
From The Hidden Room

Template:Apparatus PlayerRaces

There are many races that players can choose from when creating their character. Each race offers a different appearance, set of abilities, and possible class choices. Races can be grouped into three important categories: mortals, arcadians, and genasi.


The most numerous of the races, mortals are the inhabitants of the mortal realms of The Integrum. Their biology and societies follow the natural laws of The Integrum, making them the easiest to play. They come in four physical forms: marrow, stone, water, wind, wood, and feral.

  • Marrow races have fleshy skin and muscle, hard bones, liquid blood, and hair. Their skin and hair tend to be dark brown or black. They require lots of food, water, and air, but heal much more quickly than other races.
  • Stone races have rocky exoskeletons, clay muscle, mud blood, and no hair. Their exoskeletons tend to be dark grey or beige. They do not need to eat, drink, or breathe, but heal much more slowly than other races.
  • Water races have fleshy skin and muscle, cartilaginous bone, liquid blood, and little to no hair. Their skin tends to be blue. They require lots of water but can breathe in water, swim with ease, and often have shape-shifting abilities.
  • Wind races have papery skin and muscle, porcelain bone, misty blood, and feathery hair. Their skin tends to be pale grey or white. They require lots of air and are physical fragile but can often float or fly.
  • Wood races have vinelike skin and muscle, hardwood bones, sap blood, and leafy or flowery hair. Their skin and hair tend to be green. They take time to acclimate to new environments but can thrive once adapted.
  • Feral races have animalistic features from an ancient magical curse. Their size and shape deviate from what is typical for their base race.


The nor are the most numerous mortals. They are native to the mortal realm of Acrolon, but have settled in all of the mortal realms. They are typically 1.5m - 1.8m in height and are the most physically similar to real-world people. They are stereotypically pragmatic and opportunistic.


Society: The Asyr are the rarest type of nor. They were almost wiped out during the Dark Age. The only population that remains resides in the city-state of Highlake, hidden in the peaks of the Hornland in Malocia, Acrolon.

Appearance: Asyr stand between 1.5m and 1.8m in height. Their skin is translucent white, revealing marbled blue veins. Their hair is fine, in white or silver. Their eyes are pale blue or green.

Biology: Asyr are born from eggs that hatch in 1 month. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They do not need to eat food or drink water, but they depend heavily on breathing air.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Wind-Blessed: Wind-blessed creatures are light, fragile, and depend heavily on air. This trait includes:
    • They are naturally nimble, gaining +1 Agility.
    • They weigh 0.5x normal and they suffer 2x normal forced movement effects.
    • They do not need to eat food or drink water.
    • If they are deprived of air to breath, they suffer 1d6 Minor Fatigue per turn until access to air is restored.
    • Their bodies are fragile, suffering Disadvantage on Wound checks and counting as Small Size for the purposes of calculating Health and Burden.
  • Gentle Step: As an action, Asyr can become weightless while they concentrate. This ability lasts until it is dismissed as a bonus action or 10 minutes. This ability resets after a short or long rest.
  • Wind Shield: As an action, Asyr can breathe out a wall of wind around themselves while they concentrate. Small particles within 1m are immediately blown away and ranged weapon attacks crossing the wall have Disadvantage. This ability lasts until it is dismissed as a bonus action or 10 minutes. This ability resets after a short or long rest.
  • Read Posture: Asyr culture is steeped in rigid rules of etiquette based in body language. An Asyr can make a Skilled Wits check against a creature's deception or performance. Success allows the Asyr to ask a question from the following list. Each degree of success grants another question. The Wits check becomes Expert upon reaching character level 5.
    • Does this creature believe what they are saying?
    • What is this creature's social status?
    • Is this creature hiding something?
    • Does this creature intend harm to me or mine?
    • How proficient is this creature in what they're doing?

More at Asyr.


Society: Elken are shunned by most sylvans and have formed a nomadic society called the Valendar, which wanders between rural settlements of Agria performing trade. The society is an egalitarian meritocracy.

Appearance: Elken stand between 1.8m and 2.1m in height. Their skin is green and vine-like. Their hair is a thick mane of stems and leaves. Their eyes are yellow or golden brown.

