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From The Hidden Room
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As one condition, you can remove all Wind, or 10 Fatigue, Heat, Cold, Hunger and/or Thirst (forms of Fatigue). Thirst and Hunger can only be cured if the subject has had at least a half ration of food and drink.  Other forms of Fatigue (mostly magical Drains and the like) may be affected, usually at a less than 1-to-1 rate, and possibly requiring a minimum Power.
As one condition, you can remove all Wind, or 10 Fatigue, Heat, Cold, Hunger and/or Thirst (forms of Fatigue). Thirst and Hunger can only be cured if the subject has had at least a half ration of food and drink.  Other forms of Fatigue (mostly magical Drains and the like) may be affected, usually at a less than 1-to-1 rate, and possibly requiring a minimum Power.

(Power 3, instant, 1 "living" creature, touch, 300 gp of ritual materials)
You restore life to a creature that has died within the last minute whose soul is at liberty.  They have 0 hp and retain any Wounds and Life damage.  It can't restore those dead of old age and does not return missing body parts.

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- animal growth (acks)
- animal growth (acks)
- gills (breathe water)

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(Power 2+, 1 bonus, self, conc (10 min))
(Power 2+, 1 bonus, self, conc (10 min))
Conjure a blade of flame or shadow, dealing (Power / 2)d6 flame or frost.  The blade can be wielded as forceful, finesse, or using your casting stat.  It can be thrown (20 / 60).  As a bonus action, you can call it back to hand, or change between forms.  Flame sheds torch-light; shadow absorbs light, creating a 10' radius area of dimmer light.
Conjure a blade of flame or shadow, dealing (Power / 2)d6 flame or frost.  The blade can be wielded as forceful, finesse, or using your casting stat.  It can be thrown (20 / 60).  As a bonus action, you can call it back to hand, or change between forms.  Flame sheds torch-light; shadow absorbs light, creating a 10' radius area of dimmer light.

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Saps the target(s) will and agency of up to (Power-1) living humanoids or mundane animals w/in 30' of each other.  If they fail a Spirit save, they are Paralyzed.  If they succeed, they are Weakened (half damage, physically and magically).  At the end of each round, they may repeat the save, ending the effect on a success.
Saps the target(s) will and agency of up to (Power-1) living humanoids or mundane animals w/in 30' of each other.  If they fail a Spirit save, they are Paralyzed.  If they succeed, they are Weakened (half damage, physically and magically).  At the end of each round, they may repeat the save, ending the effect on a success.
+3 Power: affect any kind of living creature (monstrous, aberrant, demonic, etc).
+3 Power: affect any kind of living creature (monstrous, aberrant, demonic, etc).

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(Power 3, instant, 1 "living" creature, touch, 300 gp of ritual materials)
You restore life to a creature that has died within the last minute whose soul is at liberty.  They have 0 hp and retain any Wounds and Life damage.  It can't restore those dead of old age and does not return missing body parts.

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You can grant and revoke passage through the sphere.  If you leave it, the spell ends.
You can grant and revoke passage through the sphere.  If you leave it, the spell ends.

Life Transference
(Power 3+, 1 action, self, conc (1 min)
Upon casting, and each turn as an action, you may choose 1:
Make an unarmed melee attack to touch a living creature and deal health damage, up to (Power)d6, healing half this amount.  If your touch kills the creature, you can heal Life.
You can wither mundane plant-life with your touch, but its vitality is not strong enough to heal you.
You may choose to transfer a disease, poison, or other non-innate biological malady (but not wounds) from the target to yourself.  Carry any save successes or failures in the malady's progression over to yourself.
Touch a living creature and choose how many dice of damage to take, up to (Power)d6, and healing them that amount.  You may choose to take some of the dice to Life, and heal an equal amount of Life.
If you kill yourself this way, you can restore life to a subject who has been dead for up to a day (usual side-effects and Tampering With Mortality apply).
- create homoculus?
- horrid wilting (xan)
- clone
- simulacrum
- reincarnation

Revision as of 04:56, 7 May 2022

Red Age > Rules > Magic > Spells

  • spell min / max Powers (could even have "holes" in their Power range)
  • spells can gain "aspects", accessing different effects, elemental options, etc (Barrier could gain elements, Conjuration could gain types of beings summoned, Dispel Magic could gain Break Curse, etc)
  • spells can have effect and magnitude bonuses (attack/save and "damage")
  • spells of the same type can be fused, combining their aspects, bonuses, min/max, etc at a research cost (higher cost if you have to "make up" the difference in max Power between them)

Unified Spell List

Give the elemental wrath spells a Dispel effect? Like Fire can dispel ice/water, Frost can dispel Fire, etc.

