manipulations (push a light door / shutters open or closed, brush aside leaves, kick up dust, etc).

(1 min) Clear a 5' radius volume of dust, spores, smoke, vapors, etc. Once the effect ends, they may drift back in.

(1 hour) Conjure shapes of mist, dust, etc in up to a 5' radius.

Ventriloquism (Power 0, 10 minutes, 1 action, 60' range, self, subtle casting)

Without vocalizing, you can cause your voice to emanate from anywhere within range (it can travel around obstacles and fit through small openings, as long as the total distance is in range). It can appear to come from another person, an object, thin air, etc). You can modulate it with overtones or effects, and amplify it up to three times its normal volume, but unless you have the skill to mimic voices or sounds, it is still your voice.

Adhesion (Power 0+, 8 hours , 1 action)

(Power 0, 10 min, touch) Bond together two pieces of inanimate matter with strength comparable to the weaker of the two substances.

(Power 1+, 8 hours, 30') Choose 1:

Two inanimate objects (up to 5' x 5' contact surface area (which can be spread over multiple points of contact) are bonded together as if by a strong adhesive (e.g. a rope to a wall, the pages of a book, a sword in a scabbard, a door and its frame, a chest's lid, etc). The objects are no more durable than normal, but the adhesion requires a feat of strength vs DC (20 + caster level) to break. The duration can be set at time of casting (up to 8 hours), or the spell can be dismissed at will or upon a specified trigger condition.

A mundane or magical slipperiness is negated as if affected by Dispel Magic. Slick ground or stairs can be made secure, etc.

Alarm (Power 0+, 1 hour (Power 0) or 1 week (Power 1), 1 min, 30' range)

Ward an aperture (door, window, etc) or 20' radius, choosing a mental or audible alert upon casting. The spell tirelessly watches the area with senses comparable to a normal human (thus excellent stealth, disguises, or a sufficiently subtle cue might be missed or might fool the spell), and triggers upon some specified condition it is watching for.

Common conditions include: when a Tiny or larger creature enters, if a specified person leaves, if someone draws a weapon, if someone enters without speaking a password or who was not designated at time of casting, if blood is shed, etc.

At casting, specify whether you are to receive a silent, mental ping (capable of waking you) if you are within 10 miles, or a sound as loud as a ringing bell is to be produced at the location.

If a location is prepared with sigils and the spell cast at Power 1 in the same place weekly for a month, the effect lasts indefinitely.

  • Arcane Strike

(Power 1+, instant, 1 action)

Each is an independent spell, collected here for convenience.

Magic Missile (120' rangg e): fires (Power+1) darts of force, each independently targeted. They unerringly strike any target with less than total cover, dealing 1d4+1 spirit damage.

Chromatic Orb (120' range): hurls an orb at 1 target who must Dex save or take (Power+1)d6 damage (choose on casting: fire, frost, acid, thunder, or poison).

Chaos Bolt (120' range): bolt deals (Power+1)d6 damage, Dex save for half. Roll 2d6 and caster chooses either to determine damage type (1 = fire, 2 = frost, 3 = crushing, 4 = acid, 5 = poison, 6 = spirit). Doubles causes the bolt to rebound to a new target within 30' (a random enemy if any are present, or anyone if not), rolling a fresh attack, damage type, etc.

Arcane Wave (15' cone or 10' radius): each arcana is a separate spell.

Thunder: Vigor save or take (Power+1)d4 crushing damage and a Force attack to push them away. Half damage and +D to Force on save.

Fire: Dex save or take (Power+1)d8 fire damage. Half damage on save.

Lightning: Dex save or (Power+1)d6 fire damage and unreactive until end of next turn. +D if in metal armor or water. Half damage and no condition on save.

Slime: Dex save or (Power+1)d6 acid damage and poisoned until end of next turn. Half damage and no condition on save.

Thorn: Dex save or (Power+1)d4 piercing damage and grappled. Half damage and no condition on save. The area is +1x difficult terrain for 10 minutes, after which the thorns wither to dust.

Catapult (120' range): hurls an object in range of up to (Power x 5) lbs at a place or target also within range. It either lands harmlessly (to it and whatever it lands on) or impacts dealing (Power+1)d6 damage if its hard / heavy enough to plausibly do harm). A target may Dex save to take no damage.

Vitriolic Ray (60' range): Vigor save or (Power+1)d6 acid damage and living creatures are poisoned. Half damage and no condition on save. Inanimate objects take maximum damage.

Cloud of Shards (60' range, (Power) contiguous 5' cubes): targets that enter or begin a turn in the cloud take 2d4 slashing damage, Dex save for half. The cloud's space is +2x difficult terrain.

Lightning Lash (60' range): an arc of lightning with (Power+1)d6 energy in it leaps to the target. Choose 1:

The target takes the full fire damage and remains tethered to the caster by lightning for conc (1 min, action). Each turn, it deals 1d6 fire damage. The spell ends if you lose sight of the target or it moves out of range.

Decide how many d6 the target takes, after which the arc leaps to another target within 30'. Repeat until all d6 are spent. Each target makes a Dex save for half damage, and on a failed save the target is unreactive until the end of next turn.

Wrack (60' range): a living target is agonized, taking (Power+1)d6 health damage and is Blind, Deaf, and Dazed (unreactive, no bonus action, slowed) until end of next turn. Spirit save for half and only unreactive.

  • Aversion

(Power 1+, conc (1 min), 1 action, (Power) living creatures, 60' range)

Choose 1:

Cast immediately on targets of your choosing who must be within 30' of each other. You are the source of the resulting emotion.

An object you touch. A faint aura shimmers (+10 DC to be noticed) and triggers when touched or view from within 10' (your choice). It affects targets as above, acting as the source and affecting closer targets first.The spell's duration (and concentration requirement) don't begin until it is triggered.

+1 Power: affect all targets in a 30' cone instead (either from you, or a direction from the object set when you draw it).

Chose whether to induce Fear, Sadness, or Disgust, either mild or intense.

Mild: can be cast Subtly. The target(s) feels no compulsion, but acts on the emotion according to their nature. They may self-explain why they feel that way, perhaps inventing a source. If they suspect outside influence, they may Spirit or Wits save to shake it off.

Intense: target(s) must Spirit save or become overwhelmed by the presence of the source (Frightened, dropping items, and fleeing by Fear or Disgust, +D to attack, defense, save, and stat checks by Sadness). Targets can repeat the save each turn to shake it off. They are likely to self-justify seeing something that caused their reaction.

+1 Power: target can't save to shake off the emotion until they no longer have line of sight on the source.

Beast Link (Power 0+, 1 action)

Form a spiritual link to one or more beasts (Int 4-). They are Charmed, regarding you as a friend, harmless and non-edible. The spell ends for all targets if you or a companion directly menaces or harms it. Aberrant or magical beasts may Wits save, and truly unnatural ones may no longer count as beasts.

Choose 1:

(conc (1 minute at Power 0, 8 hours at Power 1, 1 week at Power 2), 1 beast, touch) While within 10 miles, you can guide and communicate empathically with the beast, and while you concentrate (total), you can perceive through its senses, oblivious to your own.

(1 hour at Power 0 or 1 weeks at Power 1+, (caster level) Small or largers beasts or swarms of smaller beasts) A larger number of beasts are charmed and pacified.

Charm Person (Power 0+, 1 action)

(Power 0, 10 min, self) You have +A to Spirit- and Wits-based social checks toward a single, chosen, non-hostile target. When the spell ends, they immediately realize their mood and perceptions were tampered with, and react as they wish.

(Power 1+, 8 hours, (Power) humans or moderate abhumans, 30' range) Target(s) must Spirit save (+A if currently in physical or strong social conflict with the caster or their allies) or become charmed.

Charmed targets forget you just cast a spell on them, and regard you as a good friend (the sort you're happy to offer hospitality, resources, protection, or information to, not slavishly obey or ruin your life for). Their attitude toward other people, such as their own allies, doesn't change, though you companions are thought of as "being with you". Prior conflict is reframed as some kind of misunderstanding.

The charm ends if you directly harm or betray their trust. After the spell ends, if you haven't obviously exploited them and they don't have preexisting negative attitudes, they may not realize they were charmed, just believing they took a liking to a stranger.

Command (Power 1+, until save, 1 action, (Power) living creatures within 30' of each other who can hear and understand your speech, 60' range)

Issue a one-word command (bow, flee, retreat, halt, drop, grovel, approach, give, disarm, shout, etc) and the target(s) must Spirit save or obey, saving at the end of each turn to end it in the case of a protracted action. The target must be able to readily and voluntarily perform the action; they can't sleep, die, fly, etc. The spell can't compel direct self-harm (jumping off a cliff, stabbing oneself, etc), but can put the target in greater peril.