Biology: Elken are born from special fertility groves where they are grown for 1 year. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They have a reduced need to eat food, drink water, and breathe air, but must slowly acclimate to new environments.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Wood-Blessed: Wood-blessed creatures struggle to attune to their environment, but once attuned can gain significant advantages. This trait includes:
    • Skin of wood provides significant protection. Wood-blessed creatures are considered wearing Medium Armor, even when not wearing armor.
    • Greatly impacted by their environment, they gain -1 Might and -1 Agility in an unattuned environment. After one long rest, they may choose to begin attuning to the environment, losing the -1 Might and -1 Agility penalty. After three long rests, they gain +1 Might and +1 Agility for as long as they are attuned to their current environment. They can only be attuned to a single environment at a time. Environment types include (urban environments cannot be chosen for attunement):
      • Warm, dry, and dense (scrub)
      • Warm, dry, and sparse (desert)
      • Warm, wet, and dense (jungle, swamp)
      • Warm, wet, and sparse (bog, moor)
      • Cool, dry, and dense (alpine)
      • Cool, dry, and sparse (tundra)
      • Cool, wet, and dense (forest)
      • Cool, wet, and sparse (grassland, subterranean)
    • They must eat food, drink water, and breath air, but at 0.5x the normal rate. They also suffer half the normal amount of Fatigue from hunger, thirst, or asphyxiation.
    • They recover from Wounds at twice the normal rate and can even regrow lost limbs.
  • Cervine Form: Elken have the body shape of an elk, granting the following abilities.
    • Their quadrupedal body is considered Large for the purpose of carrying capacity, 2x normal.
    • Their quadrupedal bodies are harder to knock over, granting Advantage on checks and saves to avoid falling prone.
    • Cervine forms can run quickly, Dash is a bonus action instead of a standard action.
    • Equipped with natural weapons, Elken can attack with antlers as a proficient Might Weapon for 1d8 + Might damage as part of a dash action, if they move at least 3m toward their target.
  • Nomadic Pace: Being from a nomadic culture gives Elken tremendous endurance for travel. They cover 2x the normal distance each day in overland travel and do not suffer Fatigue from travelling through difficult terrain or without rest. They are considered Expert with endurance checks.
  • Moss Skin: Their mossy fur and branch-like antlers make for excellent camouflage. They gain advantage when making stealth checks in natural foliage.

More at Elken.


Society: Enchridians are a rare offshoot of asyr. As the asyr were brought to the edge of extinction after The Fall, a powerful Pattern Servitor intervened and saved an asyr settlement from destruction. The manipulations by the Servitor changed the asyr into a new race. The enchiridians have an even more strict caste system than their asyr ancestors by virtue of their identities and roles in society being literally written on their skin. They typically shun contact with outsiders due to others' lack of proper "labelling". Most enchridians live in a single city-state in the Bone Hills called Shadewick.

Appearance: Enchridians stand between 1.5m and 1.8m in height. Their skin is alabaster white and covered in shifting blue runes that faintly glow. Their hair is fine white, and their eyes are a solid blue that and also glow faintly.

Biology: Enchiridians are born from eggs that hatch in 1 month. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They do not need to eat food or drink water, but they depend heavily on breathing air.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Wind-Blessed: Wind-blessed creatures are light, fragile, and depend heavily on air. This trait includes:
    • They are naturally nimble, gaining +1 Agility.
    • They weigh 0.5x normal and they suffer 2x normal forced movement effects.
    • They do not need to eat food or drink water.
    • If they are deprived of air to breath, they suffer 1d6 Minor Fatigue per turn until access to air is restored.
    • Their bodies are fragile, suffering Disadvantage on Wound checks and counting as Small Size for the purposes of calculating Health and Burden.
  • First Language: Enchiridians communicate with the magical language of Servitors. The language is a system of spoken, written, and gestured words that any listener, reader, or observer can understand if they know at least one language.
  • Integral Communion: Once per long rest, enchiridians are able to use stone tell, speak with plants, or speak with animals without using a spell or any components.
  • Wind Whisper: Once per short rest, enchiridians can use sending without using a spell or any components.

More at Enchiridian.


Society: Goliath are solitary creatures, usually living on mountain peaks or in mountain caves. They congregate only to reproduce, and so don't have a centralized society.

Appearance: Goliath stand between 1.5m and 1.8m in height. Their stony carapace is dark grey, marbled with red or orange. They eyes are white, and they have no hair.

Biology: Goliath are born from monoliths carved by their parents in reproductive rituals. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They do not need to eat food, drink water, or breathe air, but they heal more slowly than other races.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Stone-Blessed: Stone-blessed creatures have rocky exoskeletons, acting as natural armor. However, they move and heal more slowly than other races. This trait includes:
    • Natural inertia bestows significant strength, +1 Might.
    • Stone skin counts as wearing heavy armor, even when not wearing armor.
    • Slow movement, all Speed scores have a -1m penalty.
    • They do not need to eat food, drink water, or breathe air.
    • They have 0.5x the normal amount of Health Reserve.
    • They weigh 4x other nor races and suffer 0.5x effect from forced movement.
  • Natural Athleticism: Goliath run, jump, and climb in mountainous terrain all their lives. They are considered Experts at checks that involve running, jumping, and climbing, and gain +1m Speed (offsetting the penalty incurred by Stone-Blessed, above).
  • Solitary Warriors: Living solitary lives has made goliath accustomed to being outnumbered by their enemies. At the start of each of their turns, a goliath gains 5 Temporary Health for each enemy in excess of 2 within 4m.
  • King of the Hill: Goliath have incredible balance, strong legs, and a connection to mountains. They get Advantage on checks to perform a Shove, and count as a Large creature when performing a Shove.