Lesser Arcane Strike (Power 0, 1 action) A family of minor battle magic spells. Combine an Arcana (providing damage type, defense, and additional effects) and a Strike (providing range, damage die, area, and duration). On a successful save deal no damage and impose no conditions, unless otherwise noted. Conditions last until end of target's next turn. Arcana Radiance (fire damage, Dex save, target affected as if in Brilliant light) Poison / Necrotic / Vermin (health damage, Vigor save, poisoned) Projectile (crushing, slashing, or piercing damage, Defense, projectile (ice, crystal, etc) continues to exist while you concentrate (1 min), then fades after 1 round)

Strike Bolt / Ray (60' range, 1 target, d6, instant) Lash (30', 1 target, d8, instant) Orb (30', 1 target, d6, d2 splash in 5', instant) Spray (two 5' spaces adjacent to each other and you, d8, save for half, instant) Grasp / Weapon (touch or weapon, 1 target, d10, instant)

  • Arcane Strike

(Power 1+, instant, 1 action) Each is an independent spell, collected here for convenience. Arcane Wave (15' cone or 10' radius): each arcana is a separate spell. Thorn: Dex save or (Power+1)d4 piercing damage and grappled. Half damage and no condition on save. The area is +1x difficult terrain for 10 minutes, after which the thorns wither to dust. Cloud of Shards (60' range, (Power) contiguous 5' cubes): targets that enter or begin a turn in the cloud take 2d4 slashing damage, Dex save for half. The cloud's space is +2x difficult terrain. Wrack (60' range): a living target is agonized, taking (Power+1)d6 health damage and is Blind, Deaf, and Dazed (unreactive, no bonus action, slowed) until end of next turn. Spirit save for half and only unreactive.

???Elemental Barrier (all the walls: iron, stone, ice, fire, etc)

Elemental Blast (Power 3+, 1 action, 150' range, 20' radius sphere, instant) Launch a bolt of elemental power that explodes, dealing (Power)d6 damage (save for half). Fire: Dex save. Deals (Power)d6+(Power) fire damage. Thunder: Vigor save. Deals thunder damage. Creatures that fail their save are deafened (end of next turn), pushed 10' and must save again or fall prone. Mana: Spirit save. Deals spirit damage (no effect on inanimate objects). Frost: Dex save. Deals frost damage and leaves the radius choked with snow and ice, making it difficult terrain until it melts. Slime: Dex save. Deals acid damage, leaving a slick within the radius. The slick deals damage to those who enter it before end of next turn, after which its acid denatures, but the slick remains for 10 minutes. Those moving more than half speed over it must Dex save or fall. Venom: Vigor save. A contact poison that deals health damage. Creatures that fail their save are Poisoned until end of next turn. Delay (+1 Power): the bolt turns into a glowing marble for as long as you concentrate (10 min). When you cease concentrating, or the marble is handled roughly (Dex check if being careful) by someone other than the caster, it explodes as normal. Each turn it remains unexploded, its damage increases by +1d, up to an extra (Power)d.

Elemental Stroke (Power 3+, 1 action, 100' line, instant) Fires a torrent of elemental power, striking everything along its path, dealing (Power x 2)d6 (save for half). Lightning Bolt: Dex save. Deals fire damage and those who fail their save are Unreactive until end of next turn. Reflects off of solid stone surfaces; disperses into water, dealing damage in a 20' radius to those touching it. Incandescent Beam: Dex save. Deals fire damage and blinds those that fail their save until end of next turn. Arctic Gale: Dex save. Deals frost damage and targets must Vigor save or be pushed 5' and knocked prone. Mana: Spirit save. Deals spirit damage (no effect on inanimate objects). Delay (+1 Power): the torrent is contained as a glowing thread that floats in air for as long as you concentrate (10 min). You can draw the thread through the air, up to the spell's normal length. When you cease concentrating, or the thread is handled roughly (Dex check if being careful) by someone other than the caster, power lashes along it as normal. Each turn it remains contained, its damage increases by +1d, up to an extra (Power)d.