There can be an implicit "from / to me" in the command (give to me, flee from me, etc); otherwise the situation context guides their interpretation. If the target wants to exploit ambiguity in the command, they must Wits save to have the presence of mind.

Cryptic Script (Power 1, indefinite, 1 minute (for an extended message) or 1 action (for a single symbol), touch; 10 gp of ritual materials)

You draw a sign or message on a surface (wall, parchment, skin) which is luminously visible only to specific people, types of people, or those who speak a password or fulfill a trigger condition named at casting. You can overlay this on mundane writing (e.g. a letter that reads one way to most people, but shows its true message to a select few), make arcane writing appear with a public message (or untranslatable gibberish), or have no overt writing at all. You may limit the duration to a specified length and emplace a condition that causes it to end immediately. When you cast, specify what happens at the end of the spell: the true message remains and becomes visible to all, the false message remains, or both vanish. Dispelling the enchantment erases both messages.

  • Cure Malady (Lesser)

(Power 1-2, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch)

Attempt to treat a disease or poison with Spirit and a +(5 x Power) bonus. If the net bonus is +10 or more, the cure is instant; otherwise it counts as one successful Save against the malady (which may require 1 or more successes over time).

  • Cure Wounds

Spare The Dying (Power 0, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch): make a Spirit check to staunch bleeding or stabilize a dying creature as if you had a Healer's Kit. Apply modifiers you would get to normal healing checks.

Cure Wounds (Power 1+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch): heals (Power)d6 + (Power) HP to a creature.

If cast as part of a Short Rest, excess healing can restore 1 Life per 2 HP.

If cast as part of a Long Rest (only the single most powerful healing spell is applied), it is added to your natural healing for Wounds.

(Power 1+, instant, 1 bonus, range 60')

Heals one living creature (Power)d4 HP, or up to six living creatures (Power-2)d4 HP.

  • Destroy Water

(Power 1+, instant, 1 action, 30' range)

Destroys up to (Power x 10) gallons of water, desiccating mud or biofilms, sublimating ice or snow, emptying containers, etc, but not affecting living or animate beings. Alternatively, it can clear all mist within range.

  • Detect Pathogens

(Power 1, conc (10 min), 1 action, self, range 120')

You perceive pathogens on / in objects and creatures you can see, and tell their Magnitude. If you have alchemical, healing, scholarly, or personal experience with the pathogen, you can identify it.

  • Disc of Force

(Power 1, 1 hour, 1 reaction, 30' range)

Summons a 5' diameter disc of luminous force (flat or slightly curved, as you choose). It can float unsupported up to 10' above a solid or liquid surface, at any angle, and you can move up to 30' and reorient it as a bonus action. Sufficient energy can pierce it; it counts as +5 armor against attacks and can support up to 500 lbs. Greater force will push through / excess weight will fall through. It obstructs intangible beings and spirit / force damage, though an effect of higher Power than the spell ends it.

Disguise Self (Power 1, 8 hours, 1 action, self)

You wrap yourself in illusion, altering the appearance of your body and clothing. You can assume any roughly humanoid form, up to one size smaller or larger, of any build, sex, etc. Visuals that don't line up with the physical reality fail inspection when touched. The illusion also alters your voice, footfalls, etc to fit the appearance, but not smell. A suspicious observer who scrutinizes your appearance can make a Wits save to perceive through the illusion. If successful, it becomes a faint version of itself, easily seen or heard through.

  • Enchantment of Striding and Springing

(Power 1, conc (10 min), 1 bonus, touch)

The subject can Dash as a bonus action (this doesn't count against their Dash limit before fatigue in a chase), gains 3x jumping distance, and +A on checks to run and jump.

  • Endure Elements

(Power 1+, 1 hour, 1 action, touch)

(Power) subjects are immune to mundane extremes of environmental heat and cold. Arid conditions require no additional water. They have resistance to fire and frost damage of 6 or less, and take normal damage beyond that.

  • Feather Fall

(Power 0+, 1 minute or until you touch ground (whichever is longer), 1 reaction, self (Power 0) or (Power x 5) creatures or objects up to Huge size, 60' range)

Target(s) fall 60' per turn (instead of 500') and land unharmed and without falling prone. Harm from a falling object is also mitigated, though the settled weight may still pin or crush. May be cast in reaction to falling or seeing someone / something fall.

make things feather-weight?

  • Fog Cloud

(Power 1+, conc (1 hour), 1 action, 120' range)

Up to a (Power x 20') radius volume is filled with mist (your choice of thin or thick). It can be dispersed by moderate winds (10 mph). As an action, you can shift the cloud it 30' or expand / contract / reshape it.

  • Fortunes of War

(Power 1+, conc (1 min), 1 action, range 30')

Choose 1:

Power+2 creatures receive +1d4 to their attacks and saves.

Power+2 creatures Spirit save or suffer -1d4 to their attacks and saves.

  • Grease

(Power 1, 1 minute, 1 action, 60' range)

A slick of inert lubricant covers an inanimate object or surface, up to 100 square feet. A slick object requires a Dex save to hold on to or pick up. People in a slick area must make Dex saves to remain standing each turn or upon entry. It is +1x difficult terrain to those trying to crawl or walk through it. Targets are likely to slide down slick slopes, making movement and verticality even harder. The lubricant sublimates at the end of the duration.

  • Guiding Phosphorescence

(Power 1, conc (1 min), 1 action, range 60')

Limns everything in a 20 x 20 cube in with Dim light. Invisible things are revealed, and even mundane hidden doors or objects may be outlined, giving +A to spot them. Creatures must Dex save or be affected, and attackers have +A to attack them.

  • Healing Word

(Power 1+, instant, 1 bonus, range 60')

Heals one living creature (Power)d4 HP, or up to six living creatures (Power-2)d4 HP.

  • Heroism

(Power 1+, conc (1 min), 1 action, (Power) creatures, touch)

The target(s) are immune to fear and gain (level / 2) tHP at the start of their turns.

  • Hunter's Mark

(Power 1+, conc (1 hour), 1 bonus, 90' range)

You place a visible arcane tracker on a creature, object, or location. You have +A to spot, track, or find your way to the tracker. If you attack a marked creature, you deal +1d6 damage.

+2 Power: conc (8 hours)

+4 Power: conc (24 hours)

(Power 0+, 10 min, 1 action, 60' range)

Power 0, choose 1:

Create a sound (up to a scream in volume); either a persistent sound or one controlled by you during the duration while you are within range. Can't produce fully intelligible speech.

Create a still, visual-only illusion up to a 5' cube in size. Physical contact reveals it to be false and intangible (making it faint, as below). Visual illusions can't emit light.

Power 1

Visual illusions can be up to a 15' cube and can emit light. If in range, as an action, you can control and adjust the illusion, even moving the volume affected within range.

Power 2

You may produce both visual and audible stimuli.

Sensory impressions can't be so extreme as to cause harm or true affliction (sound can't deafen, light can't blind).

An observer who takes an action to scrutinize the illusion can make a Wits save to perceive through it. If successful, it becomes a faint version of itself, easily perceived through. Physical contact also reveals its illusory, intangible nature.

Greater Image

(Power 0+, 1 action, 60', conc (10 min))

The Power used determines its possibilities (includes any lower traits you wish):

Power 0: 5' cube, choose 1:

Create a sound (up to a scream in volume); either a persistent sound or controlled by you during the duration.

Create a still, visual-only illusion up to a 5' cube in size. Physical contact reveals it to be false and intangible (making it faint, as below). Visual illusions can't emit light.

Power 1: 15' cube

Visual illusions can be up to a 15' cube and can emit light. If in range, as an action, you can control and adjust the illusion, even moving the volume affected within range.

Power 2: may produce both sights and sounds at the same time.

Power 3: 20' cube, 120' range, may produce smell and temperature as well.

Power 5: 30' cube, indefinite

(25 gp of ritual materials) up to 10 minutes of triggered, programmable behavior; can dispel at the end or reset and be triggered 10 minutes later.

If in range, as an action you can control and adjust the illusion, even moving the volume affected within range.

Sensory impressions can't be so extreme as to cause harm or true affliction (stenches can't cause nausea, heat / cold can't harm, sound can't deafen, light can't blind).

An observer who scrutinizes the illusion for an action can make a Wits save to perceive through the illusion. If successful, it becomes a faint version of itself, easily perceived through. Physical contact also reveals its illusory, intangible nature.