More at Goliath.


Society: Groll are typically an insular, xenophobic people. Groll mostly live in family tribes across Viridia, subjugating weaker tribes and other races. While they do not have a centralized, organized society, the chieftains of each tribe do meet at a Bloodmoot, which is often taken by outsiders to be the name of Groll society.

Appearance: Groll stand between 1.5m and 1.8m in height. Their dark brown skin is covered in white, beige, or rust-colored fur. Their eyes are brown or red.

Biology: Groll rare born from normal mammalian methods, after gestating for 1 year. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They have a high need to eat food, drink water, and breathe air, but also heal very quickly.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Marrow-Blessed: Marrow-blessed creatures are adaptable, with bodies that change to suit the environment. This trait includes:
    • Adaptable to different purposes, they get a choice of +1 Might or +1 Agility. After a long rest, this choice can be changed.
    • While nourished, they treat all Fatigue as light and recover from Exhaustion at 2x the normal rate.
    • They need to eat food, drink water, and breathe air.
    • They have 2x the normal amount of Health Reserve.
  • Viverrine Form: Groll have the body shape of a humanoid hyena, granting the following abilities:
    • Groll have dangerous claws and teeth. These count as proficient natural Might Weapons.
      • As a single Attack Action, Groll can attack with both claws, each dealing 1d4 +Might damage.
      • As a single Attack Action, gnolls can attack with their bite, dealing 1d8 + Might damage.
    • Groll have a keen sense of smell, gaining Expertise with perception checks involving smell.
  • Bloodthirst: Drawn by the scent of death, Groll get +1 Critical Threshold against bloodied enemies.
  • Inhuman Diet: Groll can eat any organic material for sustenance and are immune to food-borne poisons and diseases.

More at Groll.


Society: By far the most populous race in the setting, humans combined the fast adaptable marrow form with pragmatic problem solving to settle the mortal realms extensively. They have formed numerous societies, usually with a cosmopolitan mixture of other races. Their largest civilization is Dawncwen, which covers most of Agria and Mercatia, and stretches into other areas of Acrolon.

Appearance: Humans stand between 1.5m and 1.8m in height. Their skin is light to dark brown. Their hair is thick, coarse, curly black. Their eyes are black, dark brown, or golden brown.

Biology: Humans are born from usual mammalian methods, gestating for 1 year. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They need to eat food, drink water, and breathe air.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Marrow-Blessed: Marrow-blessed creatures are adaptable, with bodies that change to suit the environment. This trait includes:
    • Adaptable to different purposes, they get a choice of +1 Might or +1 Agility. After a long rest, this choice can be changed.
    • While nourished, they treat all Fatigue as light and recover from Exhaustion at 2x the normal rate.
    • They need to eat food, drink water, and breathe air.
    • They have 2x the normal amount of Health Reserve.
  • Social Intelligence: After 10 minutes of conversation with a creature, humans get Advantage on Wits social checks with that creature. This effect can only apply to one creature at a time, and the effect ends after a long rest is taken.
  • Resourceful Survival: Human minds sharpen when their survival is at stake. They get Advantage on Wits skill checks and Wits saves when any of the following conditions apply:
  • Skilled Culture: Humans live in complex societies where people have the time to specialize in needed skills. Gain 2 Skilled Feats at no cost.

More at Human.


Society: Lascivians are a rare offshoot of humans. They were once the nobility and ruling class of the Dark Empire of Acrolon. However, after the fall of their Demon Queen, Lascivia, they were hunted for their crimes against mortal societies. Most lascivians are still twisted by their dark origins and live hidden in a subterranean civilization called Zekir, beneath the southern mountains of Stonewall. Some rare lascivians, however, are born without the tanari impulses for evil. They are usually ostracized from or subjugated in lascivian culture, and so make their living on the fringes of society at large.

Appearance: Lascivians stand between 1.5m and 1.8m in height. Their skin can be found in shades of red, blue, green, yellow, grey, or others, depending on their bloodline. They typically display one or more tanari features, such as horns, fanged teeth, a tail, or similar. Their eyes and hair are solid black.