Elemental Barrage (Power 3+, 1 action, self, conc (10 min)) A halo of (Power x 2) elemental orbs circles your head. On casting and as a bonus action while the spell lasts, you can launch 1 or 2 orbs up to 120' at individual targets. They explode, dealing 1d6 damage within 5' radius, save for half. Fire: Dex save. Each orb deals an extra +1 fire damage. Frost: Dex save. Deals frost damage and the radius is choked with snow and ice, making it difficult terrain until it melts. Thunder: Vigor save. Deals crushing damage and creatures that fail their save are deafened (end of next turn) and fall prone. Slime: Dex save. Deals acid damage, leaving a slick within the radius. The slick deals 1d6 damage to those who enter it before end of next turn, after which its acid denatures, but the slick remains for 10 minutes. Those moving more than half speed over it must Dex save or fall. Mana: Spirit save. Deals spirit damage (no effect on inanimate objects). Venom: Vigor save. A contact poison that deals health damage. Creatures that fail their save are Poisoned until end of next turn.

Elemental Breath (Power 2, 1 bonus, touch, conc (1 min), 1 willing creature) As an action, the subject can emit a blast of elemental power (15' cone or 10' radius) of a type chosen when this spell is cast. Thunder: Vigor save or take (Power)d4 crushing damage and a Force attack to push them away. Half damage and +D to Force on save. Fire: Dex save or take (Power+1)d6 fire damage. Half damage on save. Lightning: Dex save or (Power)d6 fire damage and unreactive until end of next turn. +D if in metal armor or water. Half damage and no condition on save. Slime: Dex save or (Power)d6 acid damage and poisoned until end of next turn. Half damage and no condition on save. Thorn: Dex save or (Power)d4 piercing damage and grappled. Half damage and no condition on save. The area is +1x difficult terrain for 10 minutes, after which the thorns wither to dust.

  • Enchantment of Striding and Springing

(Power 1, conc (10 min), 1 bonus, touch) The subject can Dash as a bonus action (this doesn't count against their Dash limit before fatigue in a chase), gains 3x jumping distance, and +A on checks to run and jump.

Haste (Power 3, 1 action, 120', conc (1 min)) Choose 1: (30' range) A willing creature gains 2x Speed, +2 defense, +A on Dex saves, and an extra action each turn. This action can't be used to multi-attack and the subject is still prevented from more than 1 spell casting / magic item activation and 1 cantrip casting per turn. When the spell ends, the subject is Stunned until the end of their next turn, overcome by lethargy. Time runs at double speed within a 10' diameter sphere. On casting, the volume can be halved repeatedly, each time doubling the rate of flow. Only inanimate objects and forces are affected, and only if the majority of them is within the sphere. Fast time does not increase the energy of forces, just their rate of progress (a falling stone does not hit harder, a flame consuming fuel twice as fast is no hotter). Dispel (as Dispel Magic) a hindering or slowing effect.

- bear's strength - cat's grace / safe-fall - bull's endurance - surge of might

Control Weather

  • Fog Cloud

(Power 1+, conc (1 hour), 1 action, 120' range) Up to a (Power x 20') radius volume is filled with mist (your choice of thin or thick). It can be dispersed by moderate winds (10 mph). As an action, you can shift the cloud it 30' or expand / contract / reshape it.

- call lightning

  • Fortunes of War

(Power 1+, conc (1 min), 1 action, range 30') Choose 1: Power+2 creatures receive +1d4 to their attacks and saves. Power+2 creatures Spirit save or suffer -1d4 to their attacks and saves.

  • Heroism

(Power 1+, conc (1 min), 1 action, (Power) creatures, touch) The target(s) are immune to fear and gain (level / 2) tHP at the start of their turns.

  • Hunter's Mark

(Power 1+, conc (1 hour), 1 bonus, 90' range) You place a visible arcane tracker on a creature, object, or location. You have +A to spot, track, or find your way to the tracker. If you attack a marked creature, you deal +1d6 damage. +2 Power: conc (8 hours) +4 Power: conc (24 hours)

  • Restoration

(Power 1+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch) Remove (Power-1) temporary physical conditions, such as deafened, paralyzed, blinded. At Power 1 or counting as one condition, you can remove 10 Wind, Heat, Cold, Hunger and/or Thirst (forms of Fatigue) Thirst and Hunger can only be cured if the subject has had at least a half ration of food and drink. Other forms of Fatigue (mostly magical Drains and the like) may be affected, usually at a less than 1-to-1 rate.