Light (Power 0+, 1 action)

Choose 1:

Wisp (Power 0+, 10 min (Power 0) or 1 hour (Power 1+), 120' range) creates (Power x 4; or 1 for Power 0) hovering, candle-bright wisps (10' dim light). As a bonus action, you can move any wisps in range to anywhere else in range, as well as changing their color and style (including suppressing their light).

Light (1 hour, touch) Creates either a floating, stationary orb, or an aura of light around an object or willing creature that moves with it. Sheds 20' bright light and 20' dim.

+2 Power: 60' bright and 60' dim, with range 60'.

+1 Power: indefinite duration. You cannot sustain more than one of these at a time, and it fades in 1 hour if you die.

Flare (1 min, 30' range) Creates a floating, immobile point of brilliant light, shedding 20' bright and 20' dim, either as an omnidirectional orb or a cone. It dazzles those looking in to it, imposing +D to various actions, including attacks, perception, etc. Light sensitive creatures may be even more affected.

Flash (instant, (Power+2 x 5') cone) Creatures in the cone must Wits save to shield their eyes in time or else be blinded until the end of their next turn. Those who succeed are simply dazzled, suffer +D (see Flare). Only if fully expecting this and taking steps to shield your eyes can you avoid the effect entirely.

Banish Darkness (instant, range 120'): dispels magical darkness as Dispel Magic.

Magic Mouth (Power 1+, indefinite, 1 minute, 30' range, 10 gp of ritual materials)

You enchant an object, choosing 1 options:

The object speaks when triggered by conditions you specify while casting. The total length of all speech (including pauses) can be up to 10 min. Different conditions can trigger different speech, allowing a limited topical or branching conversation. The speech is delivered by a minor illusion (often animating an image on a surface, or the mouth of a statue). After delivery, the spell can either end or remain to be triggered repeatedly, as specified in casting.

The object observes as if it had ordinary sight and hearing, beginning and ending when triggered by conditions specified while casting (it will usually stop observing if no words or actions of note are occurring). It can recall up to a total of 10 min of observations. The caster decides when casting whether, once its memory is full, it stops observing or begins forgetting old memories and forming new ones. When touched and invoked by the caster, it recites what it has observed, in the voices of those who spoke, and narrating actions.

You can sustain up to (caster level) Magic Mouths at once. You can dismiss one at will, regardless of the distance.

  • Painful Rebuke

(Power 1+, instant, 1 reaction, 60' range)

When an attacker harms you with a weapon (including unarmed, but not spells) that is not blocked or prevented, you may deliver (Power)d6 damage in retaliation, arcing back along the course of the strike. The spell's damage type is fixed at creation, but could be of any type.

  • Paroxysm

(Power 1, conc (1 min), 1 action, 1 living creature, 30' range)

The target must Spirit save or be convulsed with bliss, pain, intoxication, laughter, or wonder. They fall prone and are incapacitated. At the end of each of its turns, or when it takes damage, it may repeat the save (+A if damaged).

  • Purify Food and Drink

(Power 1, instant, 1 action, self)

All non-magical non-living organic matter and liquids within 5' are purified of poison, rot, and other mundane pathogens.

Mending (Power 0+, instant, 1 action, touch)

Choose 1:

(10 min) Bond together two pieces of inanimate matter with strength comparable to the weaker of the two substances.

Pieces of an object of up to (Power+2) load are bonded back together, and minor wear and tear is cleansed. An object reduced to splinters, dust, or which is missing significant amounts of material is beyond repair.

A larger, more complex structure (automaton, building, boat) is repaired for (Power)d6 + (Power) HP.

  • Restoration

(Power 1+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch)

Remove (Power-1) temporary physical conditions, such as deafened, paralyzed, blinded. At Power 1 or counting as one condition, you can remove 10 Wind, Heat, Cold, Hunger and/or Thirst (forms of Fatigue) Thirst and Hunger can only be cured if the subject has had at least a half ration of food and drink. Other forms of Fatigue (mostly magical Drains and the like) may be affected, usually at a less than 1-to-1 rate.

  • Sanctuary

(Power 1, 1 minute, 1 bonus, 1 creature, range 30')

The target is warded in an aura of peace. Each attempt to direct hostile action toward the target requires the attacker to first Spirit save. Collateral damage aimed elsewhere can still harm them, but the attacker can't intend to use this solely as a workaround. If the warded target takes hostile action toward anyone else, the effect ends, but they may heal or otherwise aid allies.

  • Sleep

(Power 1+, 1 action, 90' range, subtle casting)

Affects living creatures capable of sleep in a 20' radius sphere (immunity from charm protects against this). Alert targets must Spirit save or become drowsy and listless (distracted for perception purposes). Drowsy targets will snap to alertness if startled, alarmed, etc; otherwise they will remain so for at least an hour. Alarmed targets, and those immune to charm are unaffected. If already drowsy, bored, intoxicated, etc, those that fail a Spirit save +D fall fully asleep (this spell doesn't stack with itself, so its drowsiness can't be deepened). Sleepers will waken to loud noises, pain, jostling, etc.

+2 Power: put a willing creature you touch to sleep. If they sleep a full 10 minutes, they gain the benefits of a Short Rest. They can only be affected this way once per Long Rest.

  • Snare

(Power 1, 8 hours, 1 minute, touch)

You enchant a ~25' length of rope, chain, vine, etc. It gains +10 to be overlooked, blending into the ground, undergrowth, etc. It is either limp to begin with, coiling and/or contracting when triggered, or it is taut and goes slack (untying knots slipping if desired), potentially releasing something it was holding. A coil can encompass a 5' circle. When a Small or larger creature steps in/on or brushes against the rope, it is triggered. If it coils around them, they must Dex save or be grappled by it. Each turn the coil attempts to advance the grapple (treat as a Medium creature, using your Spirit or Wits effect against their Dex or Vigor save), and the captive can try to escape it. Once triggered and escaped, the spell ends.

  • Sorcerous Armor

(Power 1, sustain (8 hours), 1 action, touch)

The subject is protected by a forcefield, phantom armor, etc. If their armor bonus (ignoring shields) is less than +4, it becomes +4.

  • Speak with Animals

(Power 1, 10 min, 1 action, self)

Your speech can be understood by beasts, and you can understand their communications. You may be able to trick, bribe, or cajole creatures into doing simple favors.

  • Spirit Ward

(Power 1, conc (10 min), 1 action, 1 creature, touch)

Protects the subject from supernatural beings (demons, elementals, ichorspawn, spirits, celestials, undead, etc). They gain +A to defense against these creatures, and is immune to their powers of fear, charm, and possession (if already affected, they may reroll their save). A warded body cannot rise as an undead.

  • Tangled Growth

(Power 1, conc (1 min), 1 action, 90' range, 10' radius)

Plants (vines, grass, etc) erupt from any earthen surface, even solid stone (though it is undamaged). The region becomes +1x difficult terrain. Those in the area when the spell is cast must Vigor or Dex save or be Restrained; they may escape as per a grapple. If cast on a slope or wall, the plants make ready handholds. Falling into the plants grants +A to breakfall. At the end, the plants wither away to dust.

  • Thermal Aura

(Power 1+, 1 hour, 1 action, self)

You wreath yourself in energy (choose fire or frost), gaining (Power x 5) tHP. You shed 10' bright light and 10' dim, are resistant to fire and frost, and deal 1d4 energy damage on contact or to enemies who strike you in melee. The spell ends when the tHP are exhausted (including in the middle of distributing damage).

Tongues (Power 1+, 24 hours, 1 action, self)

You can understand and read all human and human-like languages, and be understood by any sapient listener as if you had fluency 4 (simple fluency), although your words are not actually in their language. Anything you write is readable by anyone (even the illiterate, which might be disturbing to them) while the spell lasts, but then becomes just mundane script in your own language.

+1 Power: you may cast this on another individual you touch.

+2 Power: you may cast this on (caster level) individuals within 30'.

Unseen Servant (Power 1+, 8 hours, 1 action, 60' range)

(Power) mindless servitor entities (Small or Medium size, Speed 20', Vigor 3, Defense & Saves +0, 1 HP) appear to do your bidding. A servitor vanishes if moves beyond range from where it was conjured. As a bonus action, you can give a servitor orders (including repetitive tasks), which it obeys as best it can: carrying, folding clothes, cooking, stacking lighting candles, etc. Once done, it waits for further instruction.

Alter Self (Power 2, 1 action, self, conc (1 hour))

While the spell lasts, you can manifest 1 physical transformation, swapping between them as an action.


Aquatic: you gain gills, webbed fingers, fins, etc. You can breath underwater and swim at your Speed.

Arboreal: you gain Expertise with climbing, with long arms, a tail, etc.