Biology: Lascivians are born from mothers after 1 year of gestation. Tanari ichor is often fed to the pregnant mother to influence the nature and power of the offspring. They mature in 20 years and live for another 100 years before dying. They must eat food, drink water, and breathe air.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Marrow-Blessed: Marrow-blessed creatures are adaptable, with bodies that change to suit the environment. This trait includes:
    • Adaptable to different purposes, they get a choice of +1 Might or +1 Agility. After a long rest, this choice can be changed.
    • While nourished, they treat all Fatigue as light and recover from Exhaustion at 2x the normal rate.
    • They need to eat food, drink water, and breathe air.
    • They have 2x the normal amount of Health Reserve.
  • Void Skin: Influenced by the void skin of their Tanari ancestors, lascivians have flesh that is resistant to some elemental harm. They can choose a Resistance from the list below, and gain access to special Feats to expand on these resistances.
    • Fire Resistance: This grants Resistance to Fire damage and immunity to Fatigue from heat. Their skin is some shade of red.
    • Ice Resistance: This grants Resistance to Ice damage and immunity to Fatigue from cold. Their skin is some shade of blue.
    • Death Resistance: This grants Resistance to Necrotic and Poison damage and immunity to natural disease and poison. Their skin is some shade of green.
    • Fury Resistance: This grants Resistance to Wrath damage and +Advantage on saves against Fury effects. Their skin is some shade of yellow.
    • Strange Resistance: This grants Resistance to Dream and Twisting damage and +Advantage on saves against Strange effects. Their skin is some shade of grey.
  • Lascivian Caress: As an Attack Action, a lascivian can make a proficient Agile Melee Weapon attack with their bare hand. If it hits, the attack deals 1d6 + Level Void damage and heals the lascivian the same amount of Health. This ability recharges after a short or long rest.
  • Deep Mistrust: Due to their association with the Demon Queen and the Dark Empire, lascivians are deeply mistrusted. They have -Advantage on all social rolls with non-lascivians, except for intimidation checks, which they have +Advantage with.

More at Lascivian.


Society: Ophidians are typically an insular, xenophobic people. Most ophidians live in a brutally strict caste society, which forms a kingdom called Shothaz, beneath the northern mountains of Malocia.

Appearance: Ophidians stand between 1.5m and 1.8m in height. They have hard, scaly hide in shades of red, yellow, and orange. They have no hair. Their eyes are solid black, yellow, or red. There feral qualities are snake-like, such as their hard, scaly skin, snake-like heads, and a snake tail in place of legs.

Biology: Ophidians are born from monoliths carved by their parents in reproductive rituals. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They do not need to eat drink water or breathe air.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Stone-Blessed: Stone-blessed creatures have rocky exoskeletons, acting as natural armor. However, they move and heal more slowly than other races. This trait includes:
    • Natural inertia bestows significant strength, +1 Might.
    • Stone skin counts as wearing heavy armor, even when not wearing armor.
    • Slow movement, all Speed scores have a -1m penalty.
    • They do not need to eat food, drink water, or breathe air.
    • They have 0.5x the normal amount of Health Reserve.
    • They weigh 4x other nor races and suffer 0.5x effect from forced movement.
  • Serpentine Form: Ophidians have a body with snake-like features, granting the following abilities.
    • Ophidians have a dangerous bite. As an Attack Action, they can make a proficient melee Mighty Weapon Attack with their mouths. This attack deals 1d4 + Might physical damage and causes Poison with a proficient Might Effect. This Poison lasts 1 hour and causes 1 Fatigue per minute.
    • Ophidians have tongues that grant a powerful sense of smell. They are considered Expert with perception checks involving smell.
    • Ophidians jaws can easily unhinge, allowing them to swallow objects as large as one size category smaller than they are.
    • Instead of legs, ophidians have a 2m long snake tail. This gives them Expert skill with climbing checks, and they count as one Size category larger for Grapple checks.
  • Blood Kingdoms: Ophidians inheritance of serpentine appetite bent their societies onto dark paths filled with tyrants and slaves. Being raised in these societies bestows Expert skill with intimidation.
  • Appetite: Unlike most stone-blessed mortals, ophidians have a ravenous appetite for flesh. They must eat burden equal to their Vigor each month to avoid Fatigue. They can consume up to a burden of meat equal to their Might. Each burden of meat consumed restores Health equal to the ophidian's Proficiency.

More at Ophidian.


Society: Most Ranar are enslaved by the Groll in Viridia. Some free Ranar live on one of the smaller isles of the Mercatia archipelago, called Addlebury. These free Ranar live in an egalitarian and subsistent society.

Appearance: Ranar stand between 1.5m and 1.8m in height. They have slick, soft skin in bright primary colors, most commonly green. They have no hair and their eyes are yellow or black.