Cure Condition (Power 2+, instant, 1 action, 1 living creature, touch) Remove (Power-1) temporary physical conditions, such as deafened, paralyzed, blinded. As one condition, you can remove all Wind, or 10 Fatigue, Heat, Cold, Hunger and/or Thirst (forms of Fatigue). Thirst and Hunger can only be cured if the subject has had at least a half ration of food and drink. Other forms of Fatigue (mostly magical Drains and the like) may be affected, usually at a less than 1-to-1 rate, and possibly requiring a minimum Power.

Revivify (Power 3, instant, 1 "living" creature, touch, 300 gp of ritual materials) You restore life to a creature that has died within the last minute whose soul is at liberty. They have 0 hp and retain any Wounds and Life damage. It can't restore those dead of old age and does not return missing body parts.

Alter Self (Power 2, 1 action, self, conc (1 hour)) While the spell lasts, you can manifest 1 physical transformation, swapping between them as an action. Adaptation Aquatic: you gain gills, webbed fingers, fins, etc. You can breath underwater and swim at your Speed. Arboreal: you gain Expertise with climbing, with long arms, a tail, etc. Gliding: you gain clumsy wings or flaps between wrists and ankles. You have a 2:1 glide ratio. Dashing: you gain +10' to ground movement, and +10' to horizontal jumping distance. Camouflage: grow fur, scales, etc to blend with a specific environment, becoming Skilled with Stealth while hiding there. Appearance You alter your appearance, voice, and scent within the broad range of a Medium biped. To perfectly duplicate a specific person, you must have an arcane connection to them, which is consumed when you take their form (you can resume their form any time during the duration of the spell). Natural Weapon Your unarmed melee attacks deal 1d6 with claws, fangs, spines, horns, etc. You suffer no penalty when fighting an armed enemy, and your attacks can be Short or Long range. Treat your weapons as magic, with +1 attack and damage.

Gaseous Form (self) Polymorph Self (5e, acks) - shapechange?

Enlarge / Reduce (Power 2, 1 action, 30', conc (1 min), one creature or object) Choose 1: Enlarge: subject increases one Size (~2x dimensions and ~8x weight). It has +A to Feats of Strength and +1d4 damage to forceful attacks. Growth halts early if there is not room for full size. Reduce: subject reduces one Size. It has +D to Feats of Strength and -1d4 damage to forceful attacks (min 1). The usual effects of Size apply to forced movement, grappling, ranged attacks, etc. The possessions of a targeted creature change with them. Dropped items return to normal size. Unwilling targets (or objects held by them) get a Vigor save to resist.

- animal growth (acks) - gills (breathe water)

Astral Mask (Power 2+, 1 action, touch, 24 hours, 1 willing creature, object, or location up to 5' radius) Apply either or both: False Logos: hide an existing magical aura from detection, or present a fake aura (making something non-magic appear magic, or altering the apparent nature of existing magic). You can determine the details of the false aura (what it appears to do, etc). An examiner must Wits save to see through your deception. Divination Mask: you alter how the subject detects to magical examination (making a demon not register as a demon, making someone with malicious intent appear kindly to mind-reading, etc). You can give someone the "magical signature" of a specific person (allowing them to walk through a ward or alarm keyed to ignore them), but you must have an arcane connection to that person, which is consumed in casting. If the same mask is cast on the same object or location for 30 days in a row, the duration becomes indefinite. +1 Power, 25 gp ritual materials: the subject can't be targeted by divinations or perceived through scrying at all. It's as if they don't exist.

mask can be made to detect if you are scryed upon

Empower Armament (Power 2+, bonus, touch, conc (1 hour)) You imbue a weapon, armor, or shield with power. It is treated as magical and has bonus of +(Power / 2, rounding down), to attack and damage (for weapons), or defense (armor and shields). It also resist degradation and breakage like a comparable magic item.

Blade of Flame and Shadow (Power 2+, 1 bonus, self, conc (10 min)) Conjure a blade of flame or shadow, dealing (Power / 2)d6 flame or frost. The blade can be wielded as forceful, finesse, or using your casting stat. It can be thrown (20 / 60). As a bonus action, you can call it back to hand, or change between forms. Flame sheds torch-light; shadow absorbs light, creating a 10' radius area of dimmer light.