Gliding: you gain clumsy wings or flaps between wrists and ankles. You have a 2:1 glide ratio.

Dashing: you gain +10' to ground movement, and +10' to horizontal jumping distance.

Camouflage: grow fur, scales, etc to blend with a specific environment, becoming Skilled with Stealth while hiding there.


You alter your appearance, voice, and scent within the broad range of a Medium biped. To perfectly duplicate a specific person, you must have an arcane connection to them, which is consumed when you take their form (you can resume their form any time during the duration of the spell).

Natural Weapon

Your unarmed melee attacks deal 1d6 with claws, fangs, spines, horns, etc. You suffer no penalty when fighting an armed enemy, and your attacks can be Short or Long range. Treat your weapons as magic, with +1 attack and damage.

Astral Chamber (Power 2, 1 action, touch, 1 hour)

You trace an outline (up to 10' x 10') on a solid surface, and a door appears there. It opens (inward or outward, your choice) into a bare extradimensional chamber, 10' in radius and 10' high. The walls and door are indestructible stone (or perhaps folded spacetime). The door has a handle on each side, but no lock or latch. It can be forced open, but is invisible while closed. The walls ripple as the duration nears its end, after which everything within is ejected as the chamber collapses and the door vanishes.

Astral Mask (Power 2+, 1 action, touch, 24 hours, 1 willing creature, object, or location up to 5' radius)

Apply either or both:

False Logos: hide an existing magical aura from detection, or present a fake aura (making something non-magic appear magic, or altering the apparent nature of existing magic). You can determine the details of the false aura (what it appears to do, etc). An examiner must Wits save to see through your deception.

Divination Mask: you alter how the subject detects to magical examination (making a demon not register as a demon, making someone with malicious intent appear kindly to mind-reading, etc). You can give someone the "magical signature" of a specific person (allowing them to walk through a ward or alarm keyed to ignore them), but you must have an arcane connection to that person, which is consumed in casting.

If the same mask is cast on the same object or location for 30 days in a row, the duration becomes indefinite.

+1 Power, 25 gp ritual materials: the subject can't be targeted by divinations or perceived through scrying at all. It's as if they don't exist.

Augury (Power 2+, 1 min, instant, self; requires a small oracle (tarot cards, runestones, i-ching cast, bibliomancy, gemetria, etc))

(Power 2) Ask a question about a course of action or possible event and consult the oracle. It informs of weal (good stuff) and woe (bad stuff), each either absent, minor, or significant. The augury cannot see beyond 30 minutes into the future.

(Power 3, 25 gp of ritual materials) Ask a question about a specific goal, event, or activity and consult the oracle. Replies may come in the form of phrases, glimpsed visions, cryptic clues, omens, etc. The augury cannot see beyond 1 day into the future.

+1 Power: The augury cannot see beyond 7 days into the future.

The augury cannot see consequences beyond its time horizon, and doesn't take into account changes to the future based on foreknowledge (from this spell or any divinations others may have performed).

Each time Augury is cast before your next Long Rest, there is an cumulative chance (+25% each casting) the result is actually random.

Blade of Flame and Shadow (Power 2+, 1 bonus, self, conc (10 min))

Conjure a blade of flame or shadow, dealing (Power / 2)d6 flame or frost. The blade can be wielded as forceful, finesse, or using your casting stat. It can be thrown (20 / 60). As a bonus action, you can call it back to hand, or change between forms. Flame sheds torch-light; shadow absorbs light, creating a 10' radius area of dimmer light.

Calm Emotions (Power 2, 1 action, 60', 20' radius sphere)

Choose 1:

(instant) Creatures of your choice within the region are purged of powerful mundane or magical emotions (charm, fear, rage, lust, joy, etc). An unwilling creature can Spirit save to resist. A calmed creature is rational and still capable of doing violence or otherwise pursuing its desires.

(conc (1 min)) Creatures of your choice within the region must Spirit save or become indifferent toward those they would normally be hostile toward. This ends if it or its allies or possessions are acted against. If given no reason to become angry, it may just decide it chose to let those enemies slip by, rather than bothering with them.

Message (Power 0+, 1 action)

Whisper (Power 0, 1 round, 120' range, subtle casting)

A target in range hears a message you whisper and may speak or whisper a response and have it return to you. You must be able to see the target, know their name, or know to within 5' where they are; the spell can travel around corners and through cracks to reach its target, as long as the total distance traveled is in range.

Message Bearer (Power 2+, 24 hours, 1 action, 30' range)

Conjures a Tiny, animal-like entity of a chosen form: runner (racoon-like paws, climbing, gnawing), swimmer (amphibious), or flyer. You may give it a 25 word message and it can carry small (weightless) objects. Name a recipient or destination, either specific or a type of person or place, and the messenger does its best to reach it, delivering its message (in your voice) and/or parcel. Upon delivery or end of spell, it evaporates into nothingness.

(each +1 Power) choose 1: +1 messenger (each may be dispatched to different recipients and may have different forms), +24 hours, or +25 words.

Cure Condition (Power 2+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch)

Remove (Power-1) temporary physical conditions, such as deafened, paralyzed, blinded.

As one condition, you can remove all Wind, or 10 Fatigue, Heat, Cold, Hunger and/or Thirst (forms of Fatigue). Thirst and Hunger can only be cured if the subject has had at least a half ration of food and drink. Other forms of Fatigue (mostly magical Drains and the like) may be affected, usually at a less than 1-to-1 rate, and possibly requiring a minimum Power.

Darkness (Power 2+, 1 action)

Choose 1:

Gloom (60' range, 20' radius, conc (10 min)): a point in space, object, or willing creature emanates anti-light (darkness magnitude = Power). Covering the source blocks the darkness.

Power 0: reduces lighting 1 step (Bright to Dim, Dim to Dark).

+1 Power: +20' radius.

+1 Power: sustain (indefinite).

Wall of Darkness (60' range, conc (10 min)): creates a wall (similar to Gloom), 1' thick with up to three 10' x 10' "panels".

+1 Power: +2 panels.

+1 Power: sustain (indefinite).

Blind (30', 1 min): affects (Power-1) targets, who must Spirit save or be Blinded by swirling darkness. Each round after the first, they may repeat the save.

Shroud (self, conc (1 min)): you are wrapped in shadow, making you Lightly Obscured to onlookers (+D to target w/ attacks or Dex effects).

Banish Light (instant, 120'): dispels light-based magics as Dispel Magic.

Darkvision (Power 2, 1 action, touch, 8 hours)

Subject with normal vision gains Darkvision 30'; one with native darkvision gains +30'.

Detect Thoughts (Power 2, 1 action, self, 30', conc (1 min))

As an action, focus your attention on a sentient creature (including animals) and begin reading its surface thoughts (sufficiently alien minds may be immune / incomprehensible).

When reading a mind, spend an action to probe deeper. The target makes a Wits save. If it fails, you gain insight into its reasoning, emotional state, or some other prominent cognition. If it succeeds, the spell ends. Either way, it knows its mind is being invaded and as long as you keep reading its mind, it can take an action to Spirit save to end the spell.

When not reading a specific individual, as an action, you can attempt to detect the presence of sentient minds within range (even invisible ones). A mind located this way can be read.

Sufficient barriers block the spell.

Empower Armament (Power 2+, bonus, touch, conc (1 hour))

You imbue a weapon, armor, or shield with power. It is treated as magical and has bonus of +(Power / 2, rounding down), to attack and damage (for weapons), or defense (armor and shields). It also resist degradation and breakage like a comparable magic item.

Elemental Breath (Power 2, 1 bonus, touch, conc (1 min), 1 willing creature)

As an action, the subject can emit a blast of elemental power (15' cone or 10' radius) of a type chosen when this spell is cast.

Thunder: Vigor save or take (Power)d4 crushing damage and a Force attack to push them away. Half damage and +D to Force on save.

Fire: Dex save or take (Power+1)d6 fire damage. Half damage on save.

Lightning: Dex save or (Power)d6 fire damage and unreactive until end of next turn. +D if in metal armor or water. Half damage and no condition on save.

Slime: Dex save or (Power)d6 acid damage and poisoned until end of next turn. Half damage and no condition on save.

Thorn: Dex save or (Power)d4 piercing damage and grappled. Half damage and no condition on save. The area is +1x difficult terrain for 10 minutes, after which the thorns wither to dust.

Enlarge / Reduce (Power 2, 1 action, 30', conc (1 min), one creature or object)

Choose 1:

Enlarge: subject increases one Size (~2x dimensions and ~8x weight). It has +A to Feats of Strength and +1d4 damage to forceful attacks. Growth halts early if there is not room for full size.