Biology: Ranar reproduce asexually, by releasing tadpoles into shallow water. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They do not need to eat food or breathe air but have an increased dependency on water.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Water-Blessed: Water-blessed creatures have shifting forms. They can breathe water and move through water with ease. This trait includes:
    • Supple bodies are nimble, granting +1 Agility.
    • They are at home in water. Gain the Aquatic Feat.
    • They do not need to eat food or breath air but must drink 4x normal water to avoid Exhaustion.
    • Water is cosmologically connected to the Integral domain of Life, granting Advantage on Wound checks.
  • Ranine Form: Ranar have frog-like bodies, granting the following abilities.
    • Ranar have a dangerous bite. As an Attack Action, they can make a proficient Mighty Attack for 1d4 + Might damage.
    • Ranar have supple bodies. They are considered having the Contortion Feat and are considered Small when Squeezing.
    • Ranar have sticky hands and feet. While uncovered, they are considered having the Natural Climber Feat.
    • Ranar legs can leap extraordinarily high and far. They can spend 6 Movement to leap as though their Size were Large and had a running start.
  • Tragedy Resistance: Ranar societies live more difficult lives than most races. Even free Ranar face common tragedies, such as losing children to disease and predators. Their tragic existence gives them +Advantage on Resolve saves against sorrow, hopelessness, fear, and similar effects.
  • Water Stealth: While submerged in water, Ranar skin subtly changes in color and they become harder to see. This grants +Advantage on stealth checks while under water.

More at Ranar.


Society: Rook are very rare, living in tiny enclaves in difficult to reach elevations of mountains across Acrolon. This collection of tiny enclaves is collective known as The Unscaled Summit. Their society is heavily influenced by values of curiosity and knowledge. Some individuals act as spies within other cultures and return that information to rook societies to be bartered.

Appearance: Rook stand between 1.5m and 1.8m in height. They have coat of shiny black feathers and solid black eyes. There is a constant, subtle inky mist that seems to emanate from under their feathers.

Biology: Rook are born from eggs that hatch after 1 month. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They do not need to eat food or drink water, but they depend heavily on breathing air.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Wind-Blessed: Wind-blessed creatures are light, fragile, and depend heavily on air. This trait includes:
    • They are naturally nimble, gaining +1 Agility.
    • They weigh 0.5x normal and they suffer 2x normal forced movement effects.
    • They do not need to eat food or drink water.
    • If they are deprived of air to breath, they suffer 1d6 Minor Fatigue per turn until access to air is restored.
    • Their bodies are fragile, suffering Disadvantage on Wound checks and counting as Small Size for the purposes of calculating Health and Burden.
  • Corvine Form: Rook have raven-like bodies which grant the following abilities.
    • Rook have natural weapons in the form of their beak. As an Attack Action, they can make a proficient Might Weapon Attack for 1d6 + Might piercing damage.
    • Rook have feathered wings extending from their arms. While their hands are free they benefit from the Natural Flyer Feat.
  • Curious Intellect: Rook are obsessively curious. It is very difficult for them resist a mystery, such as a riddle or puzzle. Anytime they are faced with a mystery they can make a Wits check Target 15. For each Margin they achieve they can ask one of the following questions:
    • Margin 0: Do I currently have enough information to solve this mystery?
    • Margin 1: What is my best lead to get more information about this mystery?
    • Margin 2: What is the answer to this mystery?
  • Sleight of Shadow: The inky mist that surrounds rook makes it very easy for them to conceal items on their person. They are considered Expert at concealment and sleight of hand when it comes to items in their possession.

More at Rook.


Society: It is unknown how common the skinwalkers are, because they hide among the other races. Largely mistrusted by other races, they find it safest to live in secret, forsaking a culture and society of their own for that of their host culture and society.

Appearance: Skinwalkers have no known natural appearance. They instead appear as other humanoid creatures, taking on the appearance of their host race.

Biology: Skinwalkers are born from the parthenogenic budding of a single parent. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They do not need to eat food or breathe air but have an increased dependency on water.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Water-Blessed: Water-blessed creatures have shifting forms. They can breathe water and move through water with ease. This trait includes:
    • Supple bodies are nimble, granting +1 Agility.
    • They are at home in water. Gain the Aquatic Feat.
    • They do not need to eat food or breath air but must drink 4x normal water to avoid Exhaustion.
    • Water is cosmologically connected to the Integral domain of Life, granting Advantage on Wound checks.
  • Expert Liars: The only shared cultural trait of skinwalkers is their need to hide their true natures. They are Expert with deception checks.
  • Nimble Mind: Skinwalkers have adapted their sharp wits to avoid divulging secrets to a magical degree. Skinwalkers are immune to mind reading and spiritual aura reading. Attempts are not detected but are met with any facade the skinwalker desires.
  • Shifting Form: After a long rest, a skinwalker may change their appearance. In doing so, they can transform their height, weight, facial features, sound of voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. They can make themselves appear as a member of another race, though none of their Ability Scores change. Their new appearance must be Medium in Size and must be bipedal. They may optionally include natural weapons in their appearance, which deal 1d6 damage. They are proficient in their natural weapons and the weapons are considered magical and have a +1 enhancement bonus to Attack and Damage.

More at Skinwalker.