Hold Person (Power 2+, 1 action, 60', conc (1 min)) Saps the target(s) will and agency of up to (Power-1) living humanoids or mundane animals w/in 30' of each other. If they fail a Spirit save, they are Paralyzed. If they succeed, they are Weakened (half damage, physically and magically). At the end of each round, they may repeat the save, ending the effect on a success. +3 Power: affect any kind of living creature (monstrous, aberrant, demonic, etc).

Endless Breath (Power 3+, 1 action, up to (Power x 3) willing creatures within 30', or Self and affecting all creatures within 10' radius, 24 hours) The subjects do not need to breathe. Water, lack of air, etc still hinder speech.

Speak with Plants (Power 3, 10 min, 1 action, self) You can communicate with plants within 30' of you. Normal plants have a decent memory of the last day, but only recall major events prior to that, and without much accuracy about the passage of time. You can ask plants to shift--clearing or creating difficult terrain, bending somewhat, directing their growth in certain directions, bending a limb--but their abilities are limited, and they cannot uproot or move quickly. Ordinary plants readily do as you ask; malign or monstrous plants do as they wish.

Speak with Spirits (Commune with Nature, Speak with Dead)

Speak with Dead (Power 3, 10 min, 1 minute, self) You grant speech to a corpse (which must at least include a skull / seat of consciousness and be no more than 10 days old) or a spirit present in the area. A corpse knows no more than it did in life, and can't form new memories, speculate on the future, etc. A spirit might. They are not compelled to be truthful, helpful, etc, though most won't be malicious unless inclined to it by personality, dislike of you, etc. You may be able to trick, cajole, or bargain with them, perhaps using burial or addressing unfinished business as leverage.

Orb of Shelter (Power 3, 1 minute, self, 10' radius, 12 hours) Projects a stationary 10' radius sphere of energy around you, half of which is usually projecting beneath the ground or through the floor beneath you. Within, the environment is a pleasant and dry, and the air is clear and fresh. The interior is illuminated or dimmed at your command. Looking out, the sphere is transparent, but is opaque from outside. Anything dealing less than 20 damage is excluded (use your Spirit save against effects if necessary), as well as non-damaging effects. Anything dealing more is absorbed, but the spell ends. You can grant and revoke passage through the sphere. If you leave it, the spell ends.

- wall of iron? (acks)

- storm of vengeance? - wrath of nature (xan) - meteor swarm

- polymorph other - baneful polymorph - polymorph other (acks)

- tree stride? / transport via plants (something for nature theurges?)

- commune w/ nature

Speak with Plants (Power 3, 10 min, 1 action, self) You can communicate with plants within 30' of you. Normal plants have a decent memory of the last day, but only recall major events prior to that, and without much accuracy about the passage of time. You can ask plants to shift--clearing or creating difficult terrain, bending somewhat, directing their growth in certain directions, bending a limb--but their abilities are limited, and they cannot uproot or move quickly. Ordinary plants readily do as you ask; malign or monstrous plants do as they wish.

Phantom Arsenal - blade barrier - "shield wall" (wall of iron?) - spiritual weapon - lesser arcane strike projectile - blade of flame and shadow - summon phantom warriors?

- harm / heal - greater restoration

- restore life and limb (acks)

- bestow curse? - hypnotic pattern

- flame arrows (xan)

- freedom of movement - reincarnate? - fire shield

- guards and wards

- shadow of moil? (xan)

- power words (pain (xan) , stun, blind, kill) - symbol?

- mind blank - strength of mind? (acks)

- cloud of daggers? - blade barrier

- anti-life shell? - hold monster - eyebite? - irresistible dance

- flesh to stone (acks)

- mighty fortress / temple of the gods (xan) - investiture of <element> (xan) - guardian of nature (xan)

merge raise dead, heal, regeneration, greater restoration into a single Restore Life and Limb spell? add Revivify real Resurrection is realm magic and costs a bunch; can burn extra stuff for bonuses on the tamper with mortality roll.

merge Cure Wounds and Lesser Restoration?

realm magic - demiplane - resurrection - clone - reincarnate - mighty fortress / temple of the gods (xan)