Reduce: subject reduces one Size. It has +D to Feats of Strength and -1d4 damage to forceful attacks (min 1).

The usual effects of Size apply to forced movement, grappling, ranged attacks, etc.

The possessions of a targeted creature change with them. Dropped items return to normal size.

Unwilling targets (or objects held by them) get a Vigor save to resist.

Earthen Grasp (Power 2+, 1 action, 30', conc (1 min))

A Medium-sized appendage rises from a patch of stone or earth, acting under your direction, using your casting stat as its Vigor.

As an action (and initially upon casting) you can direct it to act, including Grappling or Forcing an adjacent target, crushing a Grappled target, or reforming at a different location.

A grabbed target is Restrained and takes 2d6 crushing damage. Crushing a grabbed target deals 2d6 crushing damage (Vigor save for half).

Far Step (Power 2+, 1 bonus, self, 30')

You teleport to a point within range, either in line of sight or by dead reckoning. If the destination if occupied, choose whether the spell fails or you are shunted to the nearest clear space, taking 1d6 damage per 5' distance.

+1 Power: you arrive with a thunderclap. Those within 5' must Vigor save or take 2d6 crushing damage and be knocked prone (half damage and not prone on success).

+1 Power: +60'. You can carry a willing or restrained creature (up to Medium size) with you.

Flaming Sphere (Power 2+, 1 action, 60', conc (1 min))

Creates a 5' sphere of fire that sheds torch-light. It inflicts (Power)d6 fire to targets that start their turn adjacent or are rammed by its movement (Dex save for half). It can be moved up to 30' as a bonus action, ending its movement if it rams a target. It can roll over over barriers up to 5' high.

Gentle Repose (Power 2+, 1 action, touch)

Choose 1:

Preservations: unliving organic matter touched (corpse, food, wooden object, etc) is protected from mundane decay for (Power x 5) days. Protected corpses can't rise as undead.

Feign Death: a willing creature is put into a cataleptic state indistinguishable from death (even magic or a skilled physician must make a DC 25 Wits check or be fooled) for (Power-1) hours. You can dismiss the effect with a touch, after which vigor returns over the course of a minute. The subject has resistance to non-spirit damage. The progress of poison, disease, bleeding, and other biological processes are suspended for the duration.

When cast upon oneself, you may choose to remain conscious, able to see and hear, but numb and immobile. You can dismiss the spell at will, requiring only 1d4-VIG turns before you are active again.

+3 Power (ritual): the subject must be restrained or willing for the duration of the ritual. The effect lasts indefinitely, halting age. The caster must choose an act, substance, word(s), or other key that will end the spell.

Gust of Wind (Power 2, 1 action, self, conc (10 min))

You produce strong wind, in a chosen form. As an bonus action, you can change the form and/or particulars of the effect.

A 60' long, 10' wide line toward or away from yourself in a chosen direction.

A 10' radius vortex centered on yourself, pushing out.

A 5' radius vortex conjured within 60', pulling in or pushing out. Move up to 30' as a bonus action.

The wind has the following effects.

It is very noisy; treat those in the area as Deaf.

Unprotected flames (candles, torches, etc) in the area may be extinguished (50% chance for shielded flames, like lanterns).

Vapor, gas, fog, etc are hedged out of the area, and discrete clouds may be dispersed.

Loose dust, sand, gravel, etc may be kicked up to create Heavy Obscuration in the area.

Creatures other than you treat the area +1x difficult terrain.

Ranged attack and single-target Dex effects take +D if they pass through the wind.

Each creature starting their turn in the area must Vigor save of be pushed, then if pushed at least 5', Vigor or Dex save or be knocked prone. In the line, they are pushed up to 15' in the direction of the wind. In the vortex, they are pushed to the center or outer edge.

Hold Person (Power 2+, 1 action, 60', conc (1 min))

Saps the target(s) will and agency of up to (Power-1) living humanoids or mundane animals w/in 30' of each other. If they fail a Spirit save, they are Paralyzed. If they succeed, they are Weakened (half damage, physically and magically). At the end of each round, they may repeat the save, ending the effect on a success.

+3 Power: affect any kind of living creature (monstrous, aberrant, demonic, etc).

Knock (Power 2+)

Choose 1:

Knock (1 action, 60', instant): there is a loud knocking sound and target (a door, chest, manacles, rope, mouth, seal, letter, cork, book, etc) has either (Power-1) mundane fasteners (lock, stickiness, bar, etc) disengaged, or a single magical effect sealing is either suppressed for 10 min (if equal Power or permanent) or dispelled (if lower Power and impermanent).

An animate target may Vigor save to resist.

Lock (1 minute, touch, indefinite, until dispelled or dismissed, 25 gp materials): the target is bound closed. Efforts to force it are at +10 DC. It can be picked by someone with both Gnosis and Tinkering, at DC (18 + Power). You can set a password or designate a token as a key when you cast the spell. When touched by the key or the word is spoken within 10', the lock is suppressed for 1 minute.

(Power 0)

Open / Close (1 action, 60', instant): an unsecured, inanimate target opens or closes in a manner it is able to.

Levitate (Power 2, 1 action)

Choose 1:

Levitate (target of up to 500 lbs, 60' range, conc (10 min)): target can be raised or lowered 20' per turn as an action (or as your move, if you are the target). Unwilling targets get a Vigor save to negate. At the end of the spell, the target descends as per Feather Fall.

Earthbind (1 target, 300', conc (1 min)): the target must Vigor save or become unable to fly. If airborne, they are pulled to earth 60' per turn, landing gently.

Locate (Power 2+, 1 action, self)

Object (conc (1 hour), 1000'): Name an inanimate object (general type or a specific instance you've observed up close before). While's in range, you can sense its rough direction, distance, and vector of movement (if any). For general types of object, the nearest instance is located. Any thickness of dense metal or arcane warding will prevent detection.

+2 Power: you can sense a creature (general type or specific). If fundamentally transformed (polymorphed, petrified, etc), it will not be detected if you don't know to adjust for its state.

+1 Power: 2x distance.

Mirror Image (Power 2, 1 action, self, 1 minute)

You hold 3 illusory duplicates of yourself, which you can retain in your mind or send forth during the spell's duration, or as free actions.

Your duplicates can be held near you, swirling around your true position, mimicking your actions. When a single target attack or effect is aimed at you, roll a d12. You shift it to one of your images on a 4+ (3 images), 5+ (2 images), or 6+ (1 image). Area attacks and effects target you and all your images within the area.

You can send images out from you, up to 30'. As a bonus action, you can telepathically direct the actions or one or more images. Images can speak in your voice. As a bonus action, you can pull them back to swirl protectively around you.

Images have defense 11+DEX (no armor or magical bonuses) and uses your saves. Images evaporate if they fail a defense or save, even if an effect is not damaging. On a successful save, they persist, even if they "took damage".

Creatures that don't rely on sight (tremorsense, echolocation, scent, etc) won't be fooled, as the images are intangible.

Nourishment (Power 2+, 1 action, 30', 24 hours)

Double the effective portions of food and measures of drink consumed by (4+Power) living creatures.

Personal Gravity (Power 2+, touch, 1 action, conc (1 hr))

The subject's personal gravity is altered so they can walk normally on walls and ceilings, or be supported by flimsy, unstable, or liquid surfaces. They decide which surface within 5' is down. If no surface is, they are subject to normal gravity. Their possessions are affected until they leave contact with them, after which normal gravity takes hold.

+1 Power allows you to affect up to affect up to 10 individuals within 30'.

Phantasmal Force (Power 2+, 1 action, 120', conc (1 hour))

An illusion is projected into the mind of a single living creature. It can be up to (Power) contiguous 5' cubes in size, and affects all senses. They only ones who can perceive it are the target and caster (as a faint ghost). It can be moved or made to act as a bonus action, but not fundamentally changed. The illusion can even fool touch with a light contact, but if struck or moved into, it has no substance. The illusion ends if the target falls unconscious.

Any time the target inspects it (1 action), physically interacts more than casually with it, or sees it behave in an incongruous manner, they may make a Wits save to pierce it. The illusion can appear to give way if pushed or stuck, but if intruded into, it is automatically pierced.

The target can take up to 1d6 phantom damage from an illusory creature or hazard. They believe this is real, but do no more than fall unconscious if "slain". Wounds fade immediately if the illusion is pierced or it ends. Phantom creatures and hazards use WIT+PROF for defense, attack, and similar actions.

Proclamation (Power 2+, 1 action, self)

You speak a message up to (Power x 25) words. Choose 1:

The message is heard dramatically and clearly by everyone within up to 4 miles (~1 hex), not deafening, but emanating from everywhere.

