Herald of Autumn

From The Hidden Room


Autumn Heralds specifically have power over the Grand Design of Autumn. Autumn the governs following aspects of the Integrum:

  • Ecological: death, dying, and decay
  • Societal: funerary rites, the transmigration of souls out of The Integrum
  • Spiritual: singleness, solitude, separation


Herald of Autumn Advancement
Level XP Proficiency Base Health Feats Energy Focus Features
1 0 +1 8 2 4 1 Autumn Affinity 1
2 1000 +1 12 3 6 1
3 3000 +2 16 3 14 1 Autumn Affinity 2
4 6000 +2 20 4 17 2
5 10000 +3 24 4 27 2 Autumn Affinity 3
6 15000 +3 28 5 32 3
7 21000 +4 32 5 28 3 Autumn Affinity 4
8 28000 +4 36 6 44 4
9 36000 +5 40 6 57 4 Autumn Affinity 5
10 45000 +5 44 7 64 5
Heroic +10000 - +1 +1 +4 5


  • Health: 4
  • Save Proficiencies: +Resolve
  • General Spells: All Heralds learn these spells
    • Power 0: Protection: Gain brief resistance to harm.
    • Power 1: Warding: Fend off magical creatures and forces.
    • Power 2: Planar Chamber: Create a secure extra-dimensional space.
    • Power 3: Dispel: Break magical effects.
    • Power 4: Banish: Force creatures to their realm of origin, or harm them if they stay.
    • Power 5: True Seeing: See things exactly as they are.

Autumn Domain

  • Save Proficiency: +Might
  • Autumn Spells: Spells available to Autumn Heralds
    • Power 0:
      • Ice Shards: Grow sharp crystals of ice. Can be upgraded.
      • Ice Shield: Gain temporary resistance to harm. Can be upgraded.
      • Shape Winter: Sculpt ice, freeze water, and still winds. Can be upgraded.
      • Silence Summer: Extinguish fires. Can be upgraded.
      • Quiet Passions: Lull emotions, dull attention. Can be upgraded. (Bane of War, Calm Emotions)
      • Winter Strike: Inflict Cold damage and slow enemies. Can be upgraded. (Bolt, Spray, Grasp)
    • Power 1:
      • Conjure Ice: Summon objects made of ice from ambient cold. Can be upgraded. (Creation, Sphere)
      • Cure Mood: Remove mundane or magical afflictions of mood. Can be upgraded.
      • Freeze: Cause people to freeze in their tracks. Can be upgraded. (Command, Hold Person, Hold Monster)
      • Friction Control: Freeze items together or cause them to become slick as ice. Can be upgraded. (Adhesion, Grease)
      • Ice Armor: Cover your body in protective plates of ice. Can be upgraded.
      • Resist Cold and Fire: Take less damage from Cold and Fire sources. Can be upgraded.
      • Slow Fall: You do not take damage from falling. Can be upgraded.
      • Summon Geladar: Summon a Winter Servitor to perform tasks for you. Can be upgraded.
      • Winter Mist: Summon an area of chilly fog that obscures vision. Can be upgraded.
      • Winter Rebuke: Attackers who hit you are blasted with Cold damage and slowed. Can be upgraded.
    • Power 2:
      • Ice Blade: Summon a blade of razor-sharp crystal ice that deals Cutting and Cold damage. Can be upgraded.
      • Silence: Still the vibrations of sound in an area, creating a zone of silence. Can be upgraded.
      • Winter Breath: Briefly flood a nearby area with Cold damage and slow enemies. Can be upgraded.
    • Power 3:
      • Hibernate: Put someone into a frozen slumber. Can be upgraded. (Imprison)
      • Winter Blast: Briefly flood a distant area with freezing Cold damage and slow enemies. Can be upgraded. (Blast, Stroke, Barrage)
      • Winter Ward: Ward an area so that trespassers are blasted with Cold damage.
    • Power 4:
      • Control Winter: Summon or dismiss Winter storms within a very large area.
      • Winter Curse: Give someone a permanent, debilitating depression.
      • Winter Storm: Flood a large, distant area with freezing Cold damage and slow enemies. Can be upgraded.
    • Power 5:

Spellcasting 1

You gain the abilities to cast Herald spells. When you cast a spell, you can choose any spell specified by your Spellcasting feat. To cast a spell, you spend the amount of time specified in the Casting Time of the spell (usually 1 Standard Action) and spend an amount of Energy based on the Power of the effect. If you do not have enough Energy to pay for the desired Power level, you may pay some or all of the cost with Health at the rate of 5 Health for each 1 Energy needed.

As a ritual with a casting time of 1 hour, you may cast any spell you have access to. If you cast a spell in this way, you do not need to pay Energy to cast the spell.

You can use any Winter spell to counter or dispel a Summer or Fire damage effect.

Your base Spell Effect is equal to your Resolve.

You gain access to the Power 0 and Power 1 spells listed in the General section and the Winter Domain section.

Winter Affinity 1

You can passively sense Winter and Summer effects within 1 km. Effects include weather, Servitors, and magic. For Winter and Summer effects, you can sense the distance and direction of the effect. For Winter effects, you can also sense the type of effect (i.e., weather, Servitors, or magic) and the degree of the effect (i.e., the size and intensity of the weather, the number of Servitors, or the Power of the magic).

You are immune to mundane levels of cold and will not suffer from Fatigue when exposed to extreme cold.

Items in your inventory will never decay, rot, mold, or spoil through natural means.

Spellcasting 2

You gain access to the Power 2 spells listed in the General section and the Winter Domain section.

Winter Affinity 2

As an action, you can read the thoughts of people who are experiencing a Winter mood, such as depression, grief, or apathy. This effect lasts as long as you concentrate. You can only read the thoughts of one target at a time with this ability.

Spellcasting 3

You gain access to the Power 3 spells listed in the General section and the Winter Domain section.

Winter Affinity 3

You gain resistance to Cold damage.

As a ritual with a 10-minute casting time, you enter a trance that allows you to sense Winter weather anywhere in your current Mortal Realm. While in this trance, you can scry on any location that you can sense with this ability, gaining all senses of the location as if you were physically present. While in this trance, you are considered Incapacitated and unaware of your surroundings.

Spellcasting 4

You gain access to the Power 4 spells listed in the General section and the Winter Domain section.

Winter Affinity 4

As a ritual with a 10-minute casting time, you are able to commune with the Grand Design of Winter. You may ask five questions, which Winter will attempt to answer as accurately as possible. The answers will only be communicated in single-word responses. Once used, this ability recharges after a Long Rest.

Spellcasting 5

You gain access to the Power 5 spells listed in the General section and the Winter Domain section.

Winter Affinity 5

You gain immunity to Cold damage.