Society: Sylvans were once as populous as humans, until their homeland of Arborea was turned into the Godsalt Wastes during the Dark Age. Most sylvans now prefer living in small subsistence communities across the woodlands of Agria. Their largest civilization is the forest kingdom of Alderweald in northern Agria.

Appearance: Sylvans stand between 1.5m and 1.8m in height. Their skin is green and vine-like. Their hair is a thick mane of stems and leaves. Their eyes are yellow or golden brown.

Biology: Sylvans are born from special fertility groves where they are grown for 1 year. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They have a reduced need to eat food, drink water, and breathe air, but must slowly acclimate to new environments.


  • Nor Pragmatism: Nor are naturally pragmatic. They get +1 Wits.
  • Wood-Blessed: Wood-blessed creatures struggle to attune to their environment, but once attuned can gain significant advantages. This trait includes:
    • Skin of wood provides significant protection. Wood-blessed creatures are considered wearing Medium Armor, even when not wearing armor.
    • Greatly impacted by their environment, they gain -1 Might and -1 Agility in an unattuned environment. After one long rest, they may choose to begin attuning to the environment, losing the -1 Might and -1 Agility penalty. After three long rests, they gain +1 Might and +1 Agility for as long as they are attuned to their current environment. They can only be attuned to a single environment at a time. Environment types include (urban environments cannot be chosen for attunement):
      • Warm, dry, and dense (scrub)
      • Warm, dry, and sparse (desert)
      • Warm, wet, and dense (jungle, swamp)
      • Warm, wet, and sparse (bog, moor)
      • Cool, dry, and dense (alpine)
      • Cool, dry, and sparse (tundra)
      • Cool, wet, and dense (forest)
      • Cool, wet, and sparse (grassland, subterranean)
    • They must eat food, drink water, and breath air, but at 0.5x the normal rate. They also suffer half the normal amount of Fatigue from hunger, thirst, or asphyxiation.
    • They recover from Wounds at twice the normal rate and can even regrow lost limbs.
  • Flora Expert: Sylvans have a keen understanding of natural plants. They are considered Expert with skill checks involving plants.
  • Pathfinder: Sylvans can pass through dense foliage with ease. Their movement is unaffected by difficult terrain or obstacles caused by living vegetation. They also leave no trace when moving through living vegetation.
  • Rooted Stance: As an action, sylvans can expand their feet into a root system across the ground (or in the case of loose earth, into the ground). Until dismissed as a bonus action, the sylvan is rooted in place and is immune to forced movement effects.

More at Sylvan.


The azj are native to the mortal realm of Kasyat. They are typically 1.2m - 1.5m in height. They are stereotypically stoic and stubborn. Azj are rare in other mortal realms due to the unusual history of Kasyat after The Shattering.


Society: Most Behest live in an isolated collection of closely related city-states collectively called Third Heaven. It is a scholarly society ruled by philosopher kings and queens, all Heralds of Pattern. The Behest value creativity and knowledge above all other things but manage to keep a highly egalitarian society otherwise.

Appearance: Behest stand between 1.2m and 1.5m in height. Their skin is medium to dark brown. Their hair is golden or sandy blonde. Their eyes are pale blue or green.

Biology: Behest are born from mothers after 1 year of gestation. They mature in 20 years and live for another 100 years before dying. They must eat food, drink water, and breathe air.


Template:Apparatus Trait AzjStoicism

  • Marrow-Blessed: Marrow-blessed creatures are adaptable, with bodies that change to suit the environment. This trait includes:
    • Adaptable to different purposes, they get a choice of +1 Might or +1 Agility. After a long rest, this choice can be changed.
    • While nourished, they treat all Fatigue as light and recover from Exhaustion at 2x the normal rate.
    • They need to eat food, drink water, and breathe air.
    • They have 2x the normal amount of Health Reserve.
  • Adept Healers: Behest intellectual curiosity and marrow nature have combined to create innate healing ability. Behest start with the Healer 1 Feat for free, and can heal individuals for a total of 10 * Proficiency per day, instead of 5 * Proficiency per day.
  • Extensive Education: Behest culture prioritizes knowledge and learning, granting 2 additional Feat points that can be spent on feats representing scholastic or artistic training.
  • Beast Ken: Behest have an intuitive connection to animals, allowing them to use speak with animals without components or energy, once per long rest.

More at Behest.


Society: Most Bullers live in a capitalist dystopia called Goldengard, ruled by oligarchs. There are pockets of opposition among the working class, but they have not made significant progress in centuries.

Appearance: Bullers stand between 1.2m and 1.5m in height. Their carapace is akin to a yellow-orange sandstone. They have no hair, and their eyes are solid white.

Biology: Bullers are born from monoliths carved by their parents in reproductive rituals. They mature in 20 years and live for another 100 years before dying. They do not need to eat food, drink water, or breathe air, but they heal more slowly than other races.


Template:Apparatus Trait AzjStoicism

  • Stone-Blessed: Stone-blessed creatures have rocky exoskeletons, acting as natural armor. However, they move and heal more slowly than other races. This trait includes:
    • Natural inertia bestows significant strength, +1 Might.
    • Stone skin counts as wearing heavy armor, even when not wearing armor.
    • Slow movement, all Speed scores have a -1m penalty.
    • They do not need to eat food, drink water, or breathe air.
    • They have 0.5x the normal amount of Health Reserve.
    • They weigh 4x other nor races and suffer 0.5x effect from forced movement.
  • Tireless Stone: Bullers have nearly tireless bodies. They consider all Fatigue as light fatigue, and require 15 Fatigue to accrue a level of exhaustion, instead of 10.
  • Stubborn Negotiators: Whether oligarchs negotiating for contracts or workers negotiating for fair wages, Bullers are formidable negotiators. They are considered Expert with bargaining checks.
  • Stone Ken: Bullers have an intuitive connection with earth and stone. Once per long rest they can use speak with stone without energy or components.

More at Buller.


Society: Most Misshapen live in the matriarchal society of Hoarfell, in the snowy alpines of western Kasyat. This eccentric culture is known for its unusual traditions and customs. While not xenophobic, the culture's eccentricities are often off-putting to other races. Their neighbors constantly worry about the violent past of the Misshapen.

Appearance: Misshapen stand between 1.2m and 1.5m in height. Their skin is mottled shades of blue. Their hair is black in youth, but fades to grey and white in old age. Their eyes are shades of blue.

Biology: Misshapen are born from the parthenogenic budding of a single parent. They mature in 20 years and live for another 50 years before dying. They do not need to eat food or breathe air but have an increased dependency on water.


Template:Apparatus Trait AzjStoicism

  • Water-Blessed: Water-blessed creatures have shifting forms. They can breathe water and move through water with ease. This trait includes:
    • Supple bodies are nimble, granting +1 Agility.
    • They are at home in water. Gain the Aquatic Feat.
    • They do not need to eat food or breath air but must drink 4x normal water to avoid Exhaustion.
    • Water is cosmologically connected to the Integral domain of Life, granting Advantage on Wound checks.
  • Detachable Limbs: The water-blessed nature of Misshapen bodies allows them to detach and reattach their head and limbs. As an action a Misshapen can remove one of their limbs or their head. Once detached, the tissue around the separation heals immediately; there is no bleeding. These detached body parts still function as if they were attached. Heads are detached at the neck, arms can be detached at the forearm or upper arm, and legs can be detached above or below the knee. A limb can be reattached as an action, or it can be abandoned, reducing the current Life of the Misshapen by 20% of their maximum Life as a Deep Wound. As that Deep Wound is healed, the limb grows back. Heads cannot be abandoned.
  • Sense Presence: Misshapen culture is steeped in complex and deeply held beliefs about personal space. This has resulted in their ability to detect when creatures enter or leave the area 10' around them.
  • Water ken: Misshapen have an intuitive connection to water. Once per long rest they can use the speak with water spell ability without components or energy.

More at Misshapen.


Society: Most Jangle live in the resource-poor nation of Chavir. They value physical ability above most other virtues and would be a formidable force if they weren't constantly fighting amongst themselves for food and water.

Appearance: Jangle stand between 1.2m and 1.5m in height. Their skin is pale beige wood with many green patches of leaves, like hair. Their eyes are shades green, yellow, orange, and red.

Biology: Jangle are born from special fertility groves where they are grown for 1 year. They mature in 20 years and live for another 100 years before dying. They have a reduced need to eat food, drink water, and breathe air, but must slowly acclimate to new environments.


Template:Apparatus Trait AzjStoicism

  • Wood-Blessed: Wood-blessed creatures struggle to attune to their environment, but once attuned can gain significant advantages. This trait includes:
    • Skin of wood provides significant protection. Wood-blessed creatures are considered wearing Medium Armor, even when not wearing armor.
    • Greatly impacted by their environment, they gain -1 Might and -1 Agility in an unattuned environment. After one long rest, they may choose to begin attuning to the environment, losing the -1 Might and -1 Agility penalty. After three long rests, they gain +1 Might and +1 Agility for as long as they are attuned to their current environment. They can only be attuned to a single environment at a time. Environment types include (urban environments cannot be chosen for attunement):
      • Warm, dry, and dense (scrub)
      • Warm, dry, and sparse (desert)
      • Warm, wet, and dense (jungle, swamp)
      • Warm, wet, and sparse (bog, moor)
      • Cool, dry, and dense (alpine)
      • Cool, dry, and sparse (tundra)
      • Cool, wet, and dense (forest)
      • Cool, wet, and sparse (grassland, subterranean)
    • They must eat food, drink water, and breath air, but at 0.5x the normal rate. They also suffer half the normal amount of Fatigue from hunger, thirst, or asphyxiation.
    • They recover from Wounds at twice the normal rate and can even regrow lost limbs.
  • Plant Ken: Jangle have an intuitive connection with plants. Once per long rest they can cast speak with plants without using components or energy.
  • Resourceful Scroungers: Jangle culture is steeped in subsistence hunting and gathering in environments where resources are not plentiful. They are Skilled with wildcraft checks to survive off the environment.
  • Tireless: Physical prowess and persistent survival has given Jangle incredible endurance. They are Resistant to Fatigue damage and are Expert with endurance checks.

More at Jangle.


Society: Most Wanderkin live in the society of Tanhayi. Most other Azj cultures resent Wanderkin for allying with Tonwei during the Great Astral War, though they are trying in earnest to heal those wounds. Tanhayi focuses on self-reliance but is extremely devout to the Muhim. The society also has a major problem with organized crime.

Appearance: Wanderkin stand between 1.2m and 1.5m in height. Their skin is medium grey, like rainclouds. Their hair is dark grey or black. Their eyes are shades of blue.

Biology: Wanderkin are born from eggs that hatch after 1 month. They mature in 20 years and live for another 100 years before dying. They do not need to eat food or drink water, but they depend heavily on breathing air.


Template:Apparatus Trait AzjStoicism

  • Wind-Blessed: Wind-blessed creatures are light, fragile, and depend heavily on air. This trait includes:
    • They are naturally nimble, gaining +1 Agility.
    • They weigh 0.5x normal and they suffer 2x normal forced movement effects.
    • They do not need to eat food or drink water.
    • If they are deprived of air to breath, they suffer 1d6 Minor Fatigue per turn until access to air is restored.
    • Their bodies are fragile, suffering Disadvantage on Wound checks and counting as Small Size for the purposes of calculating Health and Burden.
  • Wind Ken: Wanderkin have an intuitive connection to the wind. Once per long rest they can use clairvoyance, so long as the place they observe is connected to them by open air.
  • Become Wind: Wanderkin have the ability to become insubstantial. Once per long rest they can use gaseous form without using components or energy.
  • Religious Study: Religious studies are compulsory in Wanderkin culture. They are considered Skilled with religious history and lore checks about Integral Gods.

More at Wanderkin.






Template:Apparatus Trait AzjStoicism

  • Water-Blessed: Water-blessed creatures have shifting forms. They can breathe water and move through water with ease. This trait includes:
    • Supple bodies are nimble, granting +1 Agility.
    • They are at home in water. Gain the Aquatic Feat.
    • They do not need to eat food or breath air but must drink 4x normal water to avoid Exhaustion.
    • Water is cosmologically connected to the Integral domain of Life, granting Advantage on Wound checks.

More at Ratling.






More at Gorzu.






More at Okabu.






More at Pazjeran.






More at Quzju.


The fey are unaging natives of Pelithos. They are typically 1.8m - 2.1m in height. They are stereotypically cautious and traditional.

  • Alseid Marrow fey.
  • Dryad Wood fey.
  • Grigora Wind fey.
  • Oread Stone fey.
  • Nereid Water fey.
  • Harpy Feral grigora with a buteonine (hawk-like) appearance.
  • Kampoi Feral nereid with a lamnidine (shark-like) appearance.
  • Mandragora Feral dryad with a pardine (leopard-like) appearance.
  • Minotaur Feral oread with a bovine (bull-like) appearance.
  • Satyr Feral alseid with a caprine (goat-like) appearance.
  • Cherseid Mortal offshoot of alseid.
  • Drouon Nyxian offshoot of alseid.
  • Dendric Somnian offshoot of dryad.
  • Erebeid Nyxian offshoot of grigora.
  • Moonstone Nyxian offshoot of oread.
  • Nightshade Nyxian offshoot of dryad.
  • Lithic Somnian offshoot of oread.
  • Vashar Void-touched offshoot of alseid.


The ruk are mortals native to the realm Tonwei Unchained. They are the tallest mortal races, standing between 2.1m and 2.4m in height. They are stereotypically courageous and brash.


Arcadians are fey races that migrated across the Strange Sea during the Dark Age to avoid the corruptive influence of the Endless Night. The fey races changed over time, evolving into Strange creatures with a polar morality reflected in their appearance: The Bright Court and The Bleak Court.

Being creatures of the Strange, Arcadians do not age and do not die normal deaths. When they die, they simply fade away, back into the Strange Sea, only to emerge sometime later with their past life feeling like a half-remembered dream. Arcadians need to eat, drink, and breath, but their Strange nature renders their diets unusual by mortal standards. Arcadians do not need to sleep, but walk around in a permanent dream-like state, which gives them disadvantage on social skill checks with mortals outside of the realm of dreams.

Bright Court Races

Bleak Court Races



Template:Apparatus Table ClassesByRace