(conc (1 hour)) Your message is written in illusory words hanging in the sky. Haze, low clouds, rain, etc might obscure them.

Protection from Pathogen (Power 2, 1 action, touch, 1 hour)

The subject has resistance (half damage and +A to saves) to Poison and Disease. Poisons and diseases already in the subject's system are suppressed for the spell's duration.

Purify Environment (Power 2+, 1 action, range 30', conc (1 min))

Air and water in a (Power x 10') radius area is swept clean of vapors, dust, pollen / spores, smoke, and other contaminants (not including creatures like oozes). Stale air is refreshed to full breathability.

Sense Harmful Intent (Power 2, 1 action, 120', conc (1 min))

Within sight and range, you perceive the malice imbued in traps by their creators. This does not reveal their exact dimensions, triggers, means of operation, etc, only their general area and a rough sense of how dire they are. Traps include things like alarms, ambushes, or other "negative impacts". Natural hazards without intent behind them are not revealed.

Each round you can focus on a creature and attempt to Read them. If successful, you know if they harbor active intent to cause harm (physical, emotional, magical, social, etc), but not necessarily how or to whom. If you fail, they are inscrutable to this spell for the rest of the day. The intrinsic nature of certain creatures (demons, undead, etc) registers as malice.

Shielding Aura (Power 2, 1 bonus, touch, conc (1 hour))

If the target's armor defense is less than +4, treat it as +4.

Silence (Power 2+, 1 action)

Choose 1:

Barrier of Silence (120', conc (10 min)): Creates a region that blocks sound and nullifies thunder damage. The region can be centered on an object, moving with it, or a point in space.

Shapes: 20' radius shell (blocks sound crossing), 20' radius sphere (nullifies sound within), or a wall up to 30' long, 10' high, and up to 1' thick.

Hush (10', conc (10 min)): a willing target is shrouded in silence, so that they emit no unintended sound. They can speak freely, but their steps make no sound, their armor doesn't creak, etc. Actions that affect the environment beyond 5' distance (falling rocks, etc) are not hushed, and animate beings are not affected.

+1 Power: up to 10 targets.

+1 Power: sustain (indefinite).

Deaf & Mute (30', 1 min): up to (Power-1) targets who fail a Spirit save are rendered unable to hear or speak. At the end of each turn after the first, they may repeat the save.

Dispel Sound (120', instant): dispels sound-based (including thunder) effects as Dispel Magic.

Silence cannot block words infused with Logos, such as magical incantations or command words.

Spike Growth (Power 2, 1 action, 120', conc (1 hour))

Crystalline seeds litter up to a 20' radius region with (perception check to notice). Coming close to one causes it to sprout into a cluster of thorns (up to 5' high), which retract when moved away from. Every 5' moved through the region inflicts 2d4 piercing damage.

If unware of the danger, a target moves 1/2 of its intended movement before it can come to a stop, or 1/4 on a successful Dex save.

Spiritual Weapon (Power 2+, 1 bonus, 60', 1 min)

Create a weapon of arcane force (type specific to the indivual spell), hitting for (Power / 2)d8+SPT or WIT spirit and cutting / crushing / piercing damage. When cast, and as a bonus action, it can fly 20' within range and strike.

Suggestion (Power 2, 1 action, 30' range, 1 thinking creature who can understand your words, conc (8 hours), charm)

You speak words (up to a few sentences) that suggest a course of action or interpretation of facts or the situation, and a subject must Spirit save or accept them, forgetting the moment of the casting and the speaking.

The suggestion is taken according to the target's own nature, personality, beliefs, etc, as if a trusted friend had spoken it (though it seems to arise naturally from their own mind), similar to Charm Person. If you can weave in more facts or suit the suggestion to the person's beliefs, you can make it feel stronger and more justified.

E.g. if told that a person is plotting against them, a normal person might begin scrutinizing or avoiding them (while wondering what could have caused such enmity), while an already mistrustful or ruthless person might immediately strike against them. A wealthy person might give away their horse to a passerby, convinced that they're doing a good deed, but a poor person would not harm themself with such extravagance (but might loan it, especially if they "heard somewhere" that the recipient was a good and trustworthy person).

Actions that would cause serious harm or hardship, especially for no good reason, automatically fail.

The suggestion may be conditional, taking hold within the duration when some event happens, a person is encountered, words are spoken, etc ("the first person you meet", "when you hear someone discuss the weather", "when you get home").

Veil of the Unseen (Power 2+, 1 action, conc (1 hour), 30')

Choose 1:

Up to (Power-1) Medium targets and their carried possessions become invisible. The spell ends on a target if they cast a spell or commits violence (including any kind of negative effects).

Each size larger than Medium, double the number of "targets" the spell costs to affect it. Smaller targets aren't easier.

You radiate an aura of concealment. You and allies within range gain Expert Stealth to avoid notice and avoid leaving tracks.

+1 Power: if cast as a ritual, you can anchor the aura to a location (campsite, door, cottage, etc) for 24 hours instead.

Web (Power 2, 1 action, 120', conc (1 hour))

Sticky webbing fills a 20' radius region (5' high), or a 20' cube, if anchored to walls or other supports.

The region is +1x difficult terrain and Lightly Obscured. Starting a turn within the area or moving into it forces a Dex save or else become Restrained. A trapped target can break free as for a Grapple (Vigor only, not Dex).


(Power 3+, 1 action, touch, conc (10 min), (Power-2) subjects)

Subjects gain 60' fly speed as long as they are not carrying more than a Medium load. Fall immediately if aloft when the spell ends.

Elemental Blast

(Power 3+, 1 action, 150' range, 20' radius sphere, instant)

Launch a bolt of elemental power that explodes, dealing (Power)d6 damage (save for half).

Fire: Dex save. Deals (Power)d6+(Power) fire damage.

Thunder: Vigor save. Deals thunder damage. Creatures that fail their save are deafened (end of next turn), pushed 10' and must save again or fall prone.

Mana: Spirit save. Deals spirit damage (no effect on inanimate objects).

Frost: Dex save. Deals frost damage and leaves the radius choked with snow and ice, making it difficult terrain until it melts.

Slime: Dex save. Deals acid damage, leaving a slick within the radius. The slick deals damage to those who enter it before end of next turn, after which its acid denatures, but the slick remains for 10 minutes. Those moving more than half speed over it must Dex save or fall.

Venom: Vigor save. A contact poison that deals health damage. Creatures that fail their save are Poisoned until end of next turn.

Delay (+1 Power): the bolt turns into a glowing marble for as long as you concentrate (10 min). When you cease concentrating, or the marble is handled roughly (Dex check if being careful) by someone other than the caster, it explodes as normal. Each turn it remains unexploded, its damage increases by +1d, up to an extra (Power)d.

Elemental Stroke

(Power 3+, 1 action, 100' line, instant)

Fires a torrent of elemental power, striking everything along its path, dealing (Power x 2)d6 (save for half).

Lightning Bolt: Dex save. Deals fire damage and those who fail their save are Unreactive until end of next turn. Reflects off of solid stone surfaces; disperses into water, dealing damage in a 20' radius to those touching it.

Incandescent Beam: Dex save. Deals fire damage and blinds those that fail their save until end of next turn.

Arctic Gale: Dex save. Deals frost damage and targets must Vigor save or be pushed 5' and knocked prone.

Mana: Spirit save. Deals spirit damage (no effect on inanimate objects).

Delay (+1 Power): the torrent is contained as a glowing thread that floats in air for as long as you concentrate (10 min). You can draw the thread through the air, up to the spell's normal length. When you cease concentrating, or the thread is handled roughly (Dex check if being careful) by someone other than the caster, power lashes along it as normal. Each turn it remains contained, its damage increases by +1d, up to an extra (Power)d.

Elemental Barrage

(Power 3+, 1 action, self, conc (10 min))

A halo of (Power x 2) elemental orbs circles your head. On casting and as a bonus action while the spell lasts, you can launch 1 or 2 orbs up to 120' at individual targets. They explode, dealing 1d6 damage within 5' radius, save for half.

Fire: Dex save. Each orb deals an extra +1 fire damage.

Frost: Dex save. Deals frost damage and the radius is choked with snow and ice, making it difficult terrain until it melts.

Thunder: Vigor save. Deals crushing damage and creatures that fail their save are deafened (end of next turn) and fall prone.

Slime: Dex save. Deals acid damage, leaving a slick within the radius. The slick deals 1d6 damage to those who enter it before end of next turn, after which its acid denatures, but the slick remains for 10 minutes. Those moving more than half speed over it must Dex save or fall.

Mana: Spirit save. Deals spirit damage (no effect on inanimate objects).

Venom: Vigor save. A contact poison that deals health damage. Creatures that fail their save are Poisoned until end of next turn.

Endless Breath

(Power 3+, 1 action, up to (Power x 3) willing creatures within 30', or Self and affecting all creatures within 10' radius, 24 hours)

The subjects do not need to breathe. Water, lack of air, etc still hinder speech.


(Power 3+, 10 minutes, self, conc (10 min); requires a 100 gp focus such as a mirror, orb, jewel, etc into which the vision is projected)

Up to 1 mile away, conjure a scrying sensor through which you can see and hear, naming a specific creature or place. A creature may Spirit save to repel the scrying, shielding it for 24 hours. A place can be targeted by sight, dead reckoning, or arcane connection. The spell can be blocked by extremely dense matter or magical wards. The sensor follows a creature if it moves.

Familiarity: second-hand (+5 to save; seen distantly, know the name of, described according to a set of criteria such as "the orc leader"), first-hand (+0 to save; have been in the presence of), well-known (-5 to save; quite familiar).

Arcane Connection: none (+0 to save), likeness (-2 to save; a good picture or evocative description from one to whom it's well-known), object (-4 to save; a non-transient possession, garment, etc), portion (-10 to save; blood, hair, etc).

+1 Power: you can reach up to 10 miles, or up to 100 miles with a 1000 gp focus.

+2 Power, 1000 gp focus: you can scry anywhere within the plane.

Gaseous Form

(Power 3, 1 action, touch, conc (1 hour))

Transform a willing subject and their possessions into misty vapor. They tend to roughly hold their normal form, but are amorphous and able to flow through cracks and openings, while treating liquids as solid. They gain resistance to non-spirit damage and +A on Vigor and Dex saves. They hover, can fly 10', and may be pushed around by strong winds. They cannot manipulate items (including ones carried) or cast spells, and may only speak in a whisper. The spell ends if they die.

Glyph of Warding

(Power 3+, 10 minute ritual, touch, until triggered, uses 1 supply from a ritual kit)

Trace a glyph on an object or surface (a region up to 10' in diameter). A warded object must remain in place; if it moves more than 10' from where it was warded, the spell ends. The glyph glitters faintly and will be overlooked without magical senses or careful inspection.

Decide what triggers the spell, such as touching / walking on / handling the surface or object, approaching within a certain distance, opening a container or door, seeing the glyph, etc. The condition may include obvious traits, such as creature type, etc. You may set keys or passwords that will prevent triggering.

Choose 1:

Blast: explodes in a 20' radius, dealing (Power+1)d6 damage (fire, frost, acid, necrotic, thunder, etc; chosen upon casting), Dex save for half.

Spell: binds another spell effect into the glyph (must affect a single target or area, which will be cast from the glyph's position). You must be able to cast the spell, or cast this in tandem with another caster who can. The stored spell will be cast with the glyph's Power, and you must predetermine any choices involved in the spell.


(Power 3+, 1 action, unlimited, 1 round)

You speak a message up to (Power x 10) words, which are carried to a named creature with whom you are familiar. The creature hears the words in its mind, in your voice, and may respond promptly with a similarly constrained reply. If the creature is on another plane, there is a (6-Power)-in-6 chance the message does not reach them.


(Power 3, 1 action, 120', conc (1 min))

Choose 1:

(30' range) A willing creature gains 2x Speed, +2 defense, +A on Dex saves, and an extra action each turn.

This action can't be used to multi-attack and the subject is still prevented from more than 1 spell casting / magic item activation and 1 cantrip casting per turn.

When the spell ends, the subject is Stunned until the end of their next turn, overcome by lethargy.

Time runs at double speed within a 10' diameter sphere. On casting, the volume can be halved repeatedly, each time doubling the rate of flow. Only inanimate objects and forces are affected, and only if the majority of them is within the sphere. Fast time does not increase the energy of forces, just their rate of progress (a falling stone does not hit harder, a flame consuming fuel twice as fast is no hotter).

Dispel (as Dispel Magic) a hindering or slowing effect.


(Power 3, 1 action, 120', conc (1 min))

Choose 1:

Up to 6 targets within 40' of one another must Spirit save or suffer 1/2x Speed, -2 defense, +D on Dex saves, and be Dazed. A target cannot make more than one attack per turn, even if it normally could with an action. Spells with a casting time of 1 bonus or 1 action have a 50% chance of requiring a matching action on the following turn to complete them. The Spirit save can be repeated at the end of each turn to throw off the effects.

Time runs at half speed within a 10' diameter sphere, or the volume can be halved repeatedly, each time halving the rate of flow. Only inanimate objects and forces are affected, and only if the majority of them is within the sphere (e.g. a 10 lb rock falling would be affected, but a person jumping aside would not. A huge boulder larger than the area of effect would not be affected).

Dispel (as Dispel Magic) a speeding effect.

Animate Vessel

(Power 3+, 1 minute, touch, special)

You conjure near-mindless urge-spirits to animate up to (1 + (Power-3 x 2)) vessels.

Vessels can be corpses or constructs fashioned of inanimate material (rope, vines, wood, metal, etc) with sufficient craftsmanship. Bones of Small and Medium animates made from the bones of creatures or lightweight constructs have 1 HD, while corpses and sturdier constructs have 2 HD. Bigger or more ferocious creatures have HD equal to what they had in life (if bones) or +1 HD (if full corpses), and larger constructs may be made that have increased HD.

As a bonus action, you issue a command to your animates within 60' (only one command, but to as many as you wish). Animates will continue to obey standing orders. They are not very intelligent, limiting their judgement and the complexity of orders they can comprehend. Spells that extend your speech (Ventriloquism, Sending, etc) increase the range at which you can issue commands. If you possess telepathy, you can issue command via it.

Your control lapses every 24 hours unless you feed the spirits mana.

Treat this as casting a spell, gaining (Power x 2) control points. It does not actually require casting or proximity, and you may instantaneously "cast" as much as you wish to retain control.

If you have control equal the total HD of animates you seek to retain control over, you do so (you can intentionally cut loose some animates to reduce your goal). If you have less control, roll Spirit bonus DC (10 + excess HD). If you succeed, you retain control. If you fail, you lose control of 1d4 random animates. On a natural 1, you lose control of all your animates.

Free animates are hungry for life and mana to sustain themselves in the world, and will hunt for them. Some may possess curiosity, making off with supplies or shiny objects that catch their interest. Once control lapses, it cannot be regained except by restraining the animate long enough to cast the spell as if freshly animating it.


(Power 3+, reaction, self, instant)

You raise a brief ward around yourself, shattering one magical effect before it can affect you. If it affects an area or multiple targets, only you are protected (if an area effect is persistent, you remain immune to it until the end of your next round, then may save against it normally).

Effects of equal or lower Power are automatically negated. Effects of higher Power require a (caster level + counter's Power) vs (caster level + target spell's Power) check to negate.


(Power 3, 1 action, self, 1 minute, dismiss (action))

At the end of each of your turns, roll d20. On an 11+, you vanish into the astral until the start of your next turn (or the spell ends), at which point you reappear in an unoccupied spot of your choice within 10' of where you vanished from. If there is none, you reappear in the nearest unoccupied spot , chosen randomly if there are multiple such places.

Through a pinprick in reality, you can perceive the world up to 60' from where you left, but in only shades of grey. You can only interact and be interacted with by other things in the astral, or which span both worlds.

Dispel Magic

(Power 3+, instant, 1 action, range 120')

Targets one creature, object, or magical effect, removing all transient magical effects of equal or lower Power. Each effects of higher Power requires a (caster level + dispel's Power) vs (caster level + target spell's Power) check to dispel.

Break Curse

(Power 3+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch)

Attempt to break a curse, lift a magical / spiritual affliction such as petrification, transformation, life drain, etc, or disenchant a cursed object. Use Spirit with a bonus of +(5 x Power). It is much harder to destroy a cursed object than to break the object's link to a person.


(Power 3, instant, 1 "living" creature, touch, 300 gp of ritual materials)

You restore life to a creature that has died within the last minute whose soul is at liberty. They have 0 hp and retain any Wounds and Life damage. It can't restore those dead of old age and does not return missing body parts.

Speak with Plants

(Power 3, 10 min, 1 action, self)

You can communicate with plants within 30' of you. Normal plants have a decent memory of the last day, but only recall major events prior to that, and without much accuracy about the passage of time. You can ask plants to shift--clearing or creating difficult terrain, bending somewhat, directing their growth in certain directions, bending a limb--but their abilities are limited, and they cannot uproot or move quickly. Ordinary plants readily do as you ask; malign or monstrous plants do as they wish.

Speak with Dead

(Power 3, 10 min, 1 minute, self)

You grant speech to a corpse (which must at least include a skull / seat of consciousness and be no more than 10 days old) or a spirit present in the area. A corpse knows no more than it did in life, and can't form new memories, speculate on the future, etc. A spirit might. They are not compelled to be truthful, helpful, etc, though most won't be malicious unless inclined to it by personality, dislike of you, etc. You may be able to trick, cajole, or bargain with them, perhaps using burial or addressing unfinished business as leverage.

Warding Circle

(Power 3, (Power-2) hours, 1 minute, range 10')

Create a glowing ring 10' radius, projecting a 20' high cylindrical effect. Supernatural beings (unless you grant access to individual or a type, during casting) must Spirit save or cannot cross the circle. Magical movement (teleportation, spirit walking, etc) cannot enter the circle. Targets within the circle are protected as by Spirit Ward. When cast, you can invert the circle, so that supernatural beings and magical travel can't leave it (rather than enter it), and those outside are protected from those within.

Protection from Elements

(Power 3, conc (1 hour), 1 action, touch)

The subject has resistance to a named source of damage (fire, frost, acid).


(Power 3, Power x 30 minutes, 1 action, touch)

A willing creatures is placed in a death-like torpor. All life functions cease, it does not breath, age, or think. It is resistant to damage, and the progress of poison, disease, decay, bleeding, etc is suspended. The effect can be ended early by the caster's touch. At the end of the effect, the creature returns to consciousness and is Stunned for 1d4 rounds. Power 5 (10 min casting, +500 gp of ritual materials) causes the effect to last until dispelled, woken by the caster, or until a condition named by the caster is met (something a normal observer could recognize as having occurred).

Blast the Eldritch

(Power 3+, conc (1 min), 1 action, self)

You blaze with light (30' bright, 30' dim). Eldritch beings in either a 30' cone or 10' radius suffer (Power+2)d6 spirit damage each time they enter or begin a turn within the effect.

Cure Malady (Greater)

(Power 1+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch)

Attempt to treat a disease or poison with Spirit and a +(5 x Power) bonus. If the net bonus is +10 or more, the cure is instant; otherwise it counts as one successful Save against the malady (which may require 1 or more successes over time).

Phantom Steed

(Power 3+, 1 minute, 30', 1 hour, dismiss (action))

Conjure a semi-real steed of obvious otherworldly nature.

It is equivalent to a riding horse, but has Speed 100 and is tireless, able to cover 16 miles (1 hex) in an hour. It obeys you and anyone you command it to.

Power 4: the steed can run over infirm ground (mud, snow) as if it were solid.

Power 5: the steed can run over water and other liquids as if they were solid.

If slain, or at the end of the duration, it evaporates into nothing over the course of 1 minute. It either has ephemeral tack and harness, or else does not require them.

Orb of Shelter

(Power 3, 1 minute, self, 10' radius, 12 hours)

Projects a stationary 10' radius sphere of energy around you, half of which is usually projecting beneath the ground or through the floor beneath you.

Within, the environment is a pleasant and dry, and the air is clear and fresh. The interior is illuminated or dimmed at your command. Looking out, the sphere is transparent, but is opaque from outside.

Anything dealing less than 20 damage is excluded (use your Spirit save against effects if necessary), as well as non-damaging effects. Anything dealing more is absorbed, but the spell ends.

You can grant and revoke passage through the sphere. If you leave it, the spell ends.

Life Transference

(Power 3+, 1 action, self, conc (1 min)

Upon casting, and each turn as an action, you may choose 1:

Make an unarmed melee attack to touch a living creature and deal health damage, up to (Power)d6, healing half this amount. If your touch kills the creature, you can heal Life.

You can wither mundane plant-life with your touch, but its vitality is not strong enough to heal you.

You may choose to transfer a disease, poison, or other non-innate biological malady (but not wounds) from the target to yourself. Carry any save successes or failures in the malady's progression over to yourself.

Touch a living creature and choose how many dice of damage to take, up to (Power)d6, and healing them that amount. You may choose to take some of the dice to Life, and heal an equal amount of Life.

If you kill yourself this way, you can restore life to a subject who has been dead for up to a day (usual side-effects and Tampering With Mortality apply).

Stinking Cloud

(Power 3, 1 action, 90', conc (1 min))

Conjure a 20' radius cloud of thick, stinking vapors, heavily obscuring the area. Creatures that start their turn in the cloud must Vigor save against poison or be Incapacitated and Poisoned for the turn, reeling and retching. Moderate or stronger wind can cut the duration by half or more.


- prot from evil, sustained

- prot from norm missiles

- animal growth

- striking


- bestow curse?

- fear

- hypnotic pattern

- nondetection

- plant growth + wall of thorns?

- meld into stone

- call lightning?

- conjure animals

- sleet storm

- wind wall


- enemies abound?

- flame arrows

- tidal wave

- summon lesser demons

- tiny servant

- wall of sand

Power 4

- wall of fire

- wall of ice

- arcane eye

- death ward

- create water

- compulsion?

- confusion

- dimension door

- freedom of movement

- hallucinatory terrain / mirage arcane

- polymorph

- banishment

- control water

- stone shape

- blight

- conjure minor elements / woodland beings

- dominate beast

- grasping vine / evard's tentacles?

- ice storm

- stoneskin

- commune with nature?

- contagion?

- reincarnate?

- tree stride? / transport via plants

- wall of thorns

- fabricate

- fire shield

- secret chest

- faithful hound

- mord's private sanctum

- resilient sphere

- phantasmal killer



- animate objects

- dream

- legend lore

- mislead

- modify memory

- planar binding?

- teleportation circle / teleport / plane shift

- guards and wards

- mass suggestion

- etherealness?

- move earth?

- find the path?

- creation?

- seeming?

- telekinesis?

- contact other plane?

- bigby's hand

- mislead

- passwall?

- rary's telepathic bond

- contingency

- instant summons

- globe of invuln? / minor invuln?


- guardian of nature

- watery sphere

- storm sphere

- sickening radiance

- vitriolic sphere

- control winds

- far step?

- immolation?

- wall of light?

- shadow of moil?

- summon greater demon?

- elemental bane

- danse macabre

- infernal calling?

- create homoculus?


- charm monster

- confusion

- dimension door / teleport

- growth of plants

- hallucinatory terrain

- massmorph

- polymorph other / self

- wall of fire / ice

- wizard eye

arcane eye: pow 4, self, conc 1 hr, invisible eye, 30' vision and darkvision, as action move up to 30', no range limit except can't go to another plane, can pass through openings as small as 1", you see through the eye (also carries with it any perceptions (detect magic, see invisible, etc) the caster has on themself

Power 5

- legend lore

- create food

- restore life and limb

- forbiddance

- teleport

- scrying

- commune

- power words (pain (xan) , stun, blind, kill)

- mords magnificent mansion

- demiplane

- clone

- true seeing

- wall of force

- wall of stone

- plane shift

- symbol?

- feeblemind

- mind blank

- geas

- insect plague?

- blade barrier

- create undead?

- forbiddance?

- harm / heal

- greater restoration

- heroes' feast

- planar ally / conjure celestial / conjure fey / conjure elemental

- word of recall

- fire storm

- antimagic field / anti-life shell?

- earthquake

- control weather

- astral projection

- awaken

- sunbeam

- tsunami

- shapechange?

- storm of vengeance?

- dispel good and evil?

- cloudkill

- creation?

- dominate person

- hold monster

- seeming?

- arcane gate?

- disintigrate

- eyebite?

- globe of invuln?

- mass suggestion?

- finger of death

- prismatic spray / wall

- time stop?

- imprisonment

- magic jar

- otiluke's freezing sphere

- irresistable dance

- sequester?

- simulacrum

- maze

- trap the soul

- meteor swarm

- weird?


- strength of mind?

- invisible stalker

- death spell

- flesh to stone

- lower water

- move earth

- wall of iron?


- dawn

- mighty fortress / temple of the gods

- investiture of <element>

- soul cage

- crown of stars?

- whirlwind

- horrid wilting

- primordial ward

- druid grove

- bones of the earth

- wrath of nature

- transmute rock?

Power 6

- control weather

- plane shift / teleport / teleportation circle

- commune / contact other plane

transmute rock? (xan)

merge raise dead, heal, regeneration, greater restoration into a single Restore Life and Limb spell?

merge Cure Wounds and Lesser Restoration?

add Revivify

real Resurrection is realm magic and costs a bunch; can burn extra stuff for bonuses on the tamper with mortality